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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. NtvTxn


    My sleeve sister!! I was wondering where you've been!! I knew y'all had been traveling a little. I cannot believe I'm almost there. Actually, as of this morning, I'm only 1.5 lbs from my surgeon's goal. I guess that is what I should change my 'goal' to and then go from there, anything after that is icing on the cake....MY real goal was to wear a size 8 and I'm doing that!! Such vanity!! LOL You'll catch up very soon, but it's a way of life, not a race to the finish line! Enjoy the journey!! Keep me posted!!
  2. you look great, congrats!!!

  3. NtvTxn

    5 Months Post Op

    You look wonderful girl....congrats!
  4. NtvTxn

    18 months post op today!

    This is a great post for those of us who are just now reaching goal and have NOT had to deal with any weight gain. I was wondering how and if it would come back off easily. Thanks for the information and congrats on your success!!
  5. Love the picture Tiff!

  6. Ignore people like that. Either be flippant and say something like, I'll stop when I get in a size ** whatever your goal is, mine was an 8 (let me be honest, it was all about vanity for me, a healthy BMI was a plus, I had NO health issues!) - or you can say, when I get to a healthy BMI, which is under 25, that is when my doctor and I know I'm at a healthy weight and need to stop losing. Why do people think it is ok to say something like that? They didn't ever bother to tell us, hey, you're getting fat....you should stop gaining!!! My gosh!!!!
  7. Sweetie, eating like Kate Moss IS eating like a normal person I think!! It's wonderful, embrace it and enjoy the journey. I love eating less. The weirdest part is just eating ONE piece of my husband's home made pizza, it is soooo good. Use to, we'd split a pizza, now we have almost half left over!! I now pick the smallest piece so I know I'll have room to eat the wonderful whole wheat crust!!! I hope that I always feel this way, it is great being in control and not feeling the hunger I use to feel. I know my limits 98% of the time...pasta is a little iffy, so I am overly cautious with it! I enjoy every bite and don't mind stopping, THIS is my new normal!!! You just have to wrap your mind around it and secretly smile when someone says something about how little you ate....I'll say "We ate a late.....breakfast, lunch or whatever"
  8. What minerals do we not get from adult gummies? That is what I take, and the only thing they have me do differently is I take a liquid B12 Complete. I am with you, the chalky multi vit are horrible. I know my surgeon and his staff want his patients to find stuff that they like because they know that will make it more likely that we'll take them daily for the rest of our lives! Tell me what you know about the gummies!!
  9. NtvTxn

    Typical meals

    Lunch for me.....like Emerald that posted right below you....NO BREAD, there is NOTHING about bread that is good for you. I made several changes a few months before surgery that I've stuck with, LIFE changes and removing bread from my diet, ALMOST totally, is one of them. Bread, chips and cold Cereal, which was my 'afternoon' and before bed snack....I had cereal in the afternoon and before bed almost every single day. Doing these simple thing, enabled me to lose 23 lbs before surgery. Now I eat bread, I PICK at it, just a few nibbles, when we go out to eat, I.E. OutBack or Red Lobster or Olive Garden...and I specifically order it at the last two mentioned with out the garlic butter. At Red Lobster you can order theirs without the garlic butter and cheese...and get them hot out of the oven fresh every time, and they are WONDERFUL. Anyway, I'm off topic!! No bread at home except a half slice of toast once in a while with an egg....I eat Special K baked crackers with tuna salad. I love solid white with 2 TB of lite mayo. I eat half the can with 8 - 12 crackers. Love it!! Otherwise, I will steam some shrimp or eat leftovers from the night before. Protein, protein!!! Lunchmeat is good, a few oz with a little 2% cheese and some of the Special K crackers. Keeping a food log is fun for me and makes sure I keep up with the calories and protein I'm getting. I may be a little OCD, but I've always liked things like this. I wanted to make sure I was getting the protein I needed....I was paranoid about my hair, and I stopped with the supplements asap...and started getting all my protein with food. So far, no hair issues!
  10. I love, love JJill but haven't gone to Ann Taylor, I passed it in the mall the other day though, I need to check them out. I'm having so much fun shopping. I can see where people become clothes hogs!! I have changed bras sizes more than twice really, although I've only bought two different sizes, I could have gotten smaller ones sooner. I've gone from a 42 to a 36!!! Cup size has NOT changed, I was hoping it would go down a size!!!! Small and perky would be GREAT....I know, I'm dreaming. I'm not going to do any plastics, but if I did....that's what I would do....smaller and perky!!!
  11. NtvTxn

    My Mom is considering the sleeve...

    There is a very good chance that her medical problems will improve with surgery and this surgery, with a good physician, is safe. My PCP told me to find a doctor that has the "Center of Excellence" stamp of approval, which I did and someone I was comfortable with...which I did. Will her insurance cover the procedure? If so, they may insist that she find a Center of Excellence and have a list of doctors that fall into that catagory. Doctors ALWAYS have that on their page, so there is no question about it. There is always concern, but this would be a great tool to your mom's weight loss and in turn, her improved health over all. Congrats to YOU!!!!
  12. NtvTxn

    Oh the doubts!

    I love, love, love my sleeve. Granted, my BMI was low compared to some others, but I have more than a few friends that have had bypass surgery. All but one (and she has had it most recently) have had substanstial regain. I have a 32 bougie, 85% of my stomach was removed FOREVER. I know if I had not made changes BEFORE sugery....I.E. grazing mainly, I would not have been as successful as I've been as quickly, but I don't possibly see how I could have the regain that my bypass friends have. (COULD WE TIFF??) Anyway, that's my two cents worth!!! All doctors have their opinions and bypass is STILL considered the gold standard of WLS, but I think that will end. I personally think that as DRASTIC as DS is, it would be considered the gold standard, I don't EVER hear about those folks regaining, but then again, you don't really run across many people going to that extreme very often. I know of one, and it is a co-worker of a friend. Good luck....and don't give in, find another doctor if need be. Do what FEELS right to YOU.
  13. NtvTxn


    I am wearing a size 8 now, and I just recently tried on the one pair of size 40x32 pair of jeans that I kept!! They are HUGE, they swallow me!! I am so glad I kept a pair. I also kept a size 18 dress!! It is something to actually see the extreme progress, the extreme change!!!
  14. I am like Jolanda, it has been disgustingly easy for me....but I do weigh every single day! It does not make me want to drink less, i WANT to drink more. I have a hard time getting all my liquids in. I get in about 45 - 55 oz per day. Not what I should, but I have not dehydrated, PTL!!! Surgery was June 11th and I'm just a few lbs from my surgeon's goal. I want to lose about five lbs below that. I've had stalls, lose a couple lbs and gain it back...up and down for a few days until it is finally gone for good, but all in all....I've had an easy time. I've stuck to the plan. I do NOT drink anything with calories other than milk. Nothing ever carbonated, which was not a problem for me pre-op. I didn't have anything 'sweet' until about a month ago and I've had a few bites of angel food cake. I mean a few on a couple of different occasions. I am going by the three bite rule (French Women Don't Get Fat book) when it comes to sweets or anything that isn't the 'norm' for me. I have not had any 'hair issues' but I have done great with protein, 55 - 70 grams per day. I made changes starting three months before surgery that I hope to continue, once the initial shock to my body was over with, it has been easy. No bread for the most part at home....a half a slice occasionally with my egg in the morning....otherwise, I only have a few pinches when we go out to eat. No chips unless I have guacamole and then only baked scoops or soft corn tortillas. Those were the biggies, oh, and no cold cereal. I was eating a bowl mid afternoon and a bowl at night...this was every day. Usually a bowl or two for breakfast. Soooo, these are lifestyle changes I made and I don't miss them at all. The weight has just dropped off of me. I have a half lb right now that is coming off and on for some reason. Depending on the day, I've lost 75 or 75.5 lbs. Life is good, I'd do it again in a heartbeat and recommend the sleeve, but it IS a tool, we cannot drink 2% milk, soft drinks and eat Lays potato chips and white bread and graze all day and expect to be sucessful. It's not a magic bullet, but if you make changes and good choices, IT FEELS LIKE ONE!!!!
  15. NtvTxn

    Sexuality and the sleeve

    Sex was good before I had surgery....but OMG - it is fantabulous now. I am a lot more secure with myself....I just feel better about myself and everything is just better. Tiffikins said something about stamina....yes! I've been married for 31 years, I'm 51 and it's never been this good. I seem to be in the mood frequently!!
  16. NtvTxn

    Hello everyone!

    Good luck Amy, hope all went well today!! Cannot wait to hear from you! Sf
  17. I'd do it again in a heartbeat!!! I'm 2.5 lbs from my surgeon's goal and I'm 4 months and 2 weeks out!! I love shopping and have NO, NO "buyers remorse" - not for one second. My husband had the same concerns, but once he saw I was serious and really wanted this, he was on board and supportive 100%. I don't miss any of the things you mentioned. Eating less is normal for me now, it isn't a diet, it's my way of life and I love it. I am in control. It's the best medical decision I've ever made. Other than marrying my husband, I'd say it's the best decision I've ever made.....no regrets.
  18. I had surgery June 11th and since then my life has changed soooo much. I just bought size 8 jeans....shopping for regular clothes in the "Missy" dept. is so fun, it's hard to put into words. I would have never thought I'd wear an 8. I am 3.5 lbs from my surgeon's goal and I plan on losing another 5 - 7 lbs below that. Who knows, maybe I will end up in a size 6. I can't even wrap my head around that. I look in the mirror and I see a smaller person, but I do NOT see what others see. I have been called thin, even skinny by my husband. (In a nice way) I don't see thin or skinny, I see smaller. I am not sure how long it will take for my brain to catch up with what Dr. Davidson did to my tummy! His nurse, who had this done, said it took her about nine months. Wow! I finally, for the first time in my adult life, feel comfortable in my skin, I am comfortable riding in the car. I don't feel fat! I don't mind having my picture taken. I like trying on clothes and modeling them for my husband. I was not unhappy before, but I am enjoying things now that were not 'fun' previously, like shopping for ME! I never thought it would happen this quickly. I haven't had any problems. I am not hungry, although I do feel 'empty' occasionally just in the past six - eight weeks, I hope this lasts forever! I'd have this surgery again in a heartbeat. I wish it'd been around ten or fifteen years ago, with all the bugs worked out (if there were any). I wasted so many years doing all the other things most of us did. I.E. Weight Watchers, diet pills, etc. Anybody reading this who is hesitating....I give the sleeve, two thumbs up!!
  19. Tiff - is that why so many RNY patients regain some of the weight back? If so, why is it still considered the "gold standard" when it comes to WLS?? I wonder if sleeve surgery will end up proving to be a superior choice. What do you think?
  20. NtvTxn

    Down 74.5 lbs

    Oh, I am so glad my post has helped you!! Thank you, and good luck!! I have had NO hair issues so far, knock on wood. I started taking 5000 mg of Biotin a few months before surgery and I am STILL taking it religiously!!! They recommended it at my doctor's office. I am not sure it is a guarantee, but I think between being in good health, taking the Biotin and making sure I get in between 55 and 70 grams of Protein from about week 2 on has helped. I have been determined to not lose my hair, at least not because I was doing anything wrong!! Again, good luck and thanks!
  21. NtvTxn

    Down 74.5 lbs

    Thank you!! I feel great and I know you will too!! Good luck, I can't wait to follow YOUR progress! When do you expect to have surgery, any idea??!!!
  22. NtvTxn

    Down 74.5 lbs

    Hi Juliarh - thank you! I really cannot find a downside!
  23. NtvTxn


    Thanks y'all....** Chilo1 - I remember when I went from 30 to 29, was very exciting!!! Good luck!!! **
  24. Where are you located? I'm in central WI. I'm four months out, 3.5 lbs from my surgeon's goal. I plan on losing a little more, but not much, 5 - 7 under what he set! I am sure you are at goal now. What are you doing to maintain Stacie?? I'd love some hints!!
  25. I am four months and one week out.....I haven't found anything I can't eat. There are foods I choose NOT to eat, changes I made months before, some, years before I had surgery. I was not a "coke" girl before. I liked a fountain coke maybe five or six times a year...hardly worth mentioning, so it isn't a problem. Doc says it's a no no forever. I won't say I'll never take another sip, but it's not something that I'm itching to try. They're not good for you, and if I were someone who had a problem with them, I'd never drink another one again, kind of like being an alcoholic....at least that is what it seems like when I read some of the posts!! I have had a few bites of angel food cake and a 'sample' bite of coffee cake at Star Bucks, which was plenty to satisfy me, but I didn't have anything sweet until I was within ten lbs of my doctor's goal. I've been very rigid and very aware of everything I put into my mouth!! My team at my surgeon's office stressed that this is not a diet, it is a way of life. We use this honeymoon period to develop good habits, make changes for life, but it is not a diet. This is all real psychological.....we have to remind ourselves of this. It is not weight watchers or any of those other programs!

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