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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. I'd say no alcohol until you are at goal....and up your protein. My surgeon has had me at 60 grams since I left the hospital. I don't know about the Snacks you are eating, but look at the sugar content with any protein or power bars you are eating. Good luck.....I think if you just make a few changes, mainly with the alcohol and making sure you up your protein, you'll kick start your weight loss again! My protein intake is 60 - 75 grams a day! Good luck!!!
  2. I ate less than 2 oz of turkey - we use Campbell's gravy (tastes great, I add a half can of Swanson's 99% FF broth to it) - an eighth cup of cornbread dressing, a few bites of jellied cranberry sauce, a few bites of jalapeno corn casserole, a half of a brown and serve roll....and that's it. Oh, an eight of a cup of greenbean casserole. I didn't feel deprived and it's the first time in my LIFE that I wasn't uncomfortable or too full. It was great!!! Later I had a sliver of pie...and sadly, it didn't taste good. Home made chocolate...home made crust - my daughter did it, and it's always good, my husband said it was wonderful...as always. I have NO idea what is wrong with me!!! Oh well.....not liking the pie....things could be worse!
  3. Wow - I am a little surprised at what has changed since my surgery this past June. You'd think I'd have discovered it before now. First of all, let me say that this is THE FIRST Thanksgiving "EVER" that I have not been stuffed or uncomfortable. I love this....but it is so weird.....dessert did not taste good at all. I was not impressed, and I wish I had just not finished my little sliver of chocolate meringue pie. My daughter makes killer pies, home made crusts, everything from scratch. (I taught her!!) I waited until she and her family left to ask my husband if the chocolate pie was as good as it always is!! I thought maybe something had gone wrong, maybe she'd gotten distracted, added to much or too little sugar or cocoa!! He said "No, it was wonderful." I reached my goal earlier this month and finally allowed myself a few bites of pumpkin bread from Star Bucks and I had a couple of bites of chocolate cake. Both were great....but today, the turkey, dressing and everything tasted like I remember, but the desserts (I took a bite of the pumpkin too) just didn't do it for me. Also, I love cranberry sauce, and today I could have taken it or left it. I guess my taste buds have changed a little, with some things anyway. Has anyone else experienced this just on "specific" things?
  4. I bought a weighted ball and I have a band that I have thrown over a door and work on my arms! I do both almost daily here at the house. We have a stationary bike that I will ride every so often, but I am NOT an exercise NUT case!! I did NOT get to goal by exercising; I made life style changes with food and added a LITTLE exercise. I did not want to all of a sudden start exercising after surgery and that be a big part of why I lost weight. I KNOW ME....I have the attention span of a five year old....I'd lose interest in eight months or less then quit or back off slowly but surely. I wanted to do stuff I enjoy and knew would be something I would stick with. I like focusing on my arms a lot, the weighted ball IS a workout really. It's something I learned at a a class I attended one time, the band too...so when I ran across a five lb ball at Wal Mart after surgery, I picked it up. I didn't want to exercise, lose weight, lose interest, quit and then have a problem regaining. If I were to regain, it would be because I fell into bad EATING habits, not because I quit exercising!! I hit goal in just under five months.....this is what worked for me! I don't know about your mom's question....Tiff will know though! I stuck with what the doctor said to do....get in your Protein, don't sabatage yourself, watch what you consider liquids....(sugars!!!) limit juices, get in Water and enjoy the journey - you will do great!!!
  5. I didn't want my intestines "messed" with plus the re-gain among RNY patients seems to be fairly high after several years. I am certain that with 85% of my stomach removed and my life style changes, I am going to be successful long term. I too like sweets, but I didn't touch anything during the five months I was losing....the past few weeks I have allowed myself a little here and there. Just a few bites when I do. (google the three bite rule) I'll share pumpkin bread (a good choice at Star Bucks - one of the FEW) with my husband. I'll take less than one fourth and it's more than enough to satisfy me. I do not crave sweets like I use to. I think it is Tiffykins that says NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels! I am wearing a size 8 jeans and they are not even close to tight!! I am in maintenence and just getting a feel for this. I love my sleeve!!! It's the best decision I've ever made for ME!!!
  6. Shoot Doc, I was only getting a about 400 calories, at best and I'd bet for the first couple of weeks I got only about 300 calories! I'm five month out and reached my goal just under five months....I was averaging 675 calories earlier this month. I was getting ALL my Protein (60 - 75 grams per day) through food...and had been since two months out. I've never had hair issues either! Now that I'm "maintaining" my dietitian has me adding in calories, which has been a challenge since I cannot possibly eat more at a meal, so I am not 'snacking' or adding another small meal. It goes against the life style changes I'd made, but I had to do it or else I would keep losing. Now I am eating 750 - 850 a day and that keeps me between 146 and 148....so far it's working, but I'm new at it! She told me to up my calories to 800 and 1200, I'd have to find what worked....that's a big difference!! This is a great journey!! I did not weigh for the first two weeks except at the doctor's office....I was at a beach house, out of state! Now I weigh every single morning....but I do not worry about going up or down a lb or two, that is normal....I just want to keep up with it! I'm obsessive like that!
  7. Hi there! I agree with the others who say - UP your Protein and I'd Water down the OJ to 50/50 also I'd cut out the vFusion totally. Look at the sugar content, if it's what a friend suggested to me.....it is way more than you should be drinking, it's more than I'd want to give to my grandson! My dietitian suggests no calorie drinks unless it is an occasional 100% no sugar added fruit juice, and they don't like us to have that on a regular basis. I have had 2 glasses of skim milk every day since I came home from the hospital, it counts as liquids and protein....but I'd re-evaluate everything else that is NOT protein. Get in some broth and MORE protein. You'll have stalls, but I'd eliminate everything that might sabatage your weight loss!!! Good luck!!!! Enjoy the journey!
  8. My surgeon was Dr. James Davidson, surgery was at Forest Park Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. ( he has the Center of Excellence stamp of approval) As previously stated, Forest Park is a state of the art private hospital for cash pay patients. Dr. Davidson's insurance patients are treated at Presbyterian Hosptial in Dallas, which is an excellent hospital as well. I highly recommend him as well as his entire team, they're a great group!!
  9. One question....are the nay sayers FAT???!!! OMG, you need some cheerleaders in your life!! Most of mine are my thin friends....who were all cheering for me, NOBODY said I would fail!!! You need to tell these people to STFU!! Excuse my language!! First of all, unless you have real "food issues" and you eat and drink your way around your sleeve, you will not fail....this have been disgustingly easy! They remove 85% of your stomach!! It isn't "easy" as far as you are undergoing major surgery....going under the 'knife' and you need to know you need to make major life changes mentally....but if you do that, this is a great tool. I love my sleeve, it is THE BEST thing I've ever done for myself. It is NOT a diet.....I am not hungry, I eat because it tastes good but mainly because I know I NEED to...and because I do like the social aspect, but I cannot possibly eat much. I have not been hungry since surgery. I feel empty now.....it sounds like there are folks in your life that feel threatened. My THIN doctor who is about my age, 51....told me that losing this amount of weight would be difficult if not impossible, keeping it off WOULD be impossible. We'd have to eat grass and weeds for the rest of our lives. That was my family doctor who said this. Do this for YOURSELF....you'll do great!!!! I have zero regrets, no buyers remorse.....I was at goal in just under five months. I am wearing a size 8....I am being called thin and even skinny for the first time in my life. It's wonderful.....and it's possible!!! Good luck!!!
  10. Hi Sassy - Nooooooo!!! I am 51, so I had to have a stress test, which was about $300 and of course I had to have the pre-op bloodwork the day before surgery, but all the other stuff that the insurance company makes you go through to try and deny you....NOOOOO!!! My surgeon has the "center of excellence" stamp of approval and everything. The self pay patients are 'done' at Forest Park Medical Center in Dallas...it's a private hospital and you get excellent care! I highly recommend it and the group of doctor's that are associated with my doctor! Self pay in Texas is less expensive, there are so many medical schools and a lot of competition....great medical care down there and it is in the states! It was worth the trip!! Mine was $12,510 and included everything except the stress test. (up to two nights in the hospital)
  11. NtvTxn


    this is good news in case I decide to get a "lift"!! I'm like you, I do not want implants, I do not, have never wanted bigger boobs! I think smaller and perky are much more attractive!! So the smaller I can keep them, the better! I'd prefer it if they were a little smaller really! Oh well!!! They have shrunk a little, so that is good!! I have to ask, what is the 'bad stuff' you were creeping towards? I am still not hungry, but I can see that I do still have a sweet tooth, although I do not "crave" it like I use to, thank goodness!! I am allowing myself to have a bite here and there, and since I am in maintenence now, I am able to balance it where I can have some sweet things, just a little and not gain. I suspect there is a fine line that we can not cross. Don't you? Anyway, I was just curious. Good for you, I know that we have to fight these battles! The earlier the better!! I see you are VERY close to goal! Yay!!!!!
  12. NtvTxn


    Hello!! How are you, it's been ages since we've written!! All is well here...cold in Wisconsin! I came across your post here and wanted to ask you about it! HOW painful was this surgery? This is the ONE thing I would consider...otherwise I've come back together pretty good, I am 'ok' with everything else, not too bad for a 51 yr old with two grown daughters! I won't need or want a tummy tuck, my arms I thought would be horrible, but I work on them quite a bit...they are quite a bit smaller, and although they'll never be in 'great' shape, they don't look too bad and don't 'jiggle' a whole lot. They are not nearly as bad as they were when I was heavy. Certainly not enough to justify having them done....by boobs on the other hand, I'd love a lift. I don't want them larger, but perky would be good. How bad is it??!!! Tell me how you are doing? Hanging in there? I'm in maintaining and it's not difficult, just something new!
  13. NtvTxn


    "Globetrotter" - this makes PERFECT sense!!! I'm five months out...I am at goal and my physical hunger still is not there. I do feel empty just like you; I DO enjoy eating...food tastes good, I enjoy the the social aspect of it, but I eat because I know I need to and because it tastes good, not because I am hungry! I am not tempted by sweets sitting around the house. We have a Bible Study we go to each week, every week someone takes a 'treat' - I NEVER take a bite unless it is my week to bake something and I KNOW what is in it and it's something that sounds good....some times I don't indulge then. Again, like you said, I can take it or leave it! My surgeon has never had me count carbs....it's all about protein and calories, so thankfully I don't have to worry about that. My on line food log does it and I do notice it though. My daily carb count averages between 65 and 85 grams per day. It's worked for me! If I had to watch something besides calories, I think I'd go nuts! I love not having hunger...I hope it stays this way forever!!
  14. I am not cooking this year.....not really. I am doing the jalapeno corn casserole and a dish called Orange Fluff, that's it. My daughter is cooking everything. I cannot "taste" anything like before, if I did, I'd be full!! I don't enjoy cooking now like I did pre-surgery. I hope I will someday! We'll see. I cook dinner most evenings and do fine, but a big meal, I am NOT into it at all. Give me a little cornbread dressing, a little jellied cranberry sauce and my "required" protein/turkey and I'll be happy!!
  15. NtvTxn

    Cost of vertical sleeve

    Dr. James Davidson in Dallas - A center of excellence, $12,510, that's two nights in a private hospital that is like a hotel. (this is for cash pay) Great care, I highly recommend him, but HE is not the only good doctor in the Dallas area for a price similar to this. Here is a link to his web site. http://www.bscdallas.com/index.html
  16. NtvTxn

    Multi vitamin suggestions?

    My poor husband has so many hand-me-down multi vitamins that I just cannot take....chalky ones, gummies, chocolate Viactiv - I finally found some good adult gummies at Target that I like, not strong berry flavored, but milder fruit...I think it's their brand. It's perfect, finally I found something I LIKE!!! I did NOT like the chalky ones from Bariatric Advantage....I dontated those to someone else at my support group!
  17. NOW is the time to change bad habits!! I've almost totally given up bread. Now that I'm at goal, I'll have a half sandwich occasionally just because I NEED to add more calories back into my diet. I LOVE Special K crackers with my tuna salad....12 is a good number to go with a fourth a cup! A donut shouldn't even be on your radar screen now!!! I don't mean to be harsh, but you've had 85% of your stomach removed. Don't sabatage yourself, you aren't attending weight watchers!!! You're in the honeymoon stage....once it's over, I am certain it will be more difficult to make life style changes, we are not on a diet! Good luck...we're all on your side!!
  18. NtvTxn

    What do have for Breakfast???

    Cottage cheese, the breakfast of champions!! A half cup (when you are able to eat that much) is 13 grams of protein!! Get 1% - when you get tired of just cottage cheese, add a few slices of light syrup peaches, or fresh berries. It's yummy! I also will scramble and egg and add a half oz of Farmers Cheese (it's made with skim milk) - or 2% cheddar. Or maybe an egg and a slice of turkey bacon. I always start my day with a 8 oz cup of skim milk so I'll get protein right off the bat and I END my day with the same!! I hope this helps! Good luck!
  19. NtvTxn

    how do you get your protein in?

    cottage cheese, (the Breakfast of champions) 1% of course, 1/2 cup packs 13 grams, it will take a while before you can eat a half cup but I start many days with this!! I love tuna, a whole can mixed with 2 TB of lite mayo and some dill pickles, 1/4 cup today, the other half tomorrow....with Special K crackers! Cod fish, grilled is great marinated in garlic, sea salt, extra virgin olive oil and ground pepper!! The list is endless really! I'd try and switch from 2% milk to 1% - the doctor took my 2 yr old grandson OFF 2% milk - he's drinking 1% now!!! Just a suggestion!!
  20. NtvTxn

    Protein drink shots???

    I personally liked the Blue Raspberry shots from GNC better than anything....I got off the protein supplements and started getting ALL my protein from real food ASAP...about two months out!! I hated all Protein Powder, soy, whey, egg white. I tried them all, like you, I started experimenting a few months pre-op and they all were gross!! Ugh!! I settled on the shots because it was about 3.5 oz and I could just take a few sips in the morning, a couple more about noon and then finish it off later in the day and there I was, 42 grams taken care of!!! From the start, I started my day off with 8 oz of skim milk and finished my day with another 8 oz of skim milk, so with the bullet from GNC, I had gotten all my protein in!! I am not going to say it's GREAT tasting, but it's not a big, huge smoothie...I just could NOT get one of those down. At Forest Park Medical Center in Dallas, I got a "goodie bag" the day I was discharged, and in it was a protein bullet from GNC, so that made me feel pretty good. I have never had hair issues - after the first week I started getting in 60 - 75 grams of protein per day! Good luck!!!
  21. NtvTxn

    MSG - An Obesity Causing Chemical

    I suffer from migraines a LOT - and although I can eat stuff with MSG in small quantities, I avoid it as much as possible. There are many soups/broths not that do NOT have MSG - I wouldn't have chosen Ramen Noodles anyway simply because the noodles would be a simple carb, wouldn't they??!!! The broth would be ok but like you said, you know it contains MSG!! Thanks for all the information....I too obsessively research this stuff.....I'm highly sensitive to tannins, and it seems that many things from tea to berries contain tannins. Ugh.....I'm trying to break a headache cycle right now, hopefully it will work. I hate this!! Thanks again!
  22. NtvTxn

    Eating and Drinking at The Same Time

    From what I understand, by not drinking and eating at the same time, the food stays in our new little tummies longer, we feel full longer and it seems like I've heard or read that the longer it's there the more nutrition we get from the food...but don't quote me on that. I DO know that now that I'm at goal and am letting myself have a few bites of pumpkin bread at Star Bucks or something...where it doesn't matter about feeling full....I dared to take a sip of coffee with it, and it does not feel good, it is a little uncomfortable. So, that is not good! I hope this helps!
  23. NtvTxn

    Can you Eat These Foods Eventually?

    Tiffykins - I have a question - my surgeon has never stressed carbs. It's always Protein and calories. At least for me, maybe for other patients it is different. It's worked, I reached his goal in just under five months. I have kept an on line food log since the beginning, and it does also keep track of carbs. I am maintaining now and my carbs are between 65 and 85 per day. Since carbs have not been an issue with my doctor, I really don't know a whole lot about them. Simple carbs aren't something I eat much of at all.....I.E. white bread, rice, potatoes etc.....is this number high in your opinion?
  24. NtvTxn

    Can you Eat These Foods Eventually?

    Good morning! I just celebrated my five month aniversary Nov 11th - and reached my surgeon's goal about a week prior to that....I can eat everything you mentioned, although just in small amounts. I can just recently eat a half a Peanut Butter sandwich. I have been eating rice when we go to a Mexican restaurant for months now, although just about a TB. I will just tear off a tiny strip of a corn tortilla to dip in salsa because I don't eat chips any longer and I don't want to 'waste space' on something that has no nutritional value....but a taste is nice. I didn't really like raw tomatoes before, but now I do - go figure! I think everyone is different, so it will be a trial and error experiments...I have not found anything that bothers me, but I AM cautious with Pasta, I can only eat a little, it seems to fill me up quickly!
  25. Good luck to you Myrori!! I know you'll be successful....it's really inevitiable!!! I had a few of those "Oh geeze, is this the right thing" moments, usually they were at 3 am. Seriously!! I'd wake up and then couldn't go back to sleep for an hour or so. I always KNEW I'd follow through. I made the decision and it wasn't spur of the moment, I was cash pay but did six months worth of obsessive research and followed this forum like a mad woman....and asked a ton of questions....but still, I had fleeting moments! Not for a minute have I regretted it though!! I had no health issues prior, which is WHY I was cash pay, but my cholesterol is even lower, my blood pressure is even lower, my knee that has bothered me since HS is better! I can squat to look at the bottom shelf at the store and get up - I LOVE THAT....and shopping for clothes is FUN for the first time in my life!!!! Enjoy the journey - it's quite a trip!!

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