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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. My tummy talks and rumbles a lot after I eat! I am seven months out and my little tummy will make fairly loud noises after I drink or eat quite a bit!!! In the mornings when I start drinking a cup of coffee most of the time, not usually after breakfast or lunch, but after dinner (is it because I eat a little more maybe??) - and it seems that after I drink a glass of milk I gurgle and make a lot of noise! Am I eating and drinking too fast? The glass I drink milk out of is frozen so it's really cold. I keep glasses in the freezer. Could that be it? I am at a loss. Is this normal? If so, how long will this continue??!!! Does this happen to anybody else, any guesses on why it is going on? Taking Pepcid or Tums really doesn't help. I'm just not sure why it seldom happens after breakfast or lunch but mainly at dinner and after my morning coffee and when I drink this cold milk.....which I do twice a day....morning and night. Oh, when I eat a snack it make make a few noises, but not normally.
  2. Thanks OregonDaisy - it is tricky. I woke up this morning and weigh less than I ever have. Only by half a lb, but still. I got in less calories yesterday because I went shopping and had a doctor's appointment. I also go back and forth from 1% to 2% milk. I have been drinking SKIM for 17 years so going to 1% and 2% just feels so WRONG but my dietitian suggested going to 1% during my losing stage because I was getting in so FEW calories!! I took it upon myself to go to 2% once in a while after reaching goal to help me get the additional calories. I'm still not sure I'm ok with it but when I run out and go to just 1% and skim, that is when I will start dropping again. I still struggle a little with thinking like a 'overweight' person who is dieting. I am getting better, at least when I look in the mirror I do see ME!! LOL
  3. It's a good thing you got out, sounds kind of like where I'm currently living. We call our local hospital, 'the Wal Mart of health care'. All my doctors are in the neighboring town and like I said, due to cost, and because I'm a Texas girl, I went to Dallas for my surgery. I just think they're better down there! I guess it's shocking that 'all of them' are crossing the border!! You'd think MORE of us would be going there and they'd be trying to figure out how to get rid of US!!! Ten years huh? Wow.....you need to get out more, you must lead a sheltered life! LOL
  4. And that's your opinion, and I'm ok with that. I personally don't care who you went to or what you have to say about your doctor, American doctors, my PCP or my surgeon in Dallas for that matter. I'm not thier advocates or walking advertisment. I can't believe you're so upset with what my doctor said to me. Big deal. It's not like I considered going to Mexico and went to ask what she thought and she told me to steer clear. (but so what if she had) She had a friend who went there and she told me what she thought....kind of friend to friend. Are you on someone's payrole or what??!! Who cares what this one doctor said to me in the privacy of her office? It sure got your panties in a wad. So, why'd you quit after three years?
  5. That was my doctor's point "As far as I know the only guts removed during my surgery is 85% of my stomach" This little statement sure has stepped on some toes.....sheeesh! BTW - at my private hospital in Dallas, where only self pay patients are, we too are in a private room for recovery. I didn't realize this was a "contest". You say extremely clean like you were surprised.
  6. This "idiot" doesn't draw my blood, she sends me to a phlebotomist....she does keep my migraines under control though.
  7. Hey, I gave my opinion, that is still "ok" in the Good ol' US of A, right? I read your whole story on your experience at the Jerusalem clinic on another thread....thanks but no thanks. I had my surgery at Forest Park Medical Center in Dallas.....it was like a medical Hyatt Regency. Nurses assigned to me and each and every patient during each shift, the room was cozy and private. It "looked" like a hotel room and they were at my beck and call. We use to own a business and I use to run an ad, "You get what you pay for" - I gave MY opinion, that's it. You know what they say about opinions......I have nothing to gain or lose by giving mine. My PCP did NOT accuse anyone of anything, she too gave her opinon. She would not go and have medical or dental work done in Mexico. Beyond wild, surely you jest? The point is, it is not regulated there like it is here. Of course things happen in the United States, there are quacks and there are accidents - look at the guy who was treating Michael Jackson. Let's face it, dumb-a$$ has no borders....but we cannot hold a medical facililty in another country accountable. 'Nuff said. Again, this is just my humble opinion.
  8. I was self pay, currently living in WI - health care up here is very expensive, at least for WLS. Our ins. covers everything else. I went 'home' to Texas for surgery and paid less than half what it would have cost here. That said, I could have gone to Mexico and paid even less, BUT, I chose not to for several reasons. I have a relationship with this doctor and his staff. I went ahead of time to a seminar and I had two follow up visits post-op - (at 1 week and at two weeks) before I flew home. I went back at 3 months and I will go back at 1 year and will go yearly there after for I don't know how long. I have the cell number of the nurse; she has her phone on from 6 AM until mid-night 365 days a year. I also have the cell number for the dietitian. I can e-mail or call either woman with questions about diet or problems. This is worth a LOT. Ok, now let me get to what my PCP said to me before surgery.....she knows someone who went to Mexico for WLS and she does not approve - she said, "You just don't know what else they might take out while they are in there, and you'd never know" Now WHO besides a doctor would even think of that?!!! LOL Her only advice was, 'find a center of excellence' - she knew I was heading to Texas and had not yet found a surgeon. I took her advice and was thrilled with who I found and his entire staff. There are many on here who have gone to Mexico though and have had no problems and recommend whoever they used.....just do research, no matter who you use or where you go. Like my personal doctor recommended, I'd urge you to find a center of excellence....you can google that and find out the standards they have to meet to get that 'stamp of approval'.
  9. Chilo1 - Thanks for the reassurance, I really thought I was on the right track, but needed some back up....hey, pumpkin bread is my weakness now. It makes me feel decadant (sp?) with every bite. LOL We go to Star Bucks a couple of times a week and usually get a slice to share with our coffee. Believe it or not, the nutritional info is not bad, their pumpkin bread is the best choice on the entire menu, the 'entire' slice isn't horrible, but when you are only eating about a fourth of it, it's not bad at all, and it's oh-so-good!!!! I'd pretty much given up McDonalds several years before surgery, to go back to that would be shocking to my system I am sure of it!! I LOVE their fish sandwiches and one of these days I suspect I'll get one and just eat the fish and the little bit of cheese they add. I'd much rather have ALL the fish and none of the bun, I couldn't possibly eat both now days. Things like that don't 'scare' me now, I'm finally seeing that this is NOT a diet, but our new way of life. This is how 'naturally' thin people live, eat and don't feel the guilt and don't have that constant worry!! It is strange, and not so easy to retrain the brain......THIS is the difficult part to me!!
  10. I'd like opinions from those of you who are also maintaining. Do you think it matters HOW we maintain? I am finally stable, but still teetering at about 8 lbs under goal. To get in the additional calories I need to maintain and not continue losing I eat a little off and on all afternoon, or so it seems. I guess I REALLY don't, but I do eat a small snack in the morning and two or three in the afternoon and maybe one before bed. That DOES seem like an all day thing! These Snacks are small, and range from ten or twelve Special K baked bite sized crackers, a Graham with a TB of Natural Peanut Butter, a half oz of peanuts. Maybe several bites of pumpkin bread or if I have tuna, a little tuna salad. You get the picture. Does it matter how we get the calories? I know Hostess powder sugar donuts wouldn't be smart, Lays potato chips would be stupid, a trip to McDonalds would be a poor choice.....but things like I mentioned, are things like that alright do you think?
  11. Tiff - you're always OUR cheerleader - I know you can do whatever you set your mind to do. Do you think the carbs and ditiching them have anything to do with the moodiness? Is there any correlation? I know we ALL hope everything gets better and you FEEL better SOON!!!!
  12. NtvTxn

    Tummy Rumbling

    Hi Kymmi12 - I have to laugh, it's like my tummy has a life of it's own! I did a test this morning with my milk. I took about 25 minutes to drink it with little or not talking back! I think I am at least drinking to fast, I will make a concentrated effort with eating tonight. There is SOOO little food on my plate, it gets cold so fast....I have never HAD to take little bites, not since a couple of months out, so since there isn't pain, I guess I haven't really thought I was eating too fast. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!
  13. NtvTxn

    New to the board

    Hi Katydyd - the sleeve is GREAT! I haven't experienced real hunger since June 11th, the day I had surgery. My "new hunger" started a few months ago, occasionally I'll get an empty feeling and I'll know it's time to put something there! It's very strange because when you don't get hungry, you don't usually know when you are full, that's why it is best to weigh and measure you're food when you're home or kind of 'divide' it on your plate when you are out, so you don't over eat. I hope it stays this way forever, now I eat because it tastes good and because I know I NEED to!! I was told at the seminar, this is NOT a diet, it is a way of life. Nothing is off limits except carbonated drinks. They can give us gas, cause burping, be uncomfortable and some doctors think they can stretch our new little tummys. I'm not sure about that, but sugar free or regular, they're not good for us and not having cokes is not a big deal for me. This is forced/enforced portion control, which is just what I needed!!! No regrets, not for one minute!!!
  14. I started taking Biotin 5000 mcg per day three months BEFORE surgery, I'm almost 7 months out now and still take it. I haven't had any hair issues. I reached goal at just under 5 months. I started getting all my Protein in about 2.5 after surgery and started getting it all in from food only from about 2 months on.....I was determined not to lose my hair. I've been lucky, so far any way!! I don't know how long I'll take the Biotin, but I don't see any reason to stop! I get it at Wal Mart, $7.00 for 120 pills I think is what it is.
  15. NtvTxn

    Failed Psych Eval

    I've found what I used to like pre-op (sweet wise) I don't like now. I didn't eat ANYTHING sweet until I reached goal, the first week in November, so at Thankgiving my daughter made a 'from scratch' chocolate pie....MY MOTHER'S recipe. I took a couple of nibbles. Afterwards I asked her father, my husband if it was good. When he said it was great, I asked, 'Was it as good as it always is?' He said it was wonderful....it tasted funny to me, I didn't care for it. She left pie with us, when my DH had a piece the next day, I took one more bite just to see....and it still didn't taste good. Glory be, praise the LORD!!! LOL You know what DOES taste fabulous to me now though.....pumpkin bread from Star Bucks, or my own. I discovered from their nutritional info that it is THE healthiest treat they carry and of course I share it with my husband. I eat approx. one fourth of the slice. It's delish! It's interesting how things change post-op....and how WE change!
  16. I am almost 7 months out and I will l get an uncomfortable feeling under my left rib cage. I have no idea what it is, it does not happen often, but it was going on a few days ago. It was off and on all day, not severe, just uncomfortable. I don't remember it happening the entire 7 months, I guess this started happening, maybe the first time several months ago. Who knows why. Any ideas? It just isn't something that seems serious enough to call the doctor.
  17. Seriously? I was averaging 675 cal when I reached goal at just under 5 months. My dietitian told me to increase my caloric intake to between 800 and 1200 to "maintain". She said I'd have to 'find what worked for me". I'm telling you, increasing the calories was NOT easy....who knew THIS would be the hard part??!! I've been working at this since the first week of Nov. and it seems that 975 - 1050 calories is what works for me. I am not sure I'd have reached goal and certainly not as quickly had I been eating 1000 - 1200 calories the entire time. At 8 weeks out......there is NO way I could have been taking in that many calories unless I was drinking chocolate milk shakes instead of Protein drinks. Cream gravy made with whole milk instead of 98% FF soup!!! At 8 weeks out I did good to eat 1.5 of food at a time!! I got ALL my protein in from about week three and starting at month 2 I got it ALL from food. I have never had a hair problem and I have NEVER thrown up.....this has been disgustingly easy and healthy. If he said up to 1200 at 8 weeks, WHAT will he suggest when you are at 6 months and what will he want you taking in when you are maintaining??!! That would be my question? I was on a 1800 calorie a day diet one time several years ago before surgery, which is not really abnormal for a 'normal' person.
  18. Good morning VSgirl - I don't know what the average loss is per week, but my average caloric daily intake was 675 when I reached goal right about 5 months out. I exercised very little. ( I know ME; I knew that if I became an exercise nut for a few months....I'd get bored/burned out quickly and stop....then what happens?? Would I re-gain? I know I've heard about RNY patients that do just that and then they start putting the lbs back on. I know their surgery is totally different, and I think OUR surgery is superior, just my humble opinion, but just in case!) Anyway, I am most concerned about my arms, so I attended an exercise class 1x per week for four weeks. It was offered by a physical therapist that works for local bariatric surgeon. I wanted to get some ideas, to see if there was something I could do at home. I discovered I like the weighted ball and the band, both are good for my arms and the weighted ball is actually a pretty good over all workout. I got both for the house. I do one or both about four times a week. Both are fast and fun, I can do 'on the go'. I'm 8 lbs below goal and nobody can say I got there because I'm an exercise guru!! I made some life style changes.....mostly the way I 'snack' - cutting chips, most bread, cold Cereal.....just eliminated a few things OUT of my diet...I did this MONTHS before surgery. I did things I KNEW could be forever changes. I hope this helps and isn't toooo wordy!
  19. NtvTxn


    NEVER!!!!!! Not one single moment of 'buyers remorse!!! It is the single best decision I've made for myself in my life!!! (well, other than marrying my husband!!) I reached goal in just under five months. I'm now about 8 lbs under goal....it's been almost 7 months since I had surgery, I feel great, I had an easy time, this has been disgustingly easy. The most difficult part is maintaining, 'adding calories BACK into my diet so I can STOP losing weight. What a problem to have, huh??!! I hope this is is something I have to "deal" with forever! LOL I have not felt real HUNGER since the day I had surgery. I'm in the 'drivers seat' - I was not a compulsive eater, it was all about portion control - and the sleeve forces portion control. I made life syle changes that I knew I could live with months before surgery....luckily I didn't have any horribly bad habits, so the sleeve was the perfect choice for me!!! I am sure you'll be thrilled with it!!! Follow your surgeon's advice!!! Good luck!!!!
  20. NtvTxn

    Tummy Rumbling

    This is totally new, post-op. I have access to the nurse, I can call her or text her. It bothers me enough that I should ask her I guess....I'd at least like to know how long to expect it! 20 minutes is about right, I am going to make a concentrated effort and eat slower and when I pour my morning glass of milk in a little while, I'll "sip" it and see how that works. Maybe it is as simple as that....I did notice that I am quieter this morning with my coffee, and by the time I'm on my second cup, I have stopped making any gurgling sounds. It seems I've seen someone 'say' something before, but I would NOT swear to it!
  21. NtvTxn


    I'm currently living in Wisconsin and my plates say NTV TXN - I want to make sure everybody knows I am not a local. LOL Anyway, it does NOT matter what I eat, everything makes my tummy talk....that is why I am wondering if I am eating a little to fast or maybe too much. I KNOW I eat faster than I should, I weigh and measure my food when I'm home, so I don't think I eat too much, I don't feel uncomfortable, not normally anyway. I cannot eat much. Maybe I'm putting too much in too quickly, what do you think? The milk is cold, but at dinner, a dense Protein is usually involved, so maybe that has something to do with it. I know there has to be a reason! Thanks for your input!
  22. NtvTxn


    I love califlower! Subject change!!! Tummy rumbling!!! I guess I need to start a new thread, maybe I will, but I wanted to ask you first!! I am seven months out and my little tummy talks a LOT!!! In the mornings when I start drinking a cup of coffee, not usually after Breakfast or lunch, but after dinner (is it because I eat a little more maybe??) - and it seems that after I drink a glass of milk I gurgle and make a lot of noise! Am I eating and drinking too fast? The glass I drink milk out of is frozen. I keep glasses in the freezer because I LOVE it cold. Could that be it? I am at a loss. Is this normal? If so, how long will this continue??!!! Suggestions???!!!!
  23. NtvTxn


    I agree with your post....but I do eat pizza, I choose the smallest piece so I can eat the crust and it fills me up; I will NOT eat pizza out though. My husband and I make it at home, and we know everything that goes into it! We make the crust, WHOLE WHEAT....it is soooo good, he worked at Pizza Inn when we were in HS, and loves doing this.....we buy the sauce, but the cheese, part skim of course - canadian bacon, mushrooms and banana peppers! This is not a greasy pizza, I promise!! It seems like a lot of trouble for a little piece, and we seldom ever do this, but I have to remember, "this is not a diet". Right?!!! Even so, there are many things I will not do, changes I've made that I feel good about and do not miss. No more hot fudge sundaes, only baked chips in our house and I don't like them or eat them....I seldom eat bread....not to mention, the forced portion control and I'm never hungry! I love my sleeve!!!
  24. NtvTxn

    Will it end ?

    Hi Von - I've been figuring out maintaining for two months now. I'm 8 lbs below my goal of 150. I'm 5'6" and do not look too thin. I am at a healthy BMI and am wearing a size 8, which was REALLY my goal! I never thought stopping would be the difficult part, but like Tiffykins said, it is tricky! My husband was also a bit worried, but it is not a huge deal, you will get the hang of it, and if you are wanting to stop losing at 175, you may lose a little below, but that will give you a cushion to go up and down a little, which is normal. I bounce up and down a couple of lbs weekly. Yes, I weigh daily, I want to keep a handle on things, losing OR gaining. Have you spoken to your surgeon and/or dietitan about a diet for maintaining? Also, did he set a goal for you? Just curious, my doctor is the one who set the goal for me, which put me at a healthy BMI, I really wanted the pant size 8 and 145. Congrats....it feels good, doesn't it?!!!!
  25. NtvTxn

    I know it won't bring world peace but ...

    Tiffykins - I don't care HOW shallow it sounds I don't care how shallow it is....being thin is fun! Wearing a size 8 is fun. I slipped into a size SIX GAP jeans the other day....vanity sized I'm sure, but never-the-less!!! It IS nice not being the biggest girl in the room. I was the SMALLEST one the other day and it feels damn good! Shopping is fun, riding in a car is comfortable, running up the stairs and not being winded is amazing!!! Life is good.....I didn't have health issues, I hope this was prevenitive maintenence, but for me mostly.....I'm a Texas girl, it was 95% vanity, all the other stuff is like icing on the cake, so to speak!

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