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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. I pushed "post" too quickly!! Sorry!! At Bariatric Advantage I am on the auto ship plan....they send it automatically however often I specify, and therefore I get free shipping. There are 60 chews in each bag, and I take 4 per day. (1000 mg total) I have them send 2 bags at 9.99 monthly. So it costs me $20 per month.
  2. mine insisted on citrate too. i buy from www.bariatricadvantage.com the chocolate are like eating four little Tootsie Rolls every day!!
  3. Just curious, did your surgeon say calcium carbonate I.E. Viactiv, was ok to take rather than calcium citrate I.E. the kind from Bariatric Advantage or one of the others on line?
  4. Can't Weight! You're lucky!! When I suggested at my 2 week checkup a home made baked potato and cheese soup, I got a resounding "NO" - then a "Do you want to sabotage yourself?" Potatoes were a no no - sweet potatoes, yes, but only limited; they probably wouldn't set well, plus, we need Protein not something that even when we can introduce other stuff should be very limited. Cottage cheese would be a much better choice, I can't remember what else, but cottage cheese - I call it the Breakfast of champions. Love it, 1% of course.
  5. We are suppose to take calcium citrate because our bodies absorb it better and getting enough calcium is so important due to bone possible bone thinning/loss. My PCP agreed and even said that people who have not had bariatric surgery would not be hurt to take citrate rather than carbonate.
  6. bariatricadvantage.com 9.99 per bag. I take 4 per day. I think there are 60 in a bag. I have two bags shipped every couple of months. I guess everyone is told to take a different amount depending on what their bloodwork is, but that is what I take. Shipping is free if you have it shipped automatically. You can tell them how often and can change it at any time. It's a great deal. I love the chocolate, it's seriously like eating four little square Tootsie Rolls every day!!! Love 'Em!!!!
  7. I am almost 10 months out, reached goal in just under five months and at 6 months I was five lbs under goal. Now I am 12 lbs under and work to not keep losing. I still weigh and measure my food. You are doing great! I agree, we need to know what you are eating and how much. I never counted carbs, that is not something my doctor and dietitian has us do, but I do an on line log that keeps track of my protein and calories....it also tracks the carbs. I look at it but don't worry. I watch calories and protein. My concern was not losing my hair. A girl has her priorities, right??!!! Right now I can eat a half cup of cottage cheese, I've been able to eat a half cup for a few months now. I was worried at first but after some reassurance, I realize that as time goes on, it is normal to be able to eat more. I do still feel quite a bit of restriction, but I can definitely eat more than before. Give us more details!! As far as RNY - I'm the only one I personally know that has had the sleeve. Two friends are banded, one kept it for 6 weeks, had severe problems and had it removed. The other one is going on five years and started regaining a year ago. I know 12 people from my home town that have had bypass surgery....ONE is doing great. The others.....some never reached goal, the others have gained some of the weight back. Some more than others. I think it may be great for some, but I didn't even consider it because of the ones I personally know. Just sayin'
  8. This is so funny! Initially, before my surgeon set a goal, when I started losing weight, I got to a fourteen so quickly.....my goal was not a weight, I wanted to get to a size 8. I had no idea what I would weigh at a size eight, and it really didn't seem possible, it seemed so far away, but it wasn't!!! I got there and kept going!!! I bet you can lose even more if you want to.....I never thought I could or would. Size 4 and 6 jeans, never in my wildest dreams!! My current BMI (today is 21.94) I feel great, at 51, I'm healthier than I've ever been!
  9. My surgeon set my goal weight at 150. I started at 228 (at the seminar) and the day before surgery I was at 205. I wanted to get 5 lbs below his goal so I'd have a "pad". Initially, in the very beginning before I knew HIS goal (i learned it at my 3 month check up) I really under estimated what this surgery could help me do....I thought I'd be 'happy' at 165 or 170! Then I had surgery and wow......it's amazing!!!! I saw what was possible, but I really did NOT know what was possible. How low I could go!! My mom always said I was 'big boned'. What the heck does that even mean??!!! I am NOT big boned!!! I am a lot smaller framed than I'd have ever thought. People say I'm small, tiny, skinny!!! Oh my gosh! ME?????!!!! Surely not, but I am just now beginning to see it....yes, me!!! I don't look bad, like a scare crow, or any of the things I THOUGHT i'd look like at 136, seriously!!! I went from a size 20, 18 on a good day, to buying jeans in 4's and 6's. Shocking, and fun, fun, fun!!!!!!!!!!! I still look at them right out of the dryer and think, NO WAY!!! I slip right into them, I never have to lay on the bed to zip them!!! You know what I mean!!!! Everyone does!! I'm just over 5'6". I'm about 12 lbs below my surgeon's goal. My BMI is 21.94 today! (I weighed in at 137) All I can tell you is don't under estimate what you can do.....what this surgery can help you do!!! It's hard for us to imagine ourselves as thin, even when we get there, it is difficult for our minds to catch up, it takes a while to see ourselves that way. You won't look like a stick, I promise!!! Go for it! Set the bar low...or high, depends on how you want to look at it, and good luck!!!!
  10. NtvTxn

    VSG Regrets?

    Almost 10 months out and never a minute of "buyers remorse" - I love my sleeve!! It's the best thing I've ever done for myself. Nothing tastes as good as buying size 4's and 6's feel. Being able to walk in any store and being able to shop........there is NOTHING like it!!!!!!!! I never anticipated this much success, I didn't expect to lose this much!!! Good luck!!!!! Enjoy the journey!!!
  11. A half sandwich "seems" like so much. Is it??! I'm not sure. Six months ago I couldn't have eaten but half a half! Is this normal? Is anyone else about ten months out. I'll be there on April 11th. I went to lunch today and got a panini. I got it with American cheese, no meat because lunch meat can trigger a migraine, and then the rest veggies. I.E. cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce and banana peppers. I ate half, all but a couple of bites. Nothing else, just the sandwich. I was not stuffed, but was full. I looked at it, analyzed it and figured if I stuffed it all into a measuring cup it would fill a half cup, maybe a little bit more. What do y'all think? Usually I can only eat a half cup, maybe a little more, depending on what it is. I hate it that I seem to be able to eat a little more, but I knew it would happen, it's normal....but still. Would love to hear from others that are about where I am. NtvTxn
  12. When i'm at the mall and need something, I'll get the small cheese burger at McDonalds and just eat the meat and cheese. The burger is 2 oz....good Protein. I don't know how 'bad' it is.....but I figure compared to all the other stuff at the food court, it isn't bad, especially if I don't eat the bun!!!
  13. Tiff - congratulations, I didn't know you were pregnant!! Yay for y'all!!!!! It will be fun following your "NEW" journey!! I have used your tactics and found that if I 'drag a meal out' I can eat a little more. Since I am maintaining, I do need the calories, so it was a good hint. Thanks! I'll eat, and can sit and visit while others STUFF themselves. After a little while I can nibble on some bread that I did not eat beforehand or I can eat a little more from my plate. It helps get the calories I need etc. I love that I am having an easy time and NEED the calories to keep from losing. I'd hate to be struggling to maintain. I HOPE it stays like this. I worry (obviously) that all of a sudden I'll wake up and have gained 15 lbs overnight and be back to eating like before. So far, that seems crazy!! It's nice to hear YOUR story at 22 months out! Thanks, we all appreciate it. Last weekend we were out of town, I ate pumpkin bread a couple of times at Star Bucks, spliting a piece with my husband....not unusual, but ate more bread than usual while we were out. I gained 3 lbs over the weekend. I was still 9 lbs under the doctor's goal....BUT yikes! Monday i was back to normal eating and today I've lost the 3 lbs. I'm in control.....I love it.
  14. I love that Natural Peanut Butter...nothing added, no partically hydrogenated anything, the kind that should be refrigerated, the oil is at the top when you get it!! That is one of my Snacks during the day. I put it on a graham cracker. How much chicken can you eat? Chicken fills me up pretty quickly too. When it comes to Protein, I can do 2, maybe 2.5 oz at a time. Pork seems the most dense....does it to you? I wish I could eat lunch meat, but the nitrates or is it sulfates that it has? Whatever it is that they add, it triggers a migraine, so I steer clear. I know when I do the all veggie sandwich I don't get the protein I need, but I do add cheese. It's really good when we go to a bagel place or Panera Bread and I love the veggie panini, I get it with mozzarella. Good luck, I know you'll get the scale moving again!!!
  15. It's great to hear from you!!! You're doing so good!! Not far from goal i see!! Good luck and congratulations of your loss this week! It feels good with you hit an "all time low". I haven't weighed this little since I don't know when, it would have to be my early teens. I know I weighed more in 9th grade and wore a larger size clothes. Bread fills me up quickly too, as much as I want to eat some before Pasta, when they bring it out to dip in olive oil....when we are at a restaurant, I can only take a nibble or two, or else I cannot eat anything else without being uncomfortable. I eat my half cup of pasta...really I only eat about a fouth cup of pasta or less. Usually I order shrimp or chicken on top of it, and will eat that and just a few bites of pasta.....I'll sit there and rest for a little while, THEN i get to enjoy about a half slice of bread with olive oil with fresh ground pepper. It's like dessert!!!
  16. Hi Shontel - I'm glad to hear this. Yes, I need the calories too. If I don't get 1150 - 1200 a day, I'll lose. Were you able to eat half a sandwich at 10 months out? I am wondering if I'm at "full capacity". I hope I am. Like I said, if I were to 'smush' it all, the 1 piece of bread and the veggies into a measuring cup, it wouldn't be much more than 1/2 cup. I would never have believe a half cup was so much until I had surgery and started measured a half cup of cottage cheese the first time. I was shocked! It really is a lot of food.
  17. NtvTxn

    Nearly 2 years post op!

    TennJenn - Like you, I reached goal quickly, just under five months for me. My surgeon's goal that is. I wanted a 5 lb "pad" and I reached that a month later. I will be ten months out on April 11th, I'm about 12 lbs under Dr. Davidson's goal. It has been disgustingly easy for me. Maintaining is the most difficult part. I could continue to lose weight if I wanted to. I have to work at getting all 1200 calories in each day to make sure I don't drop another lb. It is very strange. I love my sleeve, I being in control. I hope that a year from now I'll be just like you, nothing will have changed! I'm 51 yrs old....no real skin problems. Breasts are smaller and they could use a lift, but my tummy is flatter than it's every been....my arms aren't great, but they weren't before either. I'll probably never wear sleeveless. They are small though and not terrible. All in all, I am not unhappy and in clothes, I didn't look this good in jr. high or high school and like you said, shopping has never been this fun. I'm having a blast!
  18. Shanny - Not to mention, a whopper has 40 grams of fat. 11 grams of sat. fat and 51 carbs. Even if it takes ALL day to eat it......I'm not sure it's a wise choice!!!!!!!!!!!! Choices like a Whooper is what landed us in the waiting room of a bariatric surgeon, or at least contributed!!!
  19. I reached goal in just under five months. I'm nine months out and about 12 lbs under goal. I struggle to maintain....I need 1200 calories per day to keep from losing more. It feels as though I graze off and on all day, but that is what it takes. I can only eat a half a cup of food at meals, depending on what it is, slightly more, but barely. I spoke to my dietitian two weeks ago just to "check up" and told her that I'm finally wrapping my mind around being thin and trying to do what they initially said at the seminar, 'this is a way of life, not a diet'. The ONLY THING off limits is carbonated drinks. She and the doctor still stand by that. Of course I worry, like most of us, about my new tummy stretching. She said, stay away from soft drinks and don't continually overeat, and I do neither, and I have nothing to worry about. I know there are differing opinions, but it's not a big deal to me, as far as a coke.....and I paid way to much. I'd rather err on the side of caution. It sounds like a slippery slop to me!!!
  20. Hi Shanny! I love pork and have eaten it since I started eating meat. It's high in Protein but seems to me more dense than anything else!! It has been pork that has gotten me every time. I've never gotten "sick" but I've been uncomfortable a few times. I cannot eat as much pork as I can steak, ground meat or chicken.....I can eat more fish than anything else. I love pork chops and pork tenderloin, just less!! Don't worry and just eat slow and less, stop and see how you feel before finishing. You're smart, measure!! At nine months, I still measure and weigh my food!!
  21. Hi Skinnyagain! Morphine seems to be a bad pain reliever, it gave me a migraine and they took me off it and gave me something else! (I do suffer from migraines) Anyway, don't like hydrocodone, which is what they were going to give me....I specifically asked for Tylenol #3. I only took it at night and it was fine. I only had to take it the first week after I went home. Get a heating pad, it was the best thing for my incisions, any time I was sitting during the day, I had it on my tummy. Also, walk, just walk around the house as much as you can. When you feel like it, go to the grocery store or Wal Mart, just a short trip to get out of the house and walk a little. Walking helps....that and the heating pad, better than drugs!!!! Good luck, this is the BEST thing you've ever done, seriously, just wait!!!
  22. NtvTxn

    NSV shout outs

    Non-Scale-Victory. They ARE weight related since all our victories now seem to be, but are not because the scale went down. It could be because we went shopping and can wear a smaller size; some of those who once needed an extender when flying on an airplane no longer do. Some that use to fit snuggly in a booth at a restaurant now have room between them and the table. You get the picture!!! Non-Scale-Victories!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all have them as we lose weight!!!
  23. NtvTxn

    Do Sleevers Smell Bad?

    Good idea, maybe I'll do that instead of a full cap a couple of times a week. Maybe that would work better! Thanks!
  24. Sometimes I feel like I took the "easy" way out because it HAS been disgustingly easy for me.....BUT, I, like the rest of you, had major surgery; I had 85% of my stomach removed; like many of you, paid thousands of dollars out of my own pocket; like all of you, have chosen to make life changes to make this tool work - to any of the nay sayers who want to put a negitive spin on what I chose to do, SO WHAT if you think this is the easy way out after a life time of trying alternative ways to lose weight that failed.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
