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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. Hi Razn4 - My stats were pretty close to yours. I am 5'6.25" and weighed 223, I actually weighed 221 but was on vacation when I headed to the seminar and by the time I showed up, I'd managed to put on 7 lbs. HOW does that happen? Anyway, 223 is what was recorded!! I lost it as soon as I got home, so I got to count it as part of the 23 I lost pre-op! My BMI was 36 Heck no, it is NOT too drastic for you! I promise, you'll look back and KNOW for a fact that having sleeve surgery was the best decision of your life. All the WW meetings, if you did that, the diet pills, which screw up our metabolism, I did Optifast, self help books, I saw a nutritionist.....and I lost weight!!! Three times I lost fifty lbs, several times I lost thirty. I could drop twenty lbs in ONE MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!! Each and every time I gained it back, over the course of thirty years I gained more and more. Until I found myself sitting in the waiting room of a bariatric surgeon. I looked around and was the smallest person in the room.....but that didn't mean I shouldn't be there. Just like the larger people, we'd all been doing the same things, some of us just had more to lose than others. I had NO health issues, I considered this preventive maintenence!! All of a sudden, it's fun to go shopping, I LOVE IT. Just wait........where are you? Have you chosen a surgeon???!!! Ask me anything, this forum is great, so many people, we're all here for you!!! Good luck!!
  2. Hi Liz - i had a one week and two week follow up visit. After that i had a three month visit that was included in the initial cost of $12,000. (i was cash pay) I take a multi Vitamin, Target's gummy, store brand (it took me forever to find one i liked), the cost is minimal. I take www.bariatricadvantage.com Calcium citrate (chocolate, it's like little tootsie rolls!!!) It's 19.99 for two bags, they ship it automatically every month, start is about a week earlier than you'll need it so you never run out. Shipping is FREE if you have it done automatically. It is hard, if not impossible to find "calcium CITRATE" not carbonate in a store!!! Plus, this is good, comes in other flavors as well. I do not get bored, I love these forums and I love reading about and keeping up with other people. I also log my food........at 10 months out, I still keep up with everything I eat, I seldom miss a day. Good luck, is your surgery scheduled or you just getting started? Where will it take place? Self pay or ins?? Yay for you!!!!!!! You will not regret it!!!
  3. NtvTxn


    I find saying something to "shock" them really is fun........and saying it nicely. Totally something they're not expecting. Cheap entertainment!! LoL
  4. You're my hero Oregon - I hope it continues to be a "chore" for me to not continue to lose!!! What a problem to have. Never did I think THIS would ever be the part that would be the hardest part....well, this and getting all the darn Water in that I need to. OhMyGosh!!!!!!!!
  5. NtvTxn

    Tips for Success

    Christie - Fabulous link!!! Thanks, I am bookmarking it, plus I have several friends from my "hometown" back in Texas that I'm forwarding it to. They've all had RNY, but of course it applies to all of us!!! Have a great day!!
  6. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd EVER wear size 4 and 6 jeans. Tops that are mediums and some times even a small rather than 1X....a 2X felt even better! I knew I'd be thrilled with 12's but secretly hoped I'd sqeeze into 10's when it was all said and done. Then the weight started falling off and lickily split I was in 14's then 12's. I KNEW I'd wear be in 10's in no time. My goal was, my realistic goal was not a weight, it was a size - I was certain I could lose enough to wear a size 8 pretty early on. I couldn't picture it because my wedding dress (at age 19) was a size 9, but an 8, that was my dream!! Celebration took place when I got to a size 8, but alas, I wasn't through - HOW LOW COULD I GO??!!! I didn't look too thin, I felt good, this was easy as pie, I wasn't even to my surgeon's goal and here I was, in a size 8. Could I possibly EVER get into a size 6 EVER??!!! I knew then and there that my expectations of what I could accomplish with this new tool was way too low. It was amazing what was happening to my body.....now if my mind could only catch up!!! It did, I finally started recognizing myself. To this day, when I go to try on clothes, I will take a 6 and 8 into the dressing room instead of a 4 and a 6. It is very hard to get use to and I still lean towards buying something that is a bit to big. I just bought capris and I almost got the size 6 instead of the 4's - i could stick my entire arm down the waist of the size 6, but I just could NOT believe the 4 was REALLY the correct size and "what if they shrink when I wash and dry them". This is just crazy thinking, but I think it happens to all of us to some extent. At least I hope so!! LoL Anyway........I'm finally getting the hang of maintaining, it's been the most difficult part. I could continue to lose if I wanted to. I wish it were this easy for everyone. I hope it continues to be like this. I of course have this fear of waking up one day and I'll have put on ten or fifteen lbs., have that ravenous hunger and things will be like before. I am pretty sure that it is an irrational fear, and the further out I get, the less I think about stuff like that. I am learning to live like a naturally thin person. I hope I'll "think" like one.....all the time, one of these days!! Good luck to all of you that are just starting out. What a great journey we are on!!!
  7. Thanks!!! I'd bet on you!!! Good luck!
  8. Stunning!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Tijuana - I totally DISAGREE - I think 99.9% of all diets fail reguardless of BMI. I've done everything from diet pills, Optifast to WW - to seeing a nutritionist. I've lost and regained anywhere from 15 lbs, 20 lbs all the way to 50 lbs (i lost 50 lbs three different times in my life!!!). Each and every single time I regained it all, some times plus some - obviously! I am certain I screwed up my metabolism with all the yo you dieting....and the pills. Yikes, I was one of the phen phen users. I only did it a short time when the scare happened. I had to spend money to have my heart checked out, luckily I was fine....and I never, ever took another diet pill. It cured me! Anyway......I think you missed that percentage just a little!!!
  10. Rainydayz - I currently live in the north, but am a Native Texan. I went back to Dallas to have surgery, but went to my family doctor here in town ahead of town to let HER know what I had planned. I knew I was in good health, but I wanted to get her "ok" and just put my husband's mind at ease. Not only did I get her ok, since I am self pay and my surgeon is of course not an approved doctor since he is 'way down there' - my two doctors are kind of working together. He tells her what blood tests he needs ordered, she orders them and then faxes him the results. It's a win/win situation. I'm not sure if I could go to another bariatric surgeon and get aftercare.....probably not, but I am not 'banded' so there is no reason for me to see anyone else really. I see him on a fairly regular basis for the first 18 months, then once a yr. If/when he retires, well, I'll cross that bridge at that time!
  11. We stopped eating chips about a yr before I had surgery because my husband had a 'heart' scare....a 95% blockage in one artery and ended up with a stent. He made serious life changes, therefore, so did I!!! We try and catch them and ask them not to bring the chips or else we just don't eat them.....we have them bring an order of corn tortillas instead. (recommended by the cardiac dietitian) Sooooo, since I don't want to take up too much space in my new little tummy, and I too loooooove the salsa, I'll take a half or LESS of a corn tortilla and nibble on it dipped in the salsa. It is wonderful and you'd be surprised how quickly you get use to it and forget about the crunchy chips. Seriously....and I'm a Native Texas girl. We use to get a SECOND basket!!!!! LoL Now that I'm at goal, I will eat maybe three chips if they are on the table, three go a long way when you break them up into little bites. There just isn't much room to eat more than that.
  12. Track down Tiffykins, she knows everything....stats etc. If she does NOT know, she can find out. She is who we all go to if we have a question!!! Good luck, and congrats, you're doing great!
  13. I agree Mini - we are all unique! I maintain my current weight on 1175 - 1225, but some days I get in 1375 (though it is shocking when I do) and some days I will do good to get 875. It varies. I keep track of what I eat on line, seldom missing a day, but as somebody said, there are things I miss, like licking a spoon and when I pour milk in my coffee. At this point, it just doesn't matter. When I was in the losing stage, I DID count it, I did at least guesstimate what I was using. Now, I do not. If I were only getting in 1000 or 1100 per day, I'd continue to lose, if I got in 1350 calories per day, I'm pretty sure I'd see the scale start to go up a little at a time. I'm comfy and pretty steady at 1200. I go up and down 2 lbs but 135.5 - 136.5 seems to be where I always end up. It "feels" good. I don't exercise much, I have a weighted ball that I use a few times a week and a band that I like to experiment with occasionally, but I'm FAR from an exercise guru. I did not lose weight from exercising - along with this "tool" we have, I made life style changes that I knew I could live with forever....forced portion control is just what I needed. I don't deprive myself of anything, but there are things I choose not to eat. I am in control now, food is not! Me - I AM IN THE DRIVERS SEAT!!!
  14. LilMissDiva - thank you so much! Svelte and small framed, ok, you're the first to say that. I'm flattered. I am sure sizes have changed, although I don't remember, it's been soooo long since I was "small". I'd have to try on my wedding dress, which I keep meaning to do, like I said, it's a size 9. If it fits now, we know that sizes have definitely changed since 1979, and I'd guess they have, at least a little!!! I remember when my 14's fell off me.....I wasn't in them any time before I was in a size 12. Going from a 16 to a 12 seemed to happen quickly for some reason!! Like you, looking at these smaller jeans, it was/is hard to believe I can put them on.....and slipping into them without laying on the bed to zip them, that hasn't happened in years! It's the small things! Hey, You're welcome, and thank YOU, you've made my day!!
  15. NtvTxn

    I give up

    I totally agree. If you'll research medical care in Mexico, you'll see that many, many of the physicians attend medical school in the United States and medical care in Mexico is safe. It is not said anywhere that it's superior. You'll find 'quacks' every where, in every country. You'll find doctors, that MAY be wonderful physicians that have horrible bedside manner in every country as well. My grandson has a superior orthopedic surgeon, one of the best in Texas to deal with the tiny bones in his wrist. I'm sure this has inflated his ego....he's a jerk. Well, they're dealing with him because they need him. He isn't mean, just not a really nice, caring man. He does his job, and is doing a fine job.....he isn't anything like the a$$ mentioned in the earlier post.....like you said, I'd have walked out and tried to find someone to report him to. I'd be willing to bet, this was NOT a "Center of Excellence". Anyway....point is, to make a blanket statement about a group of people like that is just one step above biogtry if you ask me....not to be taken seriously.
  16. Sunnyd - It's funny, I take them out of the dryer and when I look at them - I think "there is NO way I can wear these". I wonder if THAT will EVER change!!! Oh....thank you and good luck, looks like you're doing fantabulous!!!!
  17. Me too Mini - Love the 4's - have you noticed that there is usually only ONE pair though, so you gotta get it when they put new inventory out it seems. Never any 2's, EVER, so I do not want to lose any more. My dietitian said I could easily go to 130 and still be fine, but all my pants would be too big, even the 4's - and I've spent to much $$ and it looks to me like 2's are near impossible to find unless you start looking in the junior dept. No thanks! I'm happy as a clam, and it feels like a job at this point to not lose any more. Let me state right now "I LOVE MY JOB" LoL I know you're doing great.....yay for you!!!
  18. Thanks Becca - I'm sure you are right, not to mention, it is still so foreign to be this size and to actually feel comfortable in something that "fits". I still seldom tuck anything in, just because.....maybe this summer I'll feel comfortable enough, but I've never ever been this size, so I have NEVER tucked anything in. Talkin' about teaching an old dog new tricks. This will take some getting use to! I have a mixture of 4's and 6's, it all depends on the brand, you know how they differ. Finally I have a FULL new wardrobe since I'm at goal and my pants are 50/50 exactly on the two different sizes. Good luck to you!!!
  19. Thanks y'all!!! It's been a great journey thus far! I am optimistic for continued success for all of us who are post-op and for all of you who are going to join us!!! I think this will be the "new gold standard" for WLS in coming years!!! Forced portion control, what could be better???!!!! The sleeve has proved to be a great tool in my very humble opinion!!!
  20. Thank you! No doubt you can get to a 10....but don't underestimate yourself!!! That's what I did, we don't dare dream we can go lower....we have it in our minds we'll look like a scarecrow OR, we think we're "big boned" so there is no way we could ever be that small or 'thin' or OMG SKINNY!!!! Funny thing, I am NOT big boned, all these years I thought I was, my mom told me I was!!! LoL Wow, what a revelation to learn, at age 51, I am not!!! It's just hard to picture ourselves 'small'. It is sooooo weird the first few times.....or first dozen times people refer to you as thin, small or skinny. You'll look around like 'who me, surely you jest'. I remember a couple of months ago I was at a cute little upscale boutique with over priced clothes....they were having a clearance and I tried on a pair of pants, I was already wearing a size 6, these were a size 8, but they were so dang cute and i STILL look at size 8's, I can't help myself!! These were Italian pants and they apparently run small.....they were really small, but oh-so-cute!!! Anyway, the sales woman said she was sure as tiny as I was that I'd be able to wear them!!! I couldn't believe it, ME??? She said so many had tried them on but they ran so small nobody could wear them. I suggested she move them to the 4's or 6's but she said they could not do that........I don't know why, but she said they couldn't. She lost me.....I was still basking in the "Tiny" comment!!! Of course she had nooooo idea what it meant to me for her to say that and had no idea how NEW it was......just wait, it will happen and it will make your day!!!
  21. Beadingnurse!!! Good luck tomorrow!!! I know you'll do fine and be writing about YOUR success story before you know it! Enjoy the ride, it's a great journey!!!
  22. NtvTxn

    Separate Facebook page?

    Kelly - do you have ANY idea HOW to do a "private group"???
  23. NtvTxn

    Separate Facebook page?

    We can always say "A doctor supervised diet" which is the truth. That can be low calorie or Medifast, or is it Optifast? I was on one or the other years ago....the one that is doctor supervised. Lost 50 lbs and promptly gained it back! Shocking, I know!! LoL
  24. NtvTxn

    Looking for a positive buddy/mentor

    Hi Monday - just going through some threads and saw this one. Thought I'd pop in and say hello...see how you're doing. I guess you are a ways out on your new journey and getting the hang of this new way of life. I'd love to hear how it's going when you have time.
  25. NtvTxn

    I give up

    Are a$$hole doctors only found in the good ol' US of A? Not one in Mexico or elsewhere beyond our borders? Pleeeeze, give me a break. Red flags go up as soon as someone is on one of these threads trashing the doctors in America and praising the doctors in Mexico, whoever their physician of choice happens to be. I always wonder.....is this person a staff member; is this a patient who is getting a kickback. Ever notice that other than recommendations from some of us IF asked for a doctor in a specific area, we don't sound like advertisements? Further more - If someone doesn't like my doctor, I don't care. I'm not going to get on here and defend him to high heaven, actually, I'm not going to defend him at all. He doesn't need ME doing that, it's not my place! Everyone has a different experience, he's been voted one of Dallas' Top Docs for 17 years, but I betcha there is someone in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area that doesn't like him and has has a less than wonderful experience with Dr. Wonderful. (that's what I call him!) My gosh, someone say something bad about Dr. A in Mexico and Katy bar the door!!! It's almost comical. I mention him because he's the one that comes to mind. I don't trust any of you that get on here acting like the doctors here are a bunch of low life quacks and we need to cross the border to get good health care at a good price. To each his own. Me, I wanted a Center of Excellence and follow up care that was on going, support groups led by staff members I knew. A dietitian whose cell phone number is programmed into my cell phone number.....When we had our own computer consulting business (custom built systems) we use to run an ad, "You get what you pay for" - people paid a little more, but they were paying for customer support, personal service etc. To some it was worth it, to some, they went to Best Buy for their computer....but Best Buy did not come set up a system "From Santa" on Christmas Eve. I think everyone should do what works for them! . 'Nuff said

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