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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. NtvTxn

    Vanity Sizing

    Different brands run differently, even the same brand, GAP jeans for instance, different styles jeans fit differently. I wear a 4 in two styles and a 6 in another. I wear regular length in two of them and have to buy a long in the other and then I have to have that pair altered just a little because they are TOOOO long. It's nuts. I had no health issues. Surgery was totally because of vanity, I do hope that I avoided any future health issues....but vanity sizing or not, slipping into a four makes me smile every time. It's been a year and I am still amazed and lovin' it!!!! :biggrin: I say "CELEBRATE VANITY SIZING!!!!"
  2. There are several things I can do now that I could not or did not before my sleeve! First of all, I can walk in any store and find something cute to wear! I don't mind having my picture taken now. One of the most exciting things is when I "aquired" a collar bone, I love seeing it!! I'm in charge, food is not! Like somebody said, I now look on the outside how I've felt on the inside for years. Sex is a lot more fun now, it was good before, but I was always self conscious about how I looked. Not any longer. It's taken a while but I do know I'm small, even if I still feel like I have fat days. I use to think thin people said that just because, but it's true, some days, even though I know I'm thin, I will feel fat!! LoL
  3. Good morning! My story is maybe not typical. I had no health issues and my BMI was 36...I have a friend who had had surgery several years before. I thought she was nuts, said I would "never" go to such extremes! I woke up one morning at 4:30 AM and right then and there, I knew I was going to go 'under the knife'. My friend had no problems, she didn't die and was thrilled with her surgery. That was December 2009 - surgery was June 2010. I researched doctors and narrowed it down to two. The one I chose did surgery on Fridays, which was more convenient for me, so I went with him. Both had the "center of excellence" stamp of approval, and that is what I was looking for. I read, read and read more about having this done. I was obsessive. I started attending support group meeting several months prior to surgery. I went to a seminar and read more! Even after surgery was schedule I continued to research and at one point thought about putting surgery off until after we moved back to Texas. (my doctor is in Dallas) Then I re-thought that and did it. I have never had what some refer to as buyers remorse....not for one second. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I never had any problems, maybe because I was in good health, I'm not sure. I treated this as the most important diet I've ever been on. Nothing sweet or fried touched my lips until after I reached goal. Now everything is in moderation, fried foods are rare, sweets in moderation. I love my life, I love it that I can shop anywhere! I highly recommend this......you'll never look back!!! Good luck!
  4. My doctor's goal was 150 - MY goal, initially, was a size 8. I got down to a size 8 and then a 6 - I'm currently about eight lbs below the goal Dr. Davidson set and my GAP jeans are a size 4. I would never, ever have dreamed I couild get to this size....I was afraid an 8 would be too small. I would have bet money I'd look anorexic, unhealthy - but I look and feel great! I had to add snacking back into my routine just so I can maintain. I've been maintaining now for not quite a year. I go up and down a couple of lbs all the time, but I feel like I'm living life like a naturally thin person. It's great! Oh, my BMI varies between 22 and 23.
  5. NtvTxn

    SEX...TMI??? I Know But I Gotta "ASK"!!!

    Sex is waaaay better. It was good before, but wow, it's great now. I'm much more secure and missionary is NOT the only or even the primary position!! This is funny that I stumbled across this topic. My husband asked me this past weekend if anybody had ever posted anything about their husbands. He said it took a while for him to get use to the new me. He KNEW it was me, but it didn't feel like me. I'm so much smaller, he can "lift" me like someone said....I have bones now. He says I am so light.....he's use to me now, but he said it was very strange for a while. Not bad strange, just didn't feel like me.
  6. NtvTxn

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    I revel in being called skinny - to my face, behind my back, I don't care!!! My glass is 3/4 full - it's just lets me know I've been successful!!! Someone told a group of us at a support group ages ago, "People are use to seeing you one way, chances are you've been large for years. When that changes you DO look skinny, some may think you look unhealthy or are losing too much. That's normal" I agree there are probably some are envious, but I haven't done anything they can't do. What is the best is when someone who only knows the new me complements me on something to do with my size. I had a sales lady say to me "You are so little, I am sure it will fit" This is so fun, I am thankful every time I go to a mall, knowing I can walk in any store and find something cute to wear!! My suggestion is, thank God you were able to have this surgery and change the course of your life....and thank God people notice!!!! =)
  7. NtvTxn

    Fat Pant Photos...

    banana Babes, I love that!!
  8. Looking back over the past 17 months - remembering this journey of mine, from the time I attended the siminar in April of 2010 - I'd say THE most exciting NSV I've had was seeing my collar bone!!!!!!! Wow, it was so cool, and I still like seeing it in pictures! Hip bones were neat too, but realizing I have a real collar bone has been by far, the best NSV. Second place is the day I bought a pair of jeans at the GAP - size 4!!! I have 4's, 6's and a size 8!! I can wear the 6 when I'm having a "fat" day - but the size 8, I haven't worn them since January! I'm curious as to what the most exciting NSV has been for the rest of y'all....c'mon, share!!
  9. NtvTxn

    Sleeve regret?

    Not a minute of regret - no second thoughts. Before or after!!! Getting the sleeve is the single best decision I've ever made - other than marrying my husband!!
  10. I'm almost 17 months out and I can eat quite a bit more than I did at six months. I ask my husband, "Did I eat a lot?" pretty often! I know it sounds nuts, but to ME it looks like a huge amount, but in reality it is not. I can look at other people's plates in a restaurant, and it astounds me what others consume, and to think I use to eat the same amount!! What can I eat??!!! Well, like many of the others, 1 slice of pizza. I can eat a half cup of cottage cheese and a pineapple slice, although lately, a third cup with the pineapple fills me up. I ate two scrambled eggs this morning with a quarter oz of LF cheddar.....normally I eat one with the cheese. I am really full, too full I think. I need to stick to one egg. I can eat 2.5 - 3 oz of dense protein with a bite or two of whatever veggie and I try and always add an eighth cup of cottage cheese. (great protein!) I seldom eat a sandwhich unless it is at a sandwich shop, then I eat a little of the bread and mostly just the insides. Restriction is still good....I've been maintaining for about 11 months.
  11. I had surgery in June 2010 - I reached goal in just under five months, and then went below the doctor's goal and my personal goal. I've been maintaining, maintaining sucessfully since last December. It takes a while to get the hang of it, and at one time I wasn't sure how to quit loosing weight! Add calories, duh!! I'm comfortable between 138 and 143, sometimes I go a little lower, sometimes a lb or two more. I can get back to where I like to be, no problem. I weigh every day (twice) - my surgeon recommends weighing every morning, he said and I quote "It's easier to know where you are at all the time. It's easier to get rid of three or four lbs than ten" (which we all know can happen quickly!!) My question is this....Yesterday I was 142.9 - but it was a nerve wracking day....I ate more calorie wise, that is the norm. They told me to maintain I would need between 800 - 1200. I've found that 1100 - 1250 is right for me....but - and this is the weird part, I weigh a little more than a lb LESS than I did yesterday, but my caloric intake was a couple hundred more than usual....and today, i'm down a lb. I fully expected to weigh about a lb more than yesterday. I was shocked. I know, Water can have something to do with it, but this is not the first time it's happened. I do not see how it's possible. Has anyone else had this experience? This was definately NOT the case when I was losing! They told me at my one year check up that I was doing great....keep calories at 1200 and no more than one cup of food....ever. That's no problem. No way can I eat a cup of food @ one sitting, but getting the calories in is no problem now days. I can go over 1200 but that is usually when we are out of town and eating out constantly. Sooooo - is this an "every-so-often" fluke or what??
  12. I do not drink carbonated drinks, but since I reached goal, I will have something fried occasionally. It's so little and so seldom, I don't even really think about it. When my husband gets a burger and fries, I'll eat four or five french fries. He eats about double that and we throw the rest away!! I was with my sister in law a few months ago....with a couple of her friends we'd met for lunch. They got an order of fried pickles, something I'd never had previously....they're wonderful - I ate three! So, yes, since I got to where I want to be, I'm not nearly as rigid as during the losing stage. I was never a soft drink person, and my doctor stresses not having carbonation, so I don't. I did take a couple of sips a time or two, it did not bother me, but I didn't really like the way it tasted. (Coke Zero, and I liked it fine before) I count this as a plus!!
  13. Isn't it wonderful when we have to remember to eat??!! LoL That is true, Protein and fluids = weight loss! At this point in maintaining, there is a fine line!! I will not push the bar though - You'll do great, this is the best thing ever!!
  14. NtvTxn


    The head games......OMG - I do finally recognize myself when I look in the mirror, but I am now wearing a size 4 and I still look at them and think no way!! My surgeon's goal for me was 150, I wanted a 'five lb pad'. I kept on losing, getting 18 below what my doctor's goal. It was too low, but I had trouble stopping!!! Is that crazy or what??!!! I've gone up from an all time low of 132 back up to 138 - 143, that's where I'm comfortable and I find it very easy to stay here. I'm not quite 5'7" - there are a lot of mind games we play with ourselves! Someone posted one time that it takes about 3 yrs to stop all the games! I still have an irrational fear of gaining again...........I know we can drink our calories and gain easily, but living as a naturally thin person, I think we are safe. I still ask my husband "Did I eat a lot?" It's because I can eat so much more than I could a year ago....but when I look at what others are eating at restaurants, it's shocking. I eat soooo much less and it astounds me to know I use to eat that amount!!!
  15. NtvTxn

    Clothes Shopping--- Size 12!

    And don't underestimate how low you can go!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I'd be happy at a 12 if I never lost another lb, but it had been so easy, of course I kept losing. My personal goal was an 8, but lo and behold....I kept going down, down, down. I wear a size 4, I have a size 6 to wear on a "fat" day!! I still look at these jeans and think NO WAY!!! Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought this was possible. Life is good....I love to shop now, even if I am just window shopping, it's fun to try on things just because.....I love knowing I can walk in any store and finding my size is no big deal. Congrats......I know exactly like you feel!!
  16. NtvTxn

    31 BMI

    Good luck!!! Like you, I was NEVER apprehensive, I was more than ready!!! Where in Dallas are you located? We're in the Los Colinas/Valley Ranch area. I am glad to be home!!!
  17. NtvTxn

    31 BMI

    Hi Mini!!! It's been ages since I've spent any length of time "trolling" the forum!! We moved back to Texas (Dallas) the first of August....it's been busy!! How are you? Looks like you're doing well - me too!!! This maintenece thing has been easy for me...thus far! I bounce between 138 and 143 - that's where I'm comfortable. I'm about three quarters of an inch taller than you....but I'm wearing a size 4 just like you.........never in my wildest dreams! Initially my goal was a size 8, and I really had my doubts if that was possible. I couldn't picture myself at that size. When I got to a size 12, I was thrilled and had I never lost another lb I would have been happy, but why stop...it was soooo dang easy. The eight was great, then a six. I have a size six GAP jeans that if they are just washed/dried I wear them when I'm having a "fat" day!!! LoL They're bagging off me and look way too big after an hour or so. I still look at these little bitty jeans and think NO WAY!!! I do recognize myself in the mirror now, which is nice. Do you still have the irrational fear of gaining it back? I can eat so much more than I could a few months out.....then the rational part of me looks at what others are eating in a restaurant, and I am stunned.....I use to eat that much. Still.....the head games we play. Am I the only one??!!!! I sure do love my sleeve....life is so much fun now, and most of the time, I've gone from being one of the 'bigger girls' in the room to more times than not, the smallest. It still makes me smile!! Take care.....
  18. I am almost 17 months out and my tummy still gurgles. I've accepted it as normal. It doesn't happen all the time and is almost exclusively at my evening meal. It is NOT because I'm hungry, it is always after I eat. I don't think my tummy EVER growls any more, not since surgery!!! I think it may be because I eat a little too much at dinner time.
  19. NtvTxn

    Planning advice

    I forgot about the small plates. I STILL eat off the salad plate and I also use a seafood fork a good deal of the time. My husband uses the salad plate too a lot of the time. It's all a mind game, but it's good!!
  20. NtvTxn

    Planning advice

    I stocked up on soups and I don't know what else. I don't advise it!! What I thought I'd use and enjoy....out the door!! =) What helped me most the first couple of weeks was a heating pad. After that, a nice soft pillow to prop under my tummy at night. (I always sleep on my side) The canned Campbells Soup was 'ok' - I did enjoy the cream of chicken, but enough is enough already!! What was soooo good is tortilla soup from El Fenix, a local Mexican food restaurant. I couldn't have any of the chunkies, but the broth was so good....also, the chicken soup broth at Panera Bread. What a treat!!! I wasn't hungry at all, but I knew I had to eat something. I gave up on Protein shakes and switched to the bullets, they don't taste any better, but they're only 3.5 oz. A couple of sips 3x's a day and you're through and it's over 40 grams of protein. You can always hold your nose like kids do!! LoL Getting to eat a scrambled egg, tuna and cottage cheese was like heaven. I still love to eat even though I still don't have REAL hunger like I did pre-op. Eating is social and it tastes good, I enjoy and savor every bite I take, but I'm in control now!
  21. NtvTxn

    Still Scared

    I was 18 lbs below my physician's goal (my goal was 5 lbs less than his). I wasn't sure HOW I could stop, but rest assured, you can stop! My dietitian told me to add a few calories, splurge a little, start drinking 1% milk, get gravy on the side and dip, things like that. I would never add calories by eating ice cream, twinkies, things like that, but it's nice to have banana nut bread in my life about once a week. (star bucks on friday is how we start friday date night - great pumpkin bread and banana nut bread!!) I was able to gain a few lbs, back up to 138 from 132. I am comfortable between 138 and 142. If I get up to 145, I can drop back down in a couple of days. It's great!! I never thought I could weigh this, I was happy at 165 or 170 - who knew how well this 'tool' could work!!! Don't set the bar too low - you want to have a healthy BMI - under 25. Others will be alarmed at how thin you are and it will take you months to look in the mirror and recognize yourself, but you will love it and you will get use to it!! I hit goal in just under 5 months, almost 80lbs, now I'm stable at 9 lbs below goal. 88 lbs total.
  22. NtvTxn

    Am I alone

    This was my fear, how could this work when nothing else did. I was advised by my PCP in the very beginning to find a "Center of Excellence" surgeon. I did and have had fabulous results. I read up on it and to get this Center of Exellence status requires quite a list of things. My doctor gave me the best advice I have ever received, I'm glad I listened to her and found a this doctor.
  23. You look GREAT!!! You and I started out with very similar stats....I was 228 at 5'6.5" - My surgeon's goal was 150, mine was a size 8 initially - then when I hit that so easily, I wanted to get a 5 lb pad. I was at 145 at about 6 months out. I kept going and going - I got a little concerned when I was down to 132. I consulted with the dietitian and got some hints on getting up a little. I now weigh between 138 and 142, that's where I'm comfortable. At 132 my size 4's were loose, and finding a size 2 is very difficult!! Now my 4's fit good, and I never dreamed I'd ever wear this size!! I have a couple of size 6's for 'fat days'. LoL Life is good!!
  24. I started out telling my family, including my in-laws and very few friends, but as it turned out, I've told more people. There ARE people I haven't told, and I feel a little guilty because I think they could benefit from this surgery.....maybe later. Believe it or not, WLS is practically a status symbol in Texas....but it is Texas! =) I'd say 99% of the folks I've told are supportive....many want details because I think it is something they might do. The couple that were not my cheerleaders may feel threatened or envious, who knows. It's always nice to not be the biggest in the room, or at least have someone your size, that's possible I suppose. Now I am normally the smallest one in the room - not counting the teenagers! What a switch!!
  25. NtvTxn

    VSG trouble

    I agree about measuring food. I am not quite 17 months out and I still measure or weight what I eat at home. It's not really possible when eating out, you have to just 'eyeball' it - otherwise, it's still helpful. I also keep an online long Fitday.com I want to keep track of my calories and Protein. My doctor has never stressed carbs unless someone isn't losing, then I think it's a big deal.

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