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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. Hey there! I'm just over two years out as well. I reached my surgeon's goal in five months but I wanted a 'pad' so I chose 145. At 132 lbs I was freaking out, I couldn't stop losing, or so it seemed!! I talked to the dietitian and she said UP my calories! I added calories and gained up to 145. This summer with the vacation, family reunion and company, I'm up to 150 - 152, not horrible, but today I started cutting back on my snacking, which is HOW I was able to gain back some lbs and how I maintain. Losing was just about the easiest thing I've ever done, and maintenence is not difficult easy. Also, gaining this additional five lbs has been pretty easy as well. LOL I'm never really 'hungry' - I get what I call and 'empty' feeling. I can eat or ignore it. I do not deprive myself of anything I really want, but I am aware of everything I put in my mouth. I feel like this is how "naturally" thin people feel and how they eat. Life is good......I wanted to wear a size 8 and I wear a 6. At 145 I wear a four comfortably, but at my lowest the four jeans were loose after 45 minutes. I KNEW it was time to gain some back, who'd have ever thought that would be happening!!!!
  2. NtvTxn

    Eating Wrong

    BTW, at week 3 I also had refried beans wtih a little 2% melted cheese and Greek yogurt....the PLAIN Greek yogurt is like sour cream but healthy and high in protein! Add about 2 TB to a can of beans just because! It was like heaven!!
  3. NtvTxn

    Eating Wrong

    My first two weeks I wasn't allowed anything that wouldn't go through a straw. You don't want a leak and watch the avocados, healthier fat but HIGH in fat. You are in a honeymoon stage, easy to lose and now is when you start making life choices....for the second two weeks I had 'soft food' which was adding scrambled egg and cottage cheese, as well as creamed soup....98% fat free. Skim milk counts towards your 'water intake' and I started and ended each day with a cup....plus you're getting protein. I could NOT get in that much water, even putting lemon in it, but my RN DID finally tell me that tea and even coffee could count as liquids. I told her I could NOT possibly drink that much water. She said water is THE BEST choice, but just DRINK and watch the color of your urine. I drink little water, only when I'm out to eat, but even at over 2 yrs out, I still watch the color in the potty!!
  4. I am over 2 years out, surgery was in June of 2010. I still never feel hunger like I did prior to surgery, occasionally I'll have slight hunger, but it's not anything like before. I call it my new hunger, but it's something I can ignore. It's more of an empty feeling. I HAVE had a lightheaded, sick'ish feeling if I go too long and don't eat. More times than not, it's when I'm shopping and put off eating lunch for too long. I am aware of every thing I put in my mouth, but this summer has been horrible. I am at my doctor's goal weight but 5 or 6 lbs above MINE!!! Family reunion, vacation, out of town company.....more sweets and more 'stuff' than I should indulge in. I do not deprive myself.....but it IS forced portion control, which I love. This summer I've just 'grazed' more than normal and have gotten way too full more often. I've started upping my protein and liquids as of today. All the summer activities are basically over....I'm ready to lose these few lbs. I DO look at food differently, and still pick and choose what I eat and how often. I know I still have eating issues, that will never change, the difference is I'm not hungry and that makes it much easier to have self control.
  5. Things are different for everyone but I don't think there is anything 'healthy' about potaoes!! I know I eat them to often, but a white potato, the healthiest thing about it is the skin! Am I wrong? White carb.....I think of it like eating white bread.
  6. NtvTxn


    Shrimp, steamed, is LOW in calories and high in protein. I make a habit of keeping a bag of frozen shrimp on hand. Eat two or 3 oz if you can, for lunch. I find that seafood is easy to eat, has been from the beginning, I guess because it's soft. Also high in protein, an egg, I make a can of tuna and add 2 TB of LF mayo. I eat it with Speacial K crackers. Recommended by my dietitian, at least they have some Fiber. A serving is 17, I eat about half that amount. I consider 1% cottage cheese, the Breakfast of champions!!! I sometimes eat it alone, and some times I'll have a few pieces of slices canned or jarred pears or peaches. In extra lite syrup. All these things are high in protein!!! Good luck!
  7. NtvTxn


    I got only 400 - 550 for months. By six months out I had reached goal and taking in approx 800 calories. I kept losing, got 19 below goal and was freaking out!!! After consulting with my dietitian I changed from skim milk to 1% or 2%, added a couple of Snacks in. I love graham crackers and natural Peanut Butter. I regained some of the weight, I'd gotten too low. I got back up about ten lbs and can maintain with 1250 - 1350 calories per day. This summer has been horrible, I've gained about 6 - 7 lbs - but starting today, I'm getting it back off. I'm only 2 lbs above my doctor's goal weight, BMI is still 'healthy' but I am not happy. We've had company, a family reunion....vacation. Sweets and too much eating out. I usually keep an online food log, but have been lax the past month....back to that this morning! Everyone is different, you're correct!!! Maintaining has really been pretty easy for me. Back to it!!
  8. NtvTxn

    My Life At 2 Years Out

    Hi - don't worry about how you're doing, tomorrow will be my 2nd anniversary. I've lost a total of 81 lbs, 20 prior to surgery. I reached goal in just under 5 months. I've never felt better in my life. I wear a size 4 jeans! I am 52, I've NEVER worn this size. I totally skipped it when I was a teenager! Seriously! I have never thrown up, although there have been a couple of times I've thought I would, pretty eary out and after eating out. I still weigh and/or measure most of my food most of the time and I keep an on line food log so I can keep track of the calories and my Protein. I weigh twice a day, it's like a game with me. At night I guess what I'll weigh in the morning. I go up and down, some times 3.5 lbs in a week. I eat anything I want, but since I am not really hungry any more, it's easy to make wiser choices and not over do. A piece of cake or a cookie rather than 4 Cookies or two large pieces of cake. I am never hungry like I use to be, for the first year I basically had NO HUNGER. I ate because I knew I needed to, it tasted good and it is what we do socially. I think now I eat like a naturally thin person. I still have good restriction, I needed this, it's forced portion control. I love it and would do it again in a heartbeat! There are things I don't eat, or certainly not often. If there are french fries, I may eat four or five. Not an order and I do NOT mind throwing food away. If it's something I can eat the next day, I'll bring it home, but if not.....I make sure to eat the protein first, the rest, not a big deal. We share a lot when we go out to eat, which costs less and is healthier for my husband as well. I've been maintaining for about eighteen months, to stay between 143 and 147, I need to eat about 1200 calories a day. When I was in the losing stage, early on especially, I was only eating 500 - 650 calories per day. I was healthy and felt good. I was eating 60 - 80 gr of protein a day. Cottage cheese, eggs, tuna, chicken, fish, beef....all high in protein. Fish went down the easiest as far as meat, it still does. I keep a frozen bag of shrimp in the freezer and will steam a few oz for lunch some times. Back then I started and ended every day with a cup of skim milk, protein right there!!! Good luck.....you are on track, every lb you lose is forever! I averaged 10 lbs a month after surgery. I'd go up and down, week to week, but it was steady. Shopping is fun. Life is good!!!
  9. In about three weeks I'll be 2 years out. I was very strict with myself until I reached goal, but without hunger and the restriction.....this has seriously been the easiest thing I've ever set out to do and accomplished! I am still uncomfortable if I eat too much. I weigh every single day, when I'm home, I weigh and measure all my food. I use an on line program to keep track of Protein and calories. I seldom miss a day, at least not during the week. Saturday and Sundays are a little more hectic. Just to give you an idea of what I can eat at almost two years post op. Tonight I had 3 oz of chicken breast cooked in cream of mushroom Soup. 1/2 of a small new red potato, .125 cup of 1% cottage cheese and .125 cup of pork and Beans. To me this seems like a lot of food, compared to what I could eat a year ago, but when I think about what I use to eat and look at what other people eat.....it is very little. I use a salad plate, so a lot is visual!! Don't worry, this is a wonderful tool.....I haven't had one minute of buyer's remorse!! I love my sleeve!!
  10. It does not have to happen to you.....When I went to the seminar, they said this was to give us a way of life, where we never have to diet again. That's well and fine, but until I reached goal, I treated this as THE most important diet of my life....and since I had forced portion control, no hunger, true motivation etc.....it was NOT difficult at all. My daughter popped two yogurt covered cheerios in my mouth to try before I reached goal, neither of us were thinking. The minute I tasted 'sweet' - they came out like I'd taken a drink of sour milk! I mean I was a straight arrow!!!! My nurse said I was 'rigid' and followed that up with.....'it works for you'. I reached goal in just under five months. Slowly but surely I started tip toeing into eating like a real person. Now I think I eat like a naturally think person. Life is good. Good luck!!!
  11. You can do this, and be 100% successful, but you must do what we know we are suppose to do. I don't know about the cokes stretching our new little tummies. Tiffikns seems to do fine with them.....but according to almost every single doctor, they are off limits, if for no other reason than they are empty calories or As a gym teacher use to say to her girls....just paste it on your hips. Protein, protein!! at 23 months out, I still weigh and measure my food when I'm home. Hang in there, you have a great tool, use it to it's fullest extent
  12. I was at my surgeon's goal at five months out, and five lbs under a month later. At 23 months I am maintaining at my goal/under Dr. Davidson's goal with no problem. 100% of my excess weight it what I lost, I don't know what is "normal" but I know that this is possible, I never dreamed I'd lose this much! Initially THIS was NOT my goal, I would have been happy to get down to whatever weight just so I could wear a size 12. That happened in two shakes of a lamb's tail. I reset my goal to a size 8....I now wear 4's and 6's. The doctor set his goal at my 3 month ck up, and when I saw it was possible, I lowered it 5 lbs to give myself a pad. Set your goals high, it's possible, in fact, it's probable! Good luck!!!
  13. I just saw this....you're kidding, right??!! Where's the Protein you need? 60 - 65 grams??!! A Protein shake......alcohol (carbonated) Desserts.....I am speechless!!
  14. NtvTxn

    Newbie Here

    Hi A Better Me - I am not 'NEW' - I had surgery almost two years ago by Dr. Davidson at Forest Park.....I am here to tell you it's the best decision I ever made in my life!!! Good luck to you, you'll love your sleeve!!!
  15. I used Dr. Davidson at Forest Park (and he is also at Presbyterian). I got my sleeve two years ago next month....NO problems. Dr. Davidson has also been named a 'Top Doc' in D Magazine for the past 17 or 18 years. He does missionary work in his 'spare' time....I think he's a really good guy on top of being a top surgeon with a good reputation. When looking for a surgeon just make sure to look for a Center Of Excellence.
  16. I have so, so many! I'm a month away from my 2 yr anniversary....so I really don't have any new things happen any more! SAD!!! The ones that stand out in my mind are when I realized all of a sudden I had a collar bone; When I went from shopping in the 'womens' dept to the missy dept; Then when I was at the GAP and slipped into a size 4. I still find it hard to believe. I don't wear a four in everything, but to wear a four in anything....wow!! I was wearing an 18 and 20 when I had surgery! The other 'big deal', that is memorable is the first time someone called me skinny. Being referred to as tiny, skinny, small......for the longest time I'd look around to see who they might be talking to....now I just smile on the inside. Life is good!!!
  17. Will our new tiny tummies really stretch? If so, HOW? My doctor made mine a 3 oz. Over time they said it will end up approx. 8 oz. How is that and can I prevent it, maybe keep it at a 5 oz? What causes it to stretch? I think I still eat too fast some times. Next Friday will be 8 weeks for me. I know I can eat one half cup of cottage cheese for instance, so I don't worry about the amount, I measure it and I can eat it in a little less than fifteen minutes. I think that is too fast, will THAT stretch my tummy or am I worried for nothing? Do I just need to pace myself? I normally take much longer, but I was hurrying this morning. I really am concerned about it getting larger. I eat so little, but I am worried long term. What causes us to start eating more...will that "one bite too much" do it? I'd love opinions from some of you that are further out....well, and some of you other newbies as well!!
  18. Nobody dared say anything negitive to me really, but I am certain there are those that are waiting for me to fail. I am wearing a size four jeans. Size FOUR!!! Seriously, I hold them up and still think 'NO WAY' and sure 'nuff, they fit. Mom always told me I was big boned. Who knew, she was wrong!!! I am not. I'm not a tiny, petite, little thing, but I am healthy at a size 4 jeans and a medium top, some times a small. It is shocking, still, after a year, when somebody says "You're so tiny" or somebody calls me skinny. This surgery is forced portion control, that is what I needed. Of course we can make bad choices, but a little common sense, and this is a miracle in my book! I eat like a naturally thin person I think. I don't do without anything except carbonated drinks, that's it!!! Enjoy and the nay sayers will be asking you questions and may jump on our bandwagon!!!
  19. June 11, 2010 85 lbs I've been maintaining since December of 2010
  20. NtvTxn

    My 1St Dinner Party And I Am Nervous.

    Also, people at a get together do not pay attention to what others are eating! People who know about your surgery may and may ask a few questions, but the ones who know nothing, will not notice, I am sure of it. Who pays attention to what others eat?? Well, I guess maybe those of us who've had surgery pay attention now and wonder HOW we ever ate that amount!
  21. NtvTxn

    My 1St Dinner Party And I Am Nervous.

    I absolutely did not 'cheat' until I reached goal. When I went out to eat, which was a time or two a week, I always tried to find an on line menu to look at ahead of time. If there wasn't one, I did have in mind what I would get. Something thast is always safe and for me, goes down easy is shrimp cocktail. You are a newby, I doubt that you can eat much, probably not even an entire shrimp coctail, but it is packed with Protein and seafood is 'soft'....at least it was something that never gave me problems! Good luck!!
  22. The additional attention from men since losing weight just tells me it is REAL. I think women treat me differently as well. My glass is more than half full!!!!
  23. The head games we play!!! What a fun journey it is!! It's taken a while but I am no longer going to the large womens clothing dept. I still glance over there and remember how I hated to shop, how I ONLY shopped when I had to get something new. It is strange and wonderful the way people react to us now, at least I think so. I didn't feel invisable before but I think I wanted to be invisible at times. I always felt like the largest girl in the room and now, seriously, I feel like and I AM the smallest woman in the room. Wow!!! Yes, what a difference eighteen months make!!! Life is good!!! Congrats to you!!!!
  24. NtvTxn

    Vanity Sizing

    I totally understand, you're talking to someone who weighs daily. I'm all about numbers!! I don't know how much the sizes have changed over the years, but my size 9 wedding dress from 1979 swallows me, so when my size 8 jeans are way too big, I figure that's pretty accurate. I know for sure foreign made, high dollar brands run small. I found a pair of Italian made jeans for a steal, my GAP jeans are a 4, these are an 8. They fit good, but they are definitely different. I don't think they're quite as comfortable. Anyway, shopping is fun for the first time in my life!!!!!!!

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