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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. NtvTxn

    gained 4 lbs?

    That is HOW I lost weight during my entire losing phase. Down a lb or two, then up a lb or two. I could go up and down for a week before letting go for good and then on to the next lb or two. A couple of questions, 1) are you tracking/logging all your food, even the stuff you wish you had not eaten? If not, I highly recommend it. 2) Do you weigh and/or measure your food so you can track accurately? When I was doing the up and down thing for a week, it was time to make a change to kick start it. Upped my Protein and water and get everything going again. Now days, since I'm maintaining, if I'm up even a half pound above my 'comfort zone', then I cut my calories back by 100 - 200 calories per day. It is, without fail, gone in a few days. I hope this helps!!!
  2. NtvTxn

    Months 2 & 3

    You are doing fantabulous!!!!! Good for you!
  3. NtvTxn

    So hard letting go of old clothes

    I was glad to see my old, ugly "fat" clothes go to Good Will....and watch my closet, slowly but surely grow with more stylish, smaller clothes!!! I kept one pair of shorts, either a size 18 or 20. Every so often, I will drag them out and put them on. Two of me, literally, could fit in there comfortably!!!! Let go.....keep one thing to remind you where you were!!!! Congratulations!
  4. NtvTxn

    Any Dallas Area Sleevers?

    We moved to NE Plano about ten months ago. I attend four area support groups. They're all different and all good. Everyone's welcome. If you're interested, send me a message with your email address and I'll forward you my 'list' with the information about each of them. Location, times, addresses, etc.
  5. NtvTxn

    Is this normal?

    I took OTC Prevacid AC
  6. NtvTxn

    Losing too much or too quickly?

    I wouldn't really worry until you get to goal, I didn't. I actually wanted to be five pounds UNDER my physician's goal. Then you'll have to find where you need to be to maintain. If you're still wanting to lose that six pounds and maybe a few more to have a pad, then I'd wait to increase calories until you get the that point. You're really doing good, congrats!
  7. NtvTxn

    Losing too much or too quickly?

    As crazy as it sounds, I couldn't stop losing weight, I was 17 lbs below goal and started to panic. I was looking gaunt, although, at the time, I didn't "see" it, but everyone around me did. I talked to my dietitian and she instructed me to increase my caloric intake. Add a couple of Snacks a day, or mini meals, something to get in more calories. At that time, I never had more than 800 calories a day. I felt good and struggled to get in the additional ones I needed to put back on a little weight. I managed to gain back ten pounds. I look better, wear 4's, 6's and mediums. I found where I need to be to maintain, 1300 calories and I go between 143.5 (this morning) to 146.5 - I reached goal in six months, I've been maintaining for 2.5 years without any trouble. I still have great restriction and could lose more if I wanted to. It's crazy, but it's nice to feel in control.
  8. Yes, there really is a 'honeymoon' period which is why I was soooooo rigid with myself. NOT one thing I should not have, no fried, no sweets, bread, Pasta or rice. Now I eat like a naturally thin person, and nothing but carbonation is off limits, but when I was losing, I treated it like the most important diet of my life, and it was!!!
  9. NtvTxn

    Dallas Dr. Victor Gonzalez

    Someone at one of the support groups I attend used him, and I know they were happy with him!! Good luck!
  10. NtvTxn

    Self Image

    There were days, prior to surgery that i felt big or fat, most of the time I felt like the biggest or one of the biggest girls in the room, whenever I was at a Christmas party or whatever. I look at pictures of me from back then and I was actually BIGGER than I felt like I was. I did hate to shop and always felt HUGE but most of the time I did NOT feel as big as I was. Weird. Now, the scale and the size of my clothes, tell me I'm pretty thin. People have called me thin, skinny, small, and I am still taken aback when that happens......that said, there are still days that I call my fat days. Just a day every so often, I feel out of sorts, it's just me, but now I know how a naturally thin person can 'feel fat' or have a fat day. I use to think they were fishing for a complement and thought they might need a swift kick, but it happens. I look at pictures of me now and smile, I can't believe it's me. I still have my husband point out someone at a mall or grocery store that is my size. It is much easier to see someone else as they really are, than it is to see ourselves. Boy, the head games we play!!! LoL
  11. Not one single minute of buyer's remorse!!! I have been excited and on board since I woke up in recovery......really since the day I decided to do this, it is the single best decision I've made for myself, aside from marrying my husband....who, BTW, is my biggest cheerleader!!! No complications here, but I didn't have any health issues prior to surgery, that might be part of why I've had a pretty easy time.
  12. NtvTxn

    Airplane food?

    I personally wouldn't worry about protein for that 13 hour trip, have a plan before it happens, you'll be fine! Where in TX? My brother was stationed in Germany for a few years too. I hate it that I never went to visit! Oh well.....anyway, you can always count on chicken noodle Soup being low in calories, has a little protein. Drink some skim milk if you can find it, 1 cup will be 8 or 9 grams of protein. If you're at an airport and there is a Wendy's - their chili, high in protein and calories aren't bad, especially since you won't be able to eat all of it. I'm over three years out and a small chili is one meal and a snack!!! Turkey Jerky is a good snack, or so they say, I try and avoid nitrites and nitrates due to migraines. You can always get a sandwich and eat the meat, I'd personally avoid the full fat cheese that might be on it. Some protein but NOT worth the calories in my book!! Good luck and 'welcome home'.
  13. I totally cut out bread, chips and all snacking. The snacking was by far, the most difficult. Of course, nothing sweet. I had two months to lose 10 - 15 lbs, I lost 23. If you drink cokes, stop, totally, no looking back. You can do this, up your Protein and liquids.
  14. NtvTxn

    Fruit and Veggies

    Seeds especially can get stuck in the staple line and could cause a problem, something you really don't want to go through. At 2 - 3 weeks I was on full liquids, "nothing that won't go through a straw" were his instructions. I wasn't hungry and could only eat an eighth of a cup of food at a time, and I only ate because I needed to, so it was not a big deal. Remember, fruits are natural sugar, but sugar nevertheless, be cautious. Dr. Davidson told us to treat fruit as a treat, only a couple of times per week, but none until week 6.
  15. 5000 mcg's per day. I started two months BEFORE surgery and my hair never fell out, didn't even thin. I don't know if it made a difference or not, but it can't hurt.
  16. I totally agree, I never count anything....I have it set at sedentary!!! I'm serious, any movement, exercise, walking up and down stairs and parking waaaaay out in the parking lots are all icing on the cake!!!! MFP over estimates the calories burned and it underestimates Protein needed. I err on the side of caution. NO additional calories eaten to make up for anything!! Good advice!!!
  17. NtvTxn

    How many calories do you get in a day?

    I am three years, three months out and I need 1300 to maintain. I've lost approx 85 total, give or take a few, depending on the day. I reached goal in six months, but 23 or the 85 I lost prior to surgery. I do not think I ever lost massive amounts of weight, but it was nice and steady, up and down, up and down. The last month, when i reached goal is the first month I started getting in between 700 - 800 calories. I averaged 450 - 600 mid-way and the first couple of months I was getting 300 - 375, and that was doing good. I felt good, my labs were good, doctor said I was fine, so I never worried about it. It does freak me out that I can eat 'as much as I do' now, although, it really isn't that much. I still have very good restriction and had to add in three mini meals or Snacks to attain 1300 calories, no way can I do it with three meals. I love eating like we do after surgery.....I hope it never changes.
  18. Paigie - do you log your food? Weigh and/or measure it? These are things I still do, and I know me....I know there are things I am doing, that are forever, there is no end date. If I'm up a few pounds, I lower my calories by 100 - 200 per day and within a few days, it's gone. Up your Protein and liquids, re-evaluate everything, you lost a LOT of weight, you know how to do it and you can do it again. Good luck!
  19. NtvTxn

    Grams of protein

    I get between 60 and 90, normally around 75'ish.
  20. Even at three years out, we can all still use something new to look at and refer to!! Thanks for posting a link to MU Health......I've book marked it and am scanning through it now!!!
  21. Y'all are so welcome. Good luck and if you have any questions, just ask. Keep in mind, this is just like the one given to me three years ago, some things may have changed a little, but over all, I think everything is just about the same. I DO know that when I first attended the seminar, we were told no aspirin or meds with aspirin in it, I.E. Naproxin but now, after the first year SLEEVE patients can take these things, WITH food and if there are no side effects. Our little tummies don't want to get an ulcer!! Again, good luck, you're going to be thrilled with the results, I'm sure of it!! http://www.forestparkmedical.com/media/pdf/bypass-sleeve-education-manual.pdf
  22. I did not have surgery in Mexico, but I did have surgery out of state. We were living in Wisconsin and at that time, NOBODY there has sleeve surgery, whereas it is common here in the south. I didn't leave the country, but I did leave the state. I went to my PCP and told her what I was planning on doing and her only advice was 'Choose a Center Of Excellence physician". Ok, did that. I was self pay as well, so I did not have to jump through any hoops to get surgery, I could have attended the seminar (required), seen the doctor, gotten instructions on the pre-op stuff and scheduled surgery all within three weeks, had I chosen to. The visits/classes with the dietitian were included in the price, as were follow up for the first year. 3, 6,9 and 12 months. I have had two different people IM me about 'diet' - what to eat at a certain stage. They'd had surgery in MX but were not given a specific plan for the first five or six weeks. I have no idea who they went to, it doesn't really matter, the point is, you need to make sure you have something given to you upon discharge about what to eat. I.E. Clear liquids, full liquids, soft diet and moving on to regular foods. What does he say about grams of sugar, does he focus on carbs, how much Protein.....just general things like that. Have something in hand!! I have what I call my bariatric Bible, I got it at the seminar and it has everything in it. What to expect upon arrival at the hospital the morning of......all the way through diet, exercise and pages in the back for measurements, weights etc for the first two years! It's great and even now, I refer back to it some times. If you do NOT get something, contact me, somebody put our "Bible" on line and I can send you a link to it!!! Good luck!! I am sure your PCP will take care of you. I don't know that I'd go tell him/her prior......you know, it's easier to get forgiveness than it is to get permission. You'll have to find a dietitian, find one that is familiar with WLS patients, and go. Even if they're use to dealing with RNY patients, they can guide you. Also, find a support group, just go, they're usually 'open' to anyone, and well worth your time!!
  23. I had a migraine after surgery, which is not surprising, I get them quite a bit - but come to find out, headache was a side effect of the pain medication they were giving me, so we changed it and I took a Maxalt, the one that dissolves under your tongue. If you past the point of no return, you need to go into the ER, just like you would do here and they need to give you a shot for pain and something for nausea. Ask about headache being a side effect of the pain meds you are taking. You may need something different.
  24. NtvTxn

    51 and Getting Sleeved 8/8 !

    Hi Jeanie! I was sleeved a little over three years ago, that was three months before I turned 51. I had no health issues, but I can tell you, it was the single best decision I'd ever made for myself, other than marrying Curt! People say I look younger, I don't know about that, but I FEEL younger! As far as sagging, bagging and all that jazz.....I'm almost 54 and I look better in clothes than I ever have. Jamie Lee Curtis said that's what counts, she looks good in clothes. LoL The only thing really, that I don't like is my arms, but again, I'm almost 54, it could be worse and it's a lot better than trying to hide everything under baggy clothes!! One year after surgery, you will not believe your life, you'll be surprised, pleasantly surprised!!! Good luck and enjoy!
  25. NtvTxn

    Exercise question for the VETS

    I admire you actually getting to the gym and exercising. I so wish I had the want to.....I do make a conscious effort to move!! Our almost 5 year old grandson is here this afternoon, so I am making even more trips in and out of the house and up and down the stairs!

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