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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. NtvTxn

    But I Do Wanna Be A Size 6

    Isn't it strange seeing 'bones'?? I love it, and have finally gotten use to it. My collar bone has been my favorite NSV!!! I wear 4's and 6's, and still, it's strange to shop in the Missy dept and not the women's.
  2. NtvTxn

    Bougie Sizes?

    I have a 32 and still after almost 27 months since surgery, I still have good restriction!!
  3. It's the best thing I've ever done. I lost 23 lbs the two months prior to surgery, and another 55'ish just a few days shy of five months. That is weight, God willing, that will be gone forever. I've lost 50 two other times in my life, and it took about the same amount of time, and I promptly gained it back. I've been maintaining since Dec 2010, that is a miracle!!! It's like nothing you've ever experienced before. Sit back and enjoy the journey, enjoy the ride!
  4. Also, I stopped drinking with my meals a month prior to surgery, just so I'd get use to it.
  5. You do not want to sabotage yourself. You need to follow the 'rules' until you reach goal. The honeymoon period, the period of greatest weight loss is the first year. I personally think it's the first 7 - 8 months. You want to lose as much as you can and work on changing bad habit. A drink every so often AFTER you are at goal, is fine. Right now, I'd stick to sparkling grape juice, or whatever it's called. The rule of thumb is NO drinking while you eat. My doctor said we can drink up until the meal, then 30 minutes afterwards. I always order Water at a restaurant, one reason, the waitstaff will bug you to death if you order nothing......and I try and drink the entire glass before I eat, I NEED the water! I was able to start introducing salad back into my diet after six weeks. I eat very little because it isn't what I 'need' but I do enjoy a salad with a few croutons. Just an FYI, the few times I've taken a drink while eating....if something was really spicy or I got choked up, it wasn't very comfortable.
  6. iegal, Your story is my story!! A year before surgery I would have done a happy dance if i could wear a size 14, now I wear 4's and 6's. I am at a place I never thought possible. I underestimated what could happen with this surgery. I reached my surgeon's goal in just under 5 months and MY goal, 5 lbs less, five weeks later!! The first time I slipped into a size 4, I DID giggle to myself, I wanted to go out and shout it to all the other customers at The Gap!!! I love, love, love my sleeve!!!
  7. Between 78 and 96. My all time low was 132, 18 below my surgeon's goal and 13 lbs below my personal goal. It was too low and I added calories to gain about ten lbs back. I had trouble stopping the weight loss, then realized 'just add calories' Duh!! Anyway, I am comfortable at 142 - 146. Right now I am a few lbs over what I LIKE, so I've cut my calories from 1200 per day to 900 or less. I should be able to take off the few unwanted lbs in a week, maybe two. Family reunions/vacations are horrible, toooooo many sweets etc!!! It's very easy to cut back now, I track it all on line and I don't get hungry, life is very different now.
  8. NtvTxn

    For The Post-Op Veterans!

    Yes you can, but remember, just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD. In moderation, once in a while, those are words to live by....I seldom eat bread, hardly ever at home, I don't eat sandwiches at home.....I can eat a fourth of a med sized baked potato. I use Greek yogurt as sour cream and a little butter, very little. I don't want to fill up on potato ever, we need Protein. Alcohol, I was at goal, past goal.....and about 17 months out before I had a White Russian or glass of Sangria. There is a place here in Dallas called Which Wich.....I can eat one third of a 7" sub from there, maybe a tiny bit more....that's it. I'm full, satisfied and to tell you the truth, I never feel deprived. I split a piece of pumpkin bread from Star Bucks with my husband. The difference is this, I am aware of EVERYTHING I put in my mouth. After having 85% of my tummy removed, no mindless eating for me.
  9. NtvTxn

    But I Do Wanna Be A Size 6

    My first goal was to wear a size 8 - I am SURE you can imagine how I felt the first time I slipped into a size 6 and then a size 4!!!!!!!!! The first time a sales lady said something about how tiny I was.....I giggled inside and wanted to ask "Are you seriously talking to ME????" I had NO health issues, I fought to maintain 228 and knew as I got older, it would be more difficult. I also knew that eventually there could be health issues, if nothing else, bad knees, but in all honesty, vanity was my motivation to get this surgery and I am not ashamed of that and I would do it again!!!! It is fun to shop, it is fun to not be the biggest girl in the room....and occasionally be the smallest. My life is totally different, I love it!!
  10. NtvTxn

    Milestone Weights

    You're doing great!!! I had milestones as well, I think we all do! First one was hit 195 then 175, 160 - I never thought I'd be less than 160 but it happened pretty quickly and I knew I could hit the doctor's goal of 150 and mine, 145. What a wonderful ride!!
  11. NtvTxn

    Is Your Dr Healthy Weight?

    Odd, but not uncommon with doctors. My husband's back surgeon, who by the way had been the orthopedic guy for the US Ski team at one time.....he's located in the Denver area. He told my husband that he NEEDED back surgery but had not had surgery because he didn't trust anyone else but himself!! LOL A healthy ego I'd say....painful though!!! LOL
  12. Not ONLY do they 'leave the fat' they take a few pictures of it while they're in there!!! LOL
  13. NtvTxn

    How Painful Was The Surgery?

    Pain was minimal for me. Turning over in bed was the worst of it. I had one incision that was tender for six to eight weeks, but nothing serious. I only took one pain pill at night and only for a week after being discharged. A heating pad on my tummy helped more than anything. I used it during the day when I was sitting around. Also, walk, walk, walk.....it helps!!
  14. Initially I had planned on getting a lapband, it's what my friend got and she loved it....upon further investigation and a LOT of research, I decided getting sleeved was a better choice for me. I made the right choice, I am very happy I had this surgery!
  15. I didn't know Eddy's had them!! I liked the SF jell-o with just a dollop of SF Cool Whip. Yum!!! It's almost 27 months for me, and I still eat this once in a while!!
  16. NtvTxn

    Calorie Intake Help

    I reached my doctor's goal in just under 5 months, my goal, 5 lbs under his, about a month later. I've been maintaining since Dec 2010 at 1200 calories per day. It has not been difficult at all and I think I'm living like a naturally thin person. I never feel deprived, life is good!!
  17. NtvTxn

    Calorie Intake Help

    My doctor never worried about carbs unless someone wasn't losing. Protein was suppose to be between 60 - 80 grams per day. I'd keep protein up, calories down!
  18. NtvTxn

    Calorie Intake Help

    when I was in the losing phase I didn't eat more than 600 calories a day, and that was a good day....but somewhere between 450 and 600.
  19. NtvTxn

    Should I Tell The Inlaws About My Surgery?

    You can always say you're on a medically supervised something or other.....you're consulting with a dietitian weekly, whatever. My husband had to get a stent in his heart a year before I had surgery, so our eating habits changed a LOT. He lost 40 lbs with the changes, I lost nothing! Figures, right??!!! Anyway, I used that as an excuse with people I didn't tell.....our eating has changed a lot, and we're exercising more. It made it easier and believeable.
  20. NtvTxn

    Should I Tell The Inlaws About My Surgery?

    I told my in-laws and didn't know what to expect, but it's turned out they've been two of my biggest cheerleaders. They're always asking how I'm doing, telling me how good I look, and my mother in law said she is so glad I did it while I was this age and may not have to deal with bad knees when I'm older. She's had both knees replaced. So,it's up to you, but it sure makes it easier and what a comfort mine have been!
  21. NtvTxn

    Nothing Bothers Me? Really?

    I have to ask, WHY would your mom bring you candy?? Does she knoww about your surgery? Everything tempting was out of our house before I had surgery and everybody knew, out of respect and support I HOPE, that sweets were not something we had in our home. Period. It would have totally pi$$ed me off had someone brought me something.
  22. NtvTxn

    Nothing Bothers Me? Really?

    I have to have 1200 to maintain, but during my losing phase, I got in between 450 and 600. I was off protein bullets by month 2. I had 2 glasses of skim milk per day, I ate tuna, eggs, steamed shrimp and whatever baked or grilled meat I wanted, with a couple of bites of veggies per day. Oh, and 1% cottage cheese, I call it the Breakfast of champions!!
  23. NtvTxn

    Nothing Bothers Me? Really?

    Hi Star, like you, I had NOTHING that I considered cheating. You are on your way to a normal life.. I am sure I eat like a NATURALLY thin person now. It's wonderful, but scary all at the same time!!! After I reached goal I started adding calories in (I need 1200 to maintain) and that did include an occasional sweet. I still rarely eat anything fried, maybe four or five French fries or a few pieces of okra, that's it. When I have a burger, I may take a bite of it with the bread, then I just eat the meat. This is my new normal, and it doesn't feel weird or anything. I'd say my favorite thing to eat, when we eat out, is grilled shrimp. I can eat more of it I think, it tastes good, goes down easy and is loaded with protein!!! Don't worry, I didn't have any problems the first time I shared a piece of Star Buck's pumpkin bread with my husband. Sometimes I wish sweets didn't agree with me and I'd feel miserable, but alas, that is not the case. Self control is easier now, nothing like before!!!
  24. BTW, You Look GREAT!!!!
  25. Do NOT underestimate your sleeve and what you can do with it!! I too am 5' 6.5" - I weigh 148 this morning, I've gained a few lbs due to all the sweets at our family reunion (a week at the beach) and we've had quite a bit of company this summer. My doctor's goal was 150 and I wanted to be five lbs under that. Initially my goal was a size 8, but I was there in five months and knew I could keep going. I never ate sweets, nothing fried until I reached 145. I would not increase food, to give losing a kick in the rear I'd up my Protein and Water (or tea) and I'd almost every single time start losing again. I got down to 132 at one time and upped my calories at that point because I was too low. I'm comfy at 143 - 146. I remember being at 170 and thought if I never lost another lb, I'd still be happy, but I was certain I could do more!! I'd encourage you to keep going. I really never thought I could weigh 140 something and not look like a stick, but it's a good weight!!!!! I say GO GIRL!!!!!

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