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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. Are people fighting or are they just really passionate about how they feel??? LoL
  2. You know, I didn't know there were "rules" prior to surgery. Common sense is what I'd call it. Unethical, that's another word for it, probably means the same thing. The problem with many of us is lack of will power. For me it was a vicious cycle. Eating more than I should (not necessarily something bad for me, but the portions, that is why this surgery is like a miracle procedure for me, forced portion control), after eating too much, the guilt. Vowing to 'start tomorrow' or 'on Monday'. Crazy!!! What is different for me now is I eat a lot of Protein, but I eat anything I want, there are some things I choose to stay away from because I don't LOVE it, I.E. Potato chips, they're not worth the calories. Fritos on the other hand, I DO LOVE. I do not buy them, but when at a get together I will eat a few, and by a few, I mean 6 or 7, that seems like so few, but when you have the digestive track of a field mouse, 6 Fritos along with a 3 oz hamburger and 2 TB of Pork 'N Beans....it is a meal, a good sized meal at that! What makes resisting and having will power possible now is lack of hunger, when you are not hungry it is easier to stop, walk away or just plain ol' resist. For me this is the case. Before surgery when I was 'starving' or 'ravenous' - I had the will power of a 2 yr old at times. LoL
  3. My physician's goal was 150, which puts me right at a healthy BMI - I think that may be pretty normal with him. I wanted to be at 145, and then I'd have a 5 lb "pad". My body seems to be 'comfortable' here, I go between 144 and 147.5, I've been at this weight for 2 yrs 10 months. I know what you're saying, all I can do is tell my story, and it is what it is!!
  4. It's good to know that I'm not alone, it just all makes sense to me, kind of no brainer. I know me, and if I were to not keep track and all the nit picky stuff I do (for the record, it's like a game to me, one that I'm winning!), I am scared if I had not made these changes, it would be katy barr the door.....and I'd let ten lbs sneak back on me, then another four next year and five the following. You see where I'm going? That is how I ended up having WLS!!!
  5. Why does this 'term' make my skin crawl? Ick! The term derives from Freudian psychoanalysis Although the term "anal retentive" survives in common usage, the concept, along with much of Freud's theories of psychoanalysis, is largely regarded as unscientific "pop-psychology" and therefore discredited by the majority of psychologists of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.[3] Chicago psychoanalyst Robert Galatzer-Levy speaks of how this theory of Freud is mostly a product of its time when indoor plumbing was new and less numerous per household, and families were large, causing "much more control of defecation than was necessary in a world of chamber pots and outhouses."[4] If these qualities continue into later life, the person is said to be "anal-retentive". Conversely, those who reject anal-retentive characteristics are said to have "anal-expulsive" personality types. I prefer to tell somebody or I'd just rather someone tell me I'm full of ****, call a spade a spade. That's what we do in Texas....well, maybe we just say "Bless your heart"
  6. Ok, I thought all of us, at least everyone that is overweight, has a 'fatty' liver and they have to move it to get to our tummy, and it's easier with a "lean, mean" liver!!! LoL Did I misunderstand??!!!
  7. I reached goal, five lbs under actually.....in six months. My 'rules' were imposed by ME, not the doctor. I strictly followed the program after surgery, the first six weeks, liquids, full liquids, soft food etc. I know that I had all those staples in me and I did not want to risk doing something to cause a leak, I didn't want anything 'lodging' in the staples, whatever CAN happen, I wanted to try and avoid. I am never one to think it can't happen to me....I'm of the mind set "Why not me, I'm not special" LoL That said, I had myself on a no nonsense diet, nothing sweet, at all, not one thing, for six months. Nothing carbonated, that was the only "RULE" the only "No No" I was given. Now I'm at goal, I make decisions, choices. Everyone, us former fatties and naturally thin folks, we should all make choices every day forever. That helps us avoid gaining weight, helps us avoid heart disease. I. E. 85% lean hamburger makes a killer tasting hamburger, but meat that is 93% lean is a wiser choice and it is far from yucky!! It's just a wiser choice, that is across the board, for everyone. My husband has a stent, he did not have a heart attack, by the grace of God, but he had a 95% blockage. I learned more than I ever thought I'd need to know for his cardiac dietitian. More rule I imposed on myself, others might call them rules, I call them my new normal. I weigh or measure my food, every day....when we eat at home. I log my food on line, all of this is fun for me. I do not exercise, so I knew I'd need to make changes I could live with, forever. This is not a diet, it is how I live, forever. I can't give anyone a list of rules, all I can do is say what has worked for me for almost three years. It's my story and how I do things. I'm sure others would think I'm a nut, but that's ok.
  8. I'm a little confused. I'm not sure why I am included in this message. I haven't gone back and read all the posts, but I do know I do not advise unless someone asks and I don't want any "mini mes" or "cookie cutter mes" walking around. Like you, I am ME, not a cookie cutter of anybody else. I have learned from others on this board, I joined six months prior to surgery. I learned what to do and what to avoid. All I can do is say what works for me. I also exercise NONE, ZERO - unless you count choosing stairs and parking far out in parking lots 'exercise'. I do not. I am not an exercise guru, my attention span is short and I get bored easily. I had to make life changes that I can do and this is what works for me. I do NOT recommend that others throw a weighted ball around a few times a month and call it good. If running, lifting weights etc is what keeps others going, I admire you. I'll pass, thanks!
  9. It's not for everyone, I'm sure of it, but it works for me. I don't like to say we're on a program or have rules. The only thing Dr. D said 'no' to is a coke, I can live with that, no problem. I had four a year maybe, and only because I like a fountain coke with crushed ice every so often when we're out. Now I have iced Water with a couple of lemon wedges. Nothing else is off limits to me, I know I can have between 1200 and 1300 calories a day to maintain. I cannot eat much at one time, so I have several Snacks a day. Some times a graham cracker with a little PB2 on it, some times steamed shrimp or lunch meat. There are times when I have a shower to attend or whatever and know I'm going to have a cupcake or piece of cake that is higher in calories than my 'Mini vanilla Scone' from StarBucks.....so I adjust, less snacking or if I'm up a pound or two, not a big deal, NORMAL people, naturally thin people go up and down. It's life! We are all lucky to get a chance to really be successful.....we really are.
  10. I weigh every single morning. I've done this starting two months prior to surgery. Doc recommends it, so do I. I can drop two or three lbs at the drop of a hat, eight or nine, not quite as easy. I also log my food and weigh or measure all my food when at home. It works for me, this is my new life. It's like a game, it's habit, I love it. I feel like I am in control now, food is not. Doctor's nurse told me I was a little 'rigid' (you think??!!!) and she followed that with 'and it works for you' I enjoy life, the only thing off limits is carbonated drinks. Big deal. He said, this is NOT a diet, this is a new way of life. I love it!
  11. I don't know, OR CARE what I can google and find. All I know is with me, coffee suppresses any desire to eat, for a while. Since I'm not really hungry, it really is good!! Since I'm not an addict, ok, maybe I am, but I love my coffee, iced tea and water....in that order. Toilet water is almost clear when I use it, so I figure I'm ok. Three years in June and I agree with just about everything you said. This is my new way of life, it is NOT a diet. The doctor made that clear at the seminar. I am in control, a little obsessive, but it works for me. I love my new life!!!
  12. Change your way of thinking, start being obsessive about being healthy, and THIN!!!! New clothes and wanting to have you picture taken!!!! Weigh and measure your food.....weigh YOURSELF!!!! Make this a game, it's a wild ride and oh-so-fun!!!!!
  13. You're welcome!!! I'll be your cheerleader!!! You look great!
  14. NtvTxn

    Buyer's Remorse?

    and the 'scars' are NOTHING. Three years later and nobody could tell unless a close examination was done. They disappeared within a year.
  15. NtvTxn

    Happy or...huh?

    You're so welcome!!! I'm certain you'll be in size 4's one day soon. Never, EVER in my wildest dreams did I think this was possible. Hang in there and go buy a disposable camera (someone on this forum suggested this). It has to be a disposable one.....have someone take your picture the day before surgery and then EVERY month on the same date, have your picture taken. After your 1 year anniversary photo, take the camera and have it developed. Pictures speak a thousand words. The transformation laying right there in front of you, month after month. It is jaw dropping!!! This was a FUN thing to do!!!!!
  16. NtvTxn


  17. NtvTxn


    From the album: NtvTxn

  18. Nothing tastes as good as a size 4 feels!

  19. NtvTxn

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    I'm stratusphr Add me
  20. You're full of emotions and they're all normal. Know this, you will never make a decision for YOU that is more exciting and fun, that this one. I have never looked back. Shopping is fun, sex is better, it is sooooo nice not to be the 'biggest girl in the room', I don't mind having my picture taken or going to a get together. Life is totally different. I'm not uncomfortable riding in the car, sitting in an airplane seat....or sitting on my husband's lap. I'm telling you, I woke up in recovery and was ready - I've loved every minute of it. I don't miss the amount of food I could eat, actually when I see what others can eat and know I did the same thing.....it makes me sick!!! I feel like I live/eat like a naturally thin person, finally I feel like I am in control, not food!!! Good luck and God bless you!!
  21. NtvTxn

    Happy or...huh?

    In person support groups, I'm glad you mentioned that. They are wonderful. You can share so much with others and you can LEARN so much from others. I have three that I attend on a monthly basis and two more that are in my area. I love them!!!! I started attending PRIOR to surgery, I learned a lot.
  22. NtvTxn

    Happy or...huh?

    I woke up once in the middle of the night, prior to surgery. I've never had a panic attack, but I think this felt like a 'Mini' panic attack. I had second thoughts, 'should I wait a year and save money' etc I got over it, went back to sleep and was fine after that. I just posted somewhere else, I was so excited, I was like a kid going on vacation. An adventure, a journey! When I woke up in recovery I was thinking "Ok, let the fun begin" I've never regretted it, I've never missed anything about the amount of food I could eat before. I've never missed buying fat clothes or being uncomfortable in an airline seat!!!!! It's been one new thing after another, and it's all good....from sex to buying size 4 jeans!!!! 50+ has never felt so good! You'll be fine - good luck!!!!!

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