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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. NtvTxn

    When can we drink soda

    That's pretty funny AND accurate!! Good point!
  2. NtvTxn

    When can we drink soda

    Actually I have a gay cousin, he wore a wedding dress back before it was in vogue. I don't think I used a racial slur at all.
  3. NtvTxn

    When can we drink soda

    Actually I am not saying that it was merely an observation at all. I think I said that it could be taken as it was typed, as an observation or one could choose to take it as I sneakily meant it....mean, mean, mean!!! I just read what I wrote and I can't see where I said anything BAD about Mexico, but maybe I did. I know I never typed the word "QUACK" but even if I did say something bad about Mexico.....*** gasp ** So what. I also said something negative about Wisconsin, hells bells, nobody is jumping up and down stomping their feet about that one. Oh well. Does it matter that I am all for immigration reform.....they want to come HERE for a reason and I think there should be a clear and legal path for them to do so.
  4. NtvTxn

    When can we drink soda

    Rude, a racist and ignorant? LoL My sister in law is Hispanic, and a nurse. She says she would not go to Mexico for surgery. Does it sound racist to say, jeeeze, I wouldn't go to England either....and like I already said, I wouldn't let one of the Yankees up north cut on me either. Actually I CAN say "lighten up" and blow off whatever I choose to. You on the other hand can respond like you did or just be gracious and say "Bless your heart" - if you're from here, you know what that means. BTW, just because you have lived here all your life, that doesn't mean you are FROM here, are you a Native Texan or are you a foreigner?? ....and that means, anywhere outside our border.
  5. NtvTxn

    When can we drink soda

    Snide? Oh man, that was not snide!! ** rolls eyes right back **
  6. NtvTxn

    When can we drink soda

    I had no health issues and my BMI wasn't 40, I'm one of those who had to pay out of pocket, just under 13K and worth every single penny. Other than my Ford truck.....I THINK it was made here but all the parts, who knows and I don't care.....you're probably right, most of what I wear and a lot of what I use, was probably made in China....but, not for all the tea in China would I travel out of country to let a foreigner cut on me. That is just me, I really don't care what everyone else does. I also wouldn't let a Yankee in Wisconsin cut on me.....I had just a few rules when choosing a doctor. It had to be a center of excellence facility and he had to be able to say and use y'all in the proper context. Jeeeze, lighten up, you'll get your sleeve in a knot.
  7. NtvTxn

    When can we drink soda

    Does there have to be a point? I tend to have a flight of ideas. LoL I guess it would be a touchy subject to say 'I see you're from Washington' Yikes!
  8. NtvTxn

    When can we drink soda

    Hmmmm, well, it means 'I see you went to Mexico'
  9. NtvTxn

    When can we drink soda

    Boy, mention south of the border and everyone's panties get in a wad. All I said was, well, you know what I said. If someone looks at my stats, and says, I see you went to Dallas. It's an observation, a statement, that's all. I wouldn't choose to take it as a jab, but boy, are those folks sensitive and boy do they promote their doctors. I'm pretty convinced some of those patients aren't patients at all, but employees, paid to come on here, post, participate and advertise. If you'll notice, I don't think I have ever, in the past three years seen a patient that has had anything go wrong. I mean seriously, everything done in Mexico is perfect, 100% of the time??!!!! Give me a break!! Anyway, I traveled from Wisconsin to Dallas because I trust the doctors here, it was way less expensive and....well, Texas is home, and we're a pretty arrogant bunch. As far as I was concerned, I wouldn't have dreamed about going anywhere but Dallas, Houston, San Antonio or Austin.
  10. It has never crossed my mind about 'getting around' anything. Around what.....I don't like the word "CHEAT" because that makes it sound like pre-op, when we'd cheat on a diet. Nothing bad is going to happen to us if we drink cokes, some may get gassy, some may even be uncomfortable, but we don't get grounded, smacked on the hands. I know I ate a couple cookies too many during Christmas, and I didn't feel good, and I felt guilty. I think so far, I'm pretty darn successful, I've been lucky.....but that let me know, it is a slippery slope and I need to always be on guard. I like it that I can walk away, I like it that I can make a home made pizza, have a piece, my husband have several, and the three left over pieces.....I can throw them in the trash. I KNOW ME, I know I can be tempted, I also know I am pretty good at resisting since surgery, but why have that temptation there. He wasn't going to eat it and pizza is something I really like.....but not often and thank God I cannot eat but one piece, two if they are small. Before, I'd have NEVER thrown good pizza away.
  11. At the seminar I got what I refer to as my 'Bariatric Bible' - it isn't just Dr. Davidson I don't think, it is put together by a slew of Center of Excellence doctors that are not "IN" together, but they all preform surgery at Forest Park.....or heck, maybe they are all in together, but Davidson is the ONLY one in his office, the only name on the door. I got my bariatric Bible in April 2010 and it is STILL in the drawer in my bedside table. I like to refresh my memory on things occasionally. If nothing else, I have my weight/dates recorded, I can refer to it when a newbie, someone here, asks me a question. It's priceless to me. The most profound thing said at the seminar was this 'Dr. Davidson wants you to forget the word diet, this is not a diet, it's a new way of life'
  12. I said NOTHING was off limits except coke, you know, in Texas, all soft drinks are cokes. I'd like to change that, just because Dr. Davidson said 'NO', that does not make it 'off limits'. It is off limits to me because I CHOOSE not to. Just because I can, doesn't mean I should. Make sense? He doesn't follow me around, he isn't the 'coke police'. For the record, I was a self pay patient, to the tune of almost 13K. I learned 'everything you need to know, but are afraid to ask' at the seminar, which is required.
  13. I've "given up" nothing. Prior to reaching goal, I treated this like the most serious, important diet EVER.....but I've been maintaining for 2.5 yrs now and I think I eat like a naturally thin person. There are things I choose not to eat, or to indulge in once in a blue moon, but to me, NOTHING but cokes are off limits. I will eat a few, and I mean a FEW French fries or chips.....every few months, maybe.....a piece of cake, ONE small piece, occasionally. I do not ever feel deprived and I never feel like I'm on a diet since I reached goal. Life is good.
  14. I wasn't raised that way either, but I've always been a rebel, even at age 53 - some times the BS flag needs to be thrown down.
  15. NtvTxn

    When can we drink soda

    I see you went to Mexico.
  16. NtvTxn

    When can we drink soda

    I never asked prior to surgery, I also didn't ask about anything else specific to what I can or cannot or should and should not have post op. It was laid out there, said without anyone asking about soft drinks.....at the seminar. I have to pause for a minute and try and IMAGINE any reputable doctor giving their "blessing" - but stranger things have happened, I suppose. "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should" 'Nuff said
  17. NtvTxn

    When can we drink soda

    Then by all means, drink a coke.
  18. Stay positive and enjoy the ride, every second of it. It's wild and it is fun!!
  19. NtvTxn

    When can we drink soda

    Is this a SERIOUS question???!!!! I'm three years out and I knew PRIOR to surgery that cokes.....carbonated drinks, were the ONE thing I was not EVER suppose to do. Someone else asked you and I didn't take the time to see if you responded, but why would you WANT to. There is NOTHING about a soft drink, regular or diet, that is good for you.
  20. Different doctors use a different size tube, I think. A bougie is a thin tube that is sized in a measurement known as French. Mine is a 32 and here in the Dallas area, that is the size normally used. Some use a 34, but I don't know anyone whose had surgery in the past three years that has one any larger.
  21. I had a super easy time. I only took pain meds for ten days total and after being discharged from the hospital, I only took it at night. It was uncomfortable turning over and the meds helped. During the day I used Tylenol and a heating pad. I never felt sick, the worst problem I had was trying to get the nasty shakes down and getting enough water. I started drinking the little 3.5 oz protein shots, not any better tasting really, but MUCH LESS of it to get down. A few sips in the AM, noon and PM, holding my nose like a kid and rinsing my mouth afterwards. Pretty easy way to get 43 grams of protein. We went to Galveston the 2nd week post op and I am pretty sure salty sea air aids in healing!!! LoL I'd get out and walk on the beach a little bit and a little more every day. I was just so darn excited to have had this surgery, every day was a new adventure! I never regretted my decision, not from the time I woke up in recovery. I was thrilled beyond belief. I'm three years out and I still cannot believe it, I cannot believe how easy it's been. Maintaining for 2.5 years now. Problems here......not at all. I have a few things I recommend that I started at day 3 or 4 and STILL do. I weigh every single morning. I weigh and/or measure all my food when we are at home. I log my food on line. I don't always manage to "under eat" my sleeve, but I try, it is uncomfortable to eat 'one bite' too many. Eat a little less than you can hold. I eat off a salad plate and I use a seafood fork many times when I'm at home. Good luck, this is a wild ride, enjoy every bit of it!!!!
  22. I am so sorry, it will get better. The rumbling is not because you're hungry, at least I'd guess it's not. Slow down, under eat your sleeve. Of course you're "eating" broth, not even full liquids yet, but early on, the first few weeks, I could NOT eat more than 1/8 cup of anything at a time. I started using the protein bullets or "shot" - only 3.5 oz, I got the ones from GNC. They don't taste good, but there is so little to drink and to me, not nearly as bad as the shakes!! I'd hold my nose and take a few sips in the morning, at noon and at night......rinse my mouth after sipping! I did this until 2.5 months out and then was getting all my protein from food.
  23. I just saw that you were sleeved on April 30th. You should be able to eat anything, but not for a while. Small, small amounts is all you'll be able to eat for a few months. I am three years out and cannot eat 1 cup of food and in fact, my surgeon doesn't want me to EVER eat more than 1 cup at one time. You are only a month out, what are you eating. Be gentle, your new little tummy has been through a traumatic event!!! Measure and/or weigh EVERYTHING you eat. I was measuring my 1/8 cup of broth the first week and 3 years later, I STILL weigh and measure my food. I know how much I can hold, and I try and under eat my sleeve, it is a lot more comfortable. At your stage, I'd recommend nothing veggie wise and not even chicken, pork or beef other than maybe ground beef. Half a scrambled egg with a few sprinkles of 2% cheese. An 1/8 cup of 1% cottage cheese, tuna in water, again, about an 1/8 of a cup. Steam some shrimp, good protein and easy on your tummy. Skim milk, I start every morning and end every day with a cup of skim milk. This too shall pass, but make sure you are starting new habits, good habit. Don't drink when you eat, and wait for 30 minutes afterwards before drinking. Eat on a salad plate, I do this too. Weigh, measure and log your food. I use a seafood fork when I'm at home. Make these things part of your new life, it helps.
  24. I do the very same thing! To get all my calories in, I have to eat a snack two or three times a day....when I know we are going to get ice cream or do something out of the ordinary, I will cut the morning and afternoon snack out.....it all comes out good. I do manage to keep my protein between 60 and 90, and that is my 'daily goal'.

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