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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. I was scared of the very same thing - I just "knew" it would hurt to have the staples and drain removed. It did not hurt at all. I can't even say it was 'uncomfortable'. Relax, it is NO big deal!!!
  2. "Seas The Day"

  3. My doctor sends it to pathology, looking for something, but I can't remember what. I did get a couple of pictures from surgery, when they were 'in there'. Ick, ick and double ick!!!!
  4. NtvTxn

    Side Sleeper

    I can ONLY sleep on my side and it is uncomfortable to turn over after surgery. I only took pain meds after discharge because of this!!! Anyway, I got a "flat as a fritter" pillow, nice and soft......to put under my tummy when I was on my side. It was a life saver!!
  5. NtvTxn


    I don't know how to answer this because I'd initially say I am not a food addict but of course I got fat for no other reason than I like food. Portions, way too much, or at least way more than I needed. On the other hand, I find it hard to believe that there are some who are having such a hard time, and I am not, because I know me and if not for having 85% of my stomach removed, and whatever hunger hormone went with it, I'd not have the will power to do what I need to do. Ok, that is what I think, but I am not sure what reality is. What does it feel like to be a food addict?!!!!
  6. I have NO idea. My physician never focused on carbs unless a patient isn't losing weight. I am so glad I don't have to keep track....no problems so far. All the carb stuff seems overwhelming!
  7. NtvTxn

    Is Diet Snapple Decaf?

    I've never had one. Are they really good? If so, what flavor(s) do you recommend?
  8. NtvTxn

    Dr Stowers in Decatur TX

    I don't 'know' either one of them but shoot, Nate Newton used Dr. Kim. I DID have a friend who went to him, she got a band, this was several years ago. She has not been successful, she lost and regained all of it......but it's a lap band, I only know ONE person who has been successful with that procedure. Go with your gut feeling after meeting this guy and if you aren't thoroughly impressed with one of them.....go talk to a third one. You'll click with somebody!
  9. NtvTxn

    Chinese Food Allowed?

    I eat Chinese, but beware, be careful of the rice!!! I am CERTAIN it triples when it hits our new little tummy!! There is a place near by that we like, the food is good, but they let me order a child's plate, just for the record, a child's plate is probably what a NORMAL sized plate should be!! Anyway, I get the Chicken Fried Rice, maybe not the 'best' choice but the best choice on the child's menu. I eat all the chicken and then just a few little bites of rice. I was visiting last time and you've heard of "one bite too many", well, I had one bite too many and was absolutely miserable. I haven't been back, it just made quite an impact on me!! LOL
  10. NtvTxn

    Chinese Food Allowed?

    At some point you can have it again, IF you want it. My advice, or at least what I did, is I had nothing like that before I reached goal. Take this honeymoon period and get the most bang for your buck....THEN start enjoying a 'normal' life. I had 3 oz of fried catfish this past weekend, but it is not something I do often, once in a blue moon, but I love it just as much as I did prior to surgery, the quantity is a lot less! Good luck to you......you will find your new normal, and embrace it!!!
  11. NtvTxn

    Frustrated #failure

    You must NOT give up!!! The up and down, up and down with that same two pounds, that is EXACTLY what I did during my entire losing stage. Two, some times three pounds, up and down and then one day, it's gone. I never had a 'plateau' like some of the others, but I'd do the up and down thing anywhere from four to ten days! Ten days was the longest, I weighed every day but never let it get me down, because I knew I was following the plan. It will be fine, I promise!
  12. NtvTxn


    I started every day (and still do) with a cup of skim milk....in a glass glass that has been in the freezer overnight! I couldn't do the shakes, I never found one I could drink without grossing out! I used the protein shots also, one from GNC with 43 grams of protein. Some don't think they're as good, but if you can't get the other down, I say, do it. I'd hold my nose and sip a little morning, again at noon and finish it off at night. Rinsing my mouth out every time....because they aren't good either, but it's only 3.5 oz!!!! I would eat a little Jell-O and I liked Campbell's Chicken Noodle soup, strained, just the broth. I could only eat an eighth of a cup at a time.
  13. Those people selling tacos that speak good English need to come here make money teaching ESL classes!!
  14. I personally like this one I get at GNC, I came across it by accident. I was at a health food store in a small little town and they had samples out. I took several and was surprised I liked it. I had to go on line to find out where I could find it and that is how I was led to GNC, I saw this past week that Whole Foods also carries it....it's in a purple and white box, called NuStivia. I get the packets. I had tried three others, including Truvia, and didn't like any of them. The ONE I did like was half and half....half sugar and half Stivia, I found it prior to surgery and knew I needed to give it up and find something else. I was struggling to find one though. I agree about the Agave, good but not an option for me. If you haven't tried it before our next Saturday support group......tell me, I ALWAYS carry it with me....and will give you a couple!!!
  15. Do it!!!! You get a whole new perspective of how others see YOU!!!!! Something I did that I recommend to pre-op people at support groups.....go get a DISPOSABLE camera and have someone take a picture of you the day before surgery.....then EVERY month on your surgery date have your picture taken. After taking the one on your one year anniversary, take the camera and have it developed. Lay the pictures side by side....and SEE YOUR transformation right there in front of you!!!! It is a "WOW" moment, visuals are great!
  16. They say our minds will catch up.....I'm hoping that is true. LoL I love this chart, I've book marked it, thanks!!! I know exactly what you mean, I hold up my jeans, fresh out of the dryer and think "NO WAY" and lo' and behold, I can slip right into them......I remember YEARS of laying on the bed to zip and/or button my jeans when they were just out of the dryer!!! Those days are gone, for good I hope!!!
  17. NtvTxn


    OMG, you are the FIRST person I've seen post this. I'm three years out and my nose runs....it is so strange, it's like I've eaten something spicy!!! LOL
  18. NtvTxn


    I never did have a problem with eggs, I started about when you did and I could only eat half. I was thrilled that I could eat so little and feel happy, full, satisfied. Call it whatever you want!!! Take it slow, eat slowly. If they still bother you, wait a week or two and try again. Eggs are a good source of protein, I hope you'll be able to eat them!! Good luck!
  19. Flaxseed is actually a healthy choice for numerous reasons I think. My husband's cardiologist told us about it. I guess it's good for cholesterol. Find some 'ground' and you can sprinkle it on/in anything. Some say it has a slight 'nutty' flavor, I thought it was pretty much flavor free. I've sprinkled it in casseroles, spaghetti sauce and on oatmeal.
  20. Aspartame and saccharine are migraine triggers for me. I was a Sweet 'N Low lover for a LONG time before I realized it was not helping me!! Luckily I discovered Stivia, I like the brand they have at GNC....it saved me!!!
  21. NtvTxn


    If I eat until I FEEL full, it's too late, I am miserable. My dietitian told us at the seminar, to "under eat" your sleeve. At seven weeks out, I was getting about 400 - 450 calories per day, you're fine, I'm sure. Track your calories and protein, drink as much as you possibly can......and you'll watch yourself melt away!!! Oh, I always did and still do weigh and measure my food because I know how much I can eat, and I don't like to over do. Eating a little less than you can "hold" is not a bad thing. Good luck!!!! BTW - this is NOT a crazy question, not at all!!!
  22. OMG, you look amazing! Get a friend, your husband, get somebody to go grocery shopping with you today, or go to the mall.....have that person spot someone who is YOUR size and point them out to you. I've been doing this for three years now, a hint I read about here on VGS. I do see myself as smaller, but I STILL DO NOT see myself as others see me. The head still hasn't caught up!! Do it, I'm serious, you'll be surprised, in a good way!!!
  23. A moment of silence!!!! You can do it, good luck. No doubt you'll feel better and will feel good about the decision you've made!!!! Hang in there!
  24. NtvTxn

    Surgery Over 50

    I was a few months shy of 51. I had an easy, easy time. Surgery was three years ago last week. That said, I had NO health issues, so I'm sure that played a part in my quick recovery. Good luck....I have no regrets, never have. It was a great decision.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
