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Everything posted by NtvTxn

  1. NtvTxn

    Seriously? Does everyone exercise?

    LoL this post is my first giggle of the day!! I say I'm a lazy bum, but my 2000 SF house is clean, I'm literally sprint up the stairs and back down, countless times every day. I vacuum the house a couple of times a week, I sweep the patio and do a little work in the yard. I walk the mall and I park as far out as I can, even when it's over 100 degrees. I do NOT call any of this exercise, I did all of this, minus the "sprinting" up the stairs, prior to surgery. All this said, I haven't darkened the doorway of a "gym" in years, and won't pretend I'm going to now.
  2. NtvTxn


    I have a 'jar' of it now, I had heard about it for ages, but thought it would be something I would not like, so I avoided it. I like peanut butter, I put it on a graham cracker. It is my 'snack of choice' but like you, the calories are just too much. I actually measure it out so I wouldn't put more than .5 a TB on a cracker! Anyway, I got some, and I really like it on my crackers, it is NOT peanut butter, but it's close. I don't think I'd like it for a sandwich, but I don't eat sandwiches, so it's a non issue!!! I do recommend it. I also add just a tiny bit more water than it calls for so it will be a little creamier!
  3. Of course it won't kill you but ask yourself if you're going to feel good about yourself afterwards. I'd guess you won't. I say it won't kill you, but there is a reason they have a special, what I called "sissy diet" - to ease us back towards a regular diet. 85% of our tummy was removed and there is a line of staples in there, you are swollen and need time to heal. You do not want anything to interfere with that process. There is plenty of time for stuff you want to eat, I'd say wait. I'm three years out and rice and pasta are the two things that can still get me, even now, I don't eat more than a fourth cup of pasta with sauce and no more than 2 or 3 TB of rice. It is like I eat it and it about triples in my tummy. Being really uncomfortable can sneak up on you fast!! Now is a good time to make "wise choices"
  4. NtvTxn

    want to start over on here

    Hey Janice! I don't know what you've done or said that might have offended someone, but seriously, some people LIKE to be offended and others love to be victims. Let them, it gives them something to do, something to whine about. It's ok, they'll get over it when someone else comes along to offend them, I promise!! I'm good at getting everyone all riled up, it's easy around here, with no effort at all. Even if I knew what was said, I assure you, I wouldn't dislike you unless you were being out and out mean to someone, even then, I'd send you a personal message, I wouldn't dress you down on a silly forum. You are fine, just hang in there. If you have any questions, there are plenty of us around that will be glad to answer you if we can. If not, there are plenty of us that will have SOMETHING to say.....keep in mind, whenever we answer, it is our opinion, our story. You have to sift through all of it and hold on to what helps you. Also, don't forget, you should have easy access to your doctor's office, the nurse, dietitian etc. They're a real source, don't forget, they know you and your case! If you don't have a real life support group, I highly recommend you find one, at least one....and go...go as often as you can. The people there will become your friends, and a real live, living breathing group of people you can lean on, I promise! Don't worry about the small stuff, and I promise, this cattiness that goes on here, keep a sense of humor, it IS small stuff. Keep that in mind and laugh about it!! My prayers are with you girl....good luck!
  5. NtvTxn

    Seriously? Does everyone exercise?

    If I did regular exercise and burned calories and then needed more calories to maintain. I don't know how'd I'd do it without switching from skim to whole milk and making additional unhealthy choices. I do good to get in 1300 - 1350 calories every day. My restriction is still very good, and I cannot eat a whole lot at a meal. I've added three smaller meals/snacks into my diet, sometimes a fourth, just to get the calories. I eat because I need to and it's fun, I'm never hungry. I love it, I hope it will stay like this forever, who knows. I didn't do this for health reasons, it was about 95% vanity, that's it. Obesity runs in my dad's side of the family, with ALL the women.....and I was fighting to maintain my pre-op weight. I'd been off and on a diet for 30 years, but when it comes down to it, I wanted to be thin for once. I wanted to have fun shopping, not hate being photographed, and I wanted to NOT be the biggest girl in the room when the family got together. It was worth it and for me, SO FAR it has not been difficult, who's to say what tomorrow will be like.
  6. NtvTxn

    My Texas Sleevers

    Was in Lewisville yesterday. My niece does hair at a salon on Main St.
  7. NtvTxn

    carbonated drinks

    Carbonation, never. Caffeine - after six weeks. I drink Water with a lemon slice and a stevia, iced tea and coffee. Coffee, my drug of choice!!
  8. I tell some, some I don't. If someone asks and I feel like my story could help them, I'll tell. If it's someone I don't want to tell, someone who is just nosy, you can always honestly say, I'm on a doctor supervised diet or I'm working with a dietitian. Both are true.
  9. NtvTxn

    coffee drinkers?

    At my three month follow up visit, I was struggling with water and was worried that I'd end up dehydrated. The nurse told me to DRINK LIQUIDS, coffee, tea, water, nothing sugary. From then on I did fine. I have my coffee in the morning, two or three cups, follow up with water and lemon and iced tea. I'll usually make a small pot of coffee in the afternoon and drink two cups.....iced tea or water and lemon the rest of the day. That visit saved me, I'm sure of it!!!!! I never believe it would dehydrate me or stimulate my appetite, it totally kills mine!
  10. My step mom had this done about 35 years ago due to stomach ulcers. I don't think it is as small as we are all getting, but a sleeve. She did not NEED to lose weight, but did and has kept it off all these years. Never any problems that I know of, she is 83 yrs old.
  11. You mean other than being a lazy bum??!!! No, but I was still healing at three weeks and 350 calories, so at your stage, I was only walking, but I did and still do walk a lot. I immediately took up "window shopping" at the local mall!!!
  12. I was doing about 350 calories when I was three weeks out. At six months out, I reached goal and was getting in between 650 and 800 calories. I'm three years out and now I get in between 1150 and 1300. Make the MOST of your honeymoon period. I know all doctors and dietitians are different, but when I called my nurse to tell her about the low calories, she wanted to make sure I FELT good, which I did, and my labs were good. They all said I was fine. At three weeks out, I was still on full liquids. I'd have to be drinking heavy whipping cream in decaf to get in 800 - 1000 calories!!
  13. NtvTxn

    weight gained back

    I'm three years out as of June 10, I haven't gained any weight back. I've been maintaining for 2.5 years. I think it all depends on the person. If there aren't changes made...for life, forever...then I suspect it's possible. There is no way the majority of us can have WLS, any of them, lap band, sleeve or RNY and expect to do nothing besides go under the knife. That is the easy part, afterwards we have to be diligent, we have to learn to make wiser choices, maybe give up a few things and resist when we need too. With sleeve surgery, and that is the ONLY one I can talk about first hand, I find it much easier to resist when I want to, and much easier to make good choices. Others may not agree, but this is the way it is for me personally.
  14. I don't like yogurt, Greek or otherwise, my husband took up eating it after I had surgery. I DO use it in place of sour cream. It works great on a potato or in a casserole. We buy the Lucerne brand, plain, Greek. It's very creamy, costs less than some of the others as well. I so wished I liked it!!
  15. Right here on one of these threads, I'd read that pre-op folks should buy a DISPOSABLE camera (no peeking to ruin the fun!!!). Have your picture taken the day before or the day of surgery and then have someone take your picture EVERY month on your surgery date. After the one year picture, take the camera and have it developed. I did this, it is humbling, amazing, has a real "wow" factor, laying the pictures out, side by side and seeing your transformation there before your eyes!!! I am SOOOOOO glad I did this!
  16. NtvTxn

    Items that Swell in your Stomach?

    I haven't had popcorn in over three years. Oatmeal is very filling, but still, three years out, I eat a half cup, that's it. What feels like it triples when I eat it is pasta....rice is the same way. I am very, very careful at measuring both of these out. At this point I can eat a fourth cup of rotini pasta and I add sauce on top....and I still only eat about 2 TB of rice and that is "safe".
  17. Believe it or not, I just got the "OK" from my doctor to take them, I asked specifically about Fiorinol and Naproxen. Three years ago when I had surgery, these two, among a host of others were on the 'do not use' list, but I'd heard some things had been changed/updated since then. I went for my three year check up this past Friday, and I asked! I did NOT ask at what point it is ok though, I didn't think of it.
  18. Get some baby powder and use it. It smells good and I bet it might help.
  19. Amazingly enough, all my THIN friends were thrilled, were great cheerleaders, but heavier family members and friends, they are the ones that I KNOW are judgmental and are waiting for me to fail. I really don't care, each one I'm thinking of, has insurance or money to haul their fat @sses in and do the same thing. I have NO idea why they don't.
  20. For two months, I watched the color of the water in the potty!!! LoL You sound just like me. I had a hard time getting in enough liquids. At my three month check up, I told the nurse there was no way I could ever accomplish it and she said, JUST DRINK LIQUIDS and make sure they aren't sugary!!! Yay, my life changed at that point. I drank water AND coffee AND iced tea. I've been fine ever since!!! Other than this, there is NOTHING I dislike about the sleeve. Wish I'd had heard of it ten years earlier!
  21. NtvTxn


    I don't know where this is, but I want to go, beautiful!!!
  22. NtvTxn

    Skinny Neck! NSV?

    It had been years and years since I'd "seen" it. It long ago went MIA!!!! I don't think it was EVER this visible!!! Just wait, it will happen!!!
  23. NtvTxn

    The 3 Complaints I Can't Stand.

    Don't sugar coat anything in a WLS forum, you might get licked.
  24. NtvTxn

    The 3 Complaints I Can't Stand.

    Not everyone sees every question or complaint, so when someone new posts, whether it is to whine or inquire, you never know who will see it that didn't see the last one posted by somebody different. My husband is an IT Director, he says when it is something he doesn't have time for or no interest in, he pushes delete and moves on to the next. LoL

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