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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Billy363627

  1. Billy363627

    Dreaming about food?

    I had post op dreams no preop though..I dreamed 1 week after sugery that I ate a half a bag of Doritoes and when I woke up I thought I was going to die. It gets really weird after sugery for a couple of weeks.
  2. sadie it is just your muscles healing from the cutting on it..If it turns red and infected looking than I would be concerned..Mine did the same thing but as I get further along the places are getting softer and healing..
  3. Billy363627

    Confused about food intake

    The first week I was out for surgery I worked on getting my Water in.. Hydration is soo critical..Try to get your 64 oz of water in(you can do that too with soup broth) At the end of the 1st week I started adding Protein.. You have to understand that your shake if it is made with water counts as water. I took the combined water from the shakes and with all the other liquids I gott for the day to equal 64 ounces. If you get a little more water than thats ok.. this is just my opinion
  4. I have been losing good but my doc did a blood panal on me and my vitamin d was low too.. He prescibed me 5000iu daily..My doc say that the Vitamin d is stored in our fat and when we lose soo much weight the Vitamin d starts to lose its ground in our body and we have to take abundant quanties to get that level up.. I am takining 5000iu of D3 per day to try to increase my vitamin d in my body.. This is the only thing they found in my blood.
  5. Well we are really glad to hear how wonderful you are doing ,and let me be the first one to welcome you to the losing bench.. I don't know what kind of post op diet the doctor has you on, buy always remember when you are having problems with food you can go back to liquids a few days then go back to food again. Always listen to your body and don't go too fast.. I was on liquids for a total of 6 weeks, but every doctor is not the same..
  6. Billy363627

    Pre-op Diet Day One...Starving!

    It gets easier around the third day. It is really really hard I know this.. There are a lot of people on this site and all of them had to go on a pre op diet program. The doctor wants to make sure that you get used to the caloric intake so when you are fresh out of surgery you will not want 1800 calories. It also helps with fatty deposits on your liver..Be true to yourself and don't cheat it will make all the difference on your weightloss. Keep us posted and Stay strong I know that you can do this..
  7. Billy363627

    5 days pre-op!

    When you have surgery you will wake up in pain they will give you pain medicine and ice chips(your mouth will be as dry as tree bark..lol) I kept the ice chips on the table and let them melt and started swishing my mouth out to get my mouth wet. Then I started taking small sips. Second day they will give you a baratric tray with clear liquids..They will also give you as much water as you want . Oh I forgot you need to get up the first day and walk ,walk ,and walk. The more you walk the sooner you will get better and the more gas you will move.. Any way the second day try to get as much fluids in as well as walk. If you feel nausea or hurt they will be there to help you out.. Any way walk and walk and sip and sip. You will have to get your water to 64 ounces. The second day I got a total of 30 ounces.. Every day after the second you will have to work at upping your water intake..I met my water intake goal in one week. I didn't worry about my protein for at least a week. It is really important to stay on your doctor's diet for the first 6 weeks.. You will do well and I hope I really answered all the question you had..
  8. It's kinaa amazing how there aren't many old timers that did the band isn't it..They all failed..Which doesn't say a whole lot about the band other than the fail rate is really high and not worth doing.. I didn't do the band and so glad that I didn't make that mistake..
  9. Billy363627

    PCP not supportive of surgery

    Ok 15 years weight still an issure!! Kinda says it all. He should support your decesion if you have done your homework. I will tell you that my pcp was soo excited and wanted to let me know that she totally supported my wanting to have the surgery.. She had really seen how much I did struggle with my weight the years that I saw her so she wanted to help in any way possible. It is really up to you but if I was you I would switch pcp's that actually cared about your health..The one's that aren't interested in our health are interesed in our money only...
  10. Billy363627

    I did it!!!!!!

    Wow!! these pic are great...you look soo good..Congratulations
  11. Well I am soo glad your sugery went soo well..Just keep increasing fluid intake and try to get to 64 oz a day.. YOu kinda had the same experience that I did having surgery
  12. Billy363627

    Goodbye 50lbs (photos!)

    Wow you lookng good girl!!! Keep up the good work..
  13. try using zycam..It is the best for colds..
  14. Billy363627

    Why does yogurt make me hungry?

    You can also try Carb Master yogurt from Kroger..It has around 2 to 3 carbs 12 grams of Protein and very little sugar. Dannon has a lot of sugar and probably lots of carbs... good luck shanny. I don't know if you can eat it yet but a piece of string cheese is loaded with protein and if you get the right ones it is so much better than yogurt and stays with you twice as long. Yogurt does move fast through your sleeve it has a very slider effect.
  15. Billy363627

    Self pay on the west coast

    I would think just my opinion not to find the cheapest doctor, but to find the doctor that is the best at what he does. You might find a doctor for the price range that you are looking for. Experence is more valuable than the few dollars that you would be saving. I would fly to get to a more experenced doc..
  16. Billy363627

    Tomorrow is sleeve day!

    congrats!! You will do fine and all of our prayers go out to yall hoping you recover fast. Remember keep walking and sipping..
  17. Billy363627

    Day 1 liquid diet down

    Well I wil tell you when you get past the third day you will be wanting less food. I know this sounds really impossible but your body kinda starts eating you own fat.. I know it sounds gross but soo true.. Get your protein shakes in . I would really eat the crap out of sugar free jello. When you drink you protein shake eat jello afterwards it really does a good job feeling you up and keeping you satsified. If you don't cheat on the diet you will lose so much more weight and you will be more prepared for after surgery. Also drinking tons of water seems to help. There will be times you just want to give up and just eat eat and eat..I did and everyone before you did. I know that you are strong and you can do it..
  18. Billy363627

    Back from surgery

    congrats and you will feel better everyday..Just keep walking and sipping trying to get more water in everyday and walking a little further also..good luck and keep us posted
  19. Glad to hear that you are doing so well sindlou. Seems you had a lot of swelling and water retention. You should be losing weight soon though. Please keep us posted..
  20. Billy363627

    Why am I so hungry????????????

    How are you carbs? you have to control your carb and exercise.. Everybody does not lose weight at the same rate.You have to understand this..You might be a slow loser. Watch your carbs and increase your water intake would be a good start.. Most of all don't give up. You will lose weight..
  21. Billy363627

    i did it!!!!

    awesome disney Please keep us posted and glad you can offically be called a loser...
  22. Usually the first three days are the hardest. When you go pretty much from unlimited carbs to virtually none your body gets a little pissy. You get head aches you go into uncontrolled hunger. If you can make it the first three day I think yall will do fine. Keep up your head and just remember to be strong. Will power at this point is going to be key..
  23. Billy363627

    8 MORE DAYS!

    Fox we will be here if ya need anything or need to ask any question.. I am almost 6 weeks post op. I will tell you one thing I dont think you should drink out of straws. Any kind of straw will put air in your stomach, and it will be uncomfortable in the beginning..I wish you all the luck and for a speedy recovery..
  24. Billy363627

    Food Funeral Thread

    Cadbury minieggs oh my god that is the only thing I will truely miss,
  25. Billy363627

    Fluid intake after surgery...

    when you have this surgery you stomach has a straw or funnel effect. On liquids my doc told me to drink 2 gallons if I wanted because it goes right though you. It might seem if you have messed up your sleeve right now but when you get to thick liquids yogurt or sf pudding you will notice you will start getting full.. Soft foods I can eat 2 or 3 ounces. I rarely stay hungry as you and it is not hard to go all day and not get the food or for that fact the water. It got to the point I was asking my surgeon for video or picture proof that he actually did the surgery..lol Any way you want feel any restricttion until you get to the more solid foods..

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
