@Janet thanks for the advice. everyone is telling me the same thing the slower the better. i joined this group bc i really need to stay focused and motivated. its frustrating because i did go through the surgery and really dont feel different. i know i have to be patient it also doesnt help me at all that i am obsessed with the scale. i know i should stay away from it but can't. i even told my hubby to hide from me lol. really obsessed im on it about 6 times a day.
@ymjackson i think i eat enough just really staying away from all the junk and rice. rice is my downfall i used to eat it everyday, now I'm down to once a week. that's a challenge! i don't track my calorie in take i know i should.
I just really don't want to feel like having surgery was just a waste of time. hopefully next week when i go in for my second fill i will feel a lot better. thanks for listening girls!