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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Barb119

  1. How many calories are you eating? If you don't know, you need to journal or track your calories. Are you working out? If not, start.

    Burn more calories than you consume. Get back on track! You can do it!

    Thanks for replying....please see my responses to others who replied as well.......tracking food and exercising, then leave off the beer. Okay, this is my plan!!!

    Keep up your good work!!!

  2. In my dr's instruction he said that for some reason those that have a daily glass of wine loose more. I would make sure that you're eating enough and getting enough Protein.

    Thanks for your reply . ,. . (please see my responses to others who replied as well).....keeping the food journal can only help. Some days, I don't get enough calories, esp. protein...Now to get back on track.

    Good luck on your succeess!!!

  3. How many calories are you eating? If you don't know, you need to journal or track your calories. Are you working out? If not, start.

    Burn more calories than you consume. Get back on track! You can do it!

    Thanks for your thoughts on this (please note my reply to Cindy C.) . . . I'm fighting the band and not using good judgement. I do not track my intake and have ceased with the exercise/walking plan. So, I know what I need to do: (1) leave off the beer; (2) track food, and (3) get my ass moving.

    It's encouraging seeing what you and others are doing, so I'll make a new commitment to get myself in gear. Thanks again!

  4. If I drink alcohol I don't lose weight. And you should know better than to drink anything carbonated. You're just asking for trouble! Have you been going to your doctor regularly? Monthly follow up for the first 2 years is the key to success. Your doctor can't help you if you don't go to him and tell him everything you're experiencing.

    Thanks for your response . . . yes, I should know better... that's been my problem forever!!! Going with what I know to be right, and then try to find a way around it. This approach doesn't equal success as I find again in this situation. I haven't seen my doctor since last Oct. when I had a fill. There was no suggestion to see the doctor on a monthly basis for any reason....it's like, you're banded, now you're on your own. Anyhow, I've made a new commitment to get back on track and let the band work for me, instead of fighting it.

    Congratulations on your success!!!

  5. I need to hear from you . . . how do I turn this around as I've been heading down the wrong road since nine months after banding in Jan. 2010....I had lost 44 lbs by Sept. 2010 and since then have regained 12 lbs...and am at standstill since the first of 2011. I'm wondering the the band is tight enough....but I usually am not hungry until around 5:00 pm each day and sometimes force myself to eat Breakfast (to go along with meds I take), then a very light lunch.....and then for dinner, it's difficult to eat, but by that time, I'm really hungry. Plus I have been having a beer or two along the way........other than cutting out the alcohol, what direction should I go???? Your replying will be appreciated.

  6. Today is my 1 year band-aversary and I am very happy to report I have lost 62 lbs

    This is by far the best weight loss decision I have ever made!

    Hello everyone. . . my one-year "bandiversay" was January 12. I haven't been on this site for a while . . . have been thinking getting banded wasn't such a good idea. Had lost 42 lbs. by June 1, then between now and then, i've gained 20 lbs. Had last fill in September....thought I was at sweet spot, but now don't know. Get really filled with a ceral/milk/banana Breakfast, and am really tight, and do not get hungry until late afternoon....then have late lunch and lots of "productive burps", but once the sun goes down, all hell breaks loose!!!! Seems like after 7:00 p.m., there is no restriction and lots of hunger......WHAT IS GOING ON....please let me know if you have experienced this or something similar!!! Thanks! :rolleyes:

  7. Anyone else have a slide in the wrong direction. I had about a 3-4 month plateau and about 15 pounds have crept back on. Just cant seem to motivate. I guess I've figured ways to defeat the band and I've lost my momentum.

    Would love to hear from anyone else that experienced a set back. I'm trying to keep the depression at bay but with lots of personal family and work issues right now I'm finding it so difficult.

    Thanks for listening and congrats to everyone for working so hard this year.


  8. I was banded Jan. 12; have lost right at 40 lbs. Band is very tight in the mornings through mid afternoon, then loose as if I was never banded for the rest of the day .... what is going on? My weight stays within two pounds--up and down. the last fill was in June and doctor says will not do another fill until Sept. I think I have 10 cc in 12cc band. I am getting really even more depressed and don't know what to do...:( Will appreciate your thoughts/comments on this....

  9. Originally Posted by heavenly84 viewpost.gif

    I would like to know for the January banster's how many fills have you had and how much Fluid are you at? Have you had a unfill ?

    Hey to all . . . haven't been here in a month or so . . . been "down in the dumps" . . . my weight hasn't varied much for the past month and a half . . . right now, I've lost around 38 lbs. and just had another fil about two weeks ago. Doctor says she won't consider another fill until September.

    I've had three fills (5cc, 2cc, and 2cc) in a 12cc band).

    Two problems I have to conquer: exercising and leaving off my happy hour cocktail......this is killing my weight loss....plus there's still not a lot of restriction :(.

    Reading all your posts is inspiring, so I'll definitely do this more! Thanks to you! :)

  10. Barb, that's what happened to me and yes it was a sign I needed a fill and WOW what a difference. I was also told to eat more often but less each time, so now I eat tiny meals but 6 times a day now and the weight is already coming off, plus I am not overdoing it. The doctor said it's better to eat more often than to eat too much with fewer meals.

    Marilyn634: Thanks for replying. I've called my doctor about getting a fill week after next, so am hoping the doctor will give me one since it's been four weeks since the last one. Surely, the third fill will make a big difference as I'm able to eat way more than I thought I would. Good luck and smooth sailing with your journey!!! :bored:

  11. :bored: :glare: :sleep: CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ANNIVERSARY!

    Thanks so much for posting your status after one year; very inspirational . . . the very best part is your saying that "weight loss is not a possibility but a certainty" . . . we all need that positive thinking, and for once in my life, I'm looking at the weight I've lost as gone, gone for good . . . never before have I thought this.

    Keep up the GRRRRREAT WORK!!!

  12. SHANNYBP . . .

    You look wonderful; keep up the good work! With the weight loss, have you had any "nips and tucks"??? Just wondering as I'm thinking I'll need some stuff done when all the weight is gone... (sorry for being maybe too personal, but am interested in others' experiences and how mine might be) THANKS!!!

  13. Just got my third fill yesterday. The doctor was very congratulatory on my success...made me feel good! In May, the Baritriac Center is sponsoring a "Clean out your closet" day and going to let us set up tables to sell our too big clothes. Very excited about that b/c I need to make some serious room for all my new littler clothes. :glare:

    Way to go, TxPrincess ! ! ! We were banded on the same day and are very close as to weight lost . . . I got my second fill on April 9, but haven't been able to tell a difference. I have been at about the same weight since April 6, and i'm getting frustrated. I think the first fill gave me 5cc in a 12 cc band, and the second one was for 2cc . . . my hunger creeps up on me if I don't eat something about every 3 hours, but then it takes more to make the hunger go away. Does it sound like I need another fill? This being stuck at this weight is depressing..... :bored: (Plus for those with a 12cc band, how many cc's did it take to get to your sweet spot??)

  14. Thanks Kate E. for your comments re: my situation . . . I've put in a call to the nutritionist before contacting my doctor.... after the second fill last Fri., I've gone to no restriction to pain when I eat anything that requires chewing. And I'm paying special attention to really chewing before swallowing....even the smallest of bites. I'm thinking some of this is psychological as this morning I had coffee (no problems) then started a boiled egg and low/fat deli meat and before I got the bite to my mouth, my pain started...it's like a spasmn (sp ?) and then I take deep breath it goes away then starts all over when the food is swallowed....any ideas on this??? I went from a 5cc in 12cc band on Feb. 26 to an additional 2ccs on Apr. 9 . . . maybe too much fill the second time?

    Cherilynn....good to hear how well you're doing!!! I'm thinking also of the weight I've lost as never coming back--- something, I've never believed before!!!!! Cheers! :cool:

  15. Thanks for all the posts about being stuck . . . I had my second fill last Friday and am experiencing bad pain when I eat, right in the middle of my chest.....but if I take a deeep breath and really relax it goes away,so I'm wondering if I could be causing this to happen by tensing up while eating? Or is this just being stuck naturally with the band? Everything I eat does this, except for slider things. Your thoughts, please!!!!:thumbup:

  16. Good to hear how everyone's doing . . . I seem to right on track compared to those of you banded around Jan. 12. I've had one fill on Feb. 26 and currently have no restriction....am hoping to get second fill in a couple of weeks (if the doc's office ever calls me back!!!:lol:). I also deal with the scale poorly and have been yo-yoing with two lbs.....up one day, down the next. I'm still not keeping up with calories, Protein, etc., just know that what I'm eating are healthy choices--which I can keep up long term--just need restriction....still too much of good things! I think the first fill was 5cc in a 14cc band, so I believe I'm ready! :bored:

  17. Have thought about this a while . . . bought a nice Bracelet at around 25 lbs. lost, so for each 25 lbs to go . . . probably another bracelet, then the 3rd 25, the eternity band (love this idea!), and for the last lbs. to come off, Nissan 350Z convertible. Then I hope to be able to do some traveling (if I can afford it after the rewards prior to and at goal). :scared2:

  18. One more thing to remember...1 pound in 3 months means YOU are not doing the work. Even with restriction, this isn't a magic tool that will allow you to eat senselessly with no workout and expect the weight to fall off. All restriction's brought to me is smaller portion sizes and staying full. The 32+ pounds I've lost in 2010 are because I'm counting my calories (yeah, every single damn thing that goes in my mouth), and I'm working out. You HAVE to commit to a life change or all the restriction in the world won't make this work.

    Thanks to all who've posted on this topic. and to you JoiaRox for the post above. . . I've gone down to 224.5 and for the last two weeks, I've been at 226.2. I have the 14cc band with a 5cc first fill on Feb. 26. Restriction? Only a little and the doc says to see how the weight loss goes for the next two months and then let her know about another fill. I don't want to wait two months. However, your post has reminded me that I need to get off my a$$ and get moving and use this tool correctly. I'm also not keeping up with what I eat...which isn't alot...but then, I'd be sure if I'm screwing up this way . . . do you use an online tracker for calories, etc.? I've tried a few but seemed to take too much time. guess I'm not very patient.:biggrin:

  19. Thanks for all your postings . . . I have felt the same way about comparisons with other people . . . it's like if I've lost less than someone banded around the same time, then I beat myself up . . All that you've said, with the band being a tool, is so right, and I need to reaffirm that to myself each morning, or else, I doubt my ability to be successful . . .

    You've helped me get off to a good start this morning! :smile2:

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