I figured I had PCOS about 8 years ago and went through all the testing with this specialist that was in my Gyn group--guess what, after all the ultrasounds, blood work, glucose tests, etc, etc he told me I don't have it. I should take birth control pills if I wanted normal cycles. I had asked about it because I was thinking of getting married and we had talked about kids. At the time, I would have a period on my own about every 5 months or so and it would last 7-10 days and was painful and very heavy. So I started on birth control pills, gained some more weight, but had light cycles every 28 days. I then noticed the hair on my abdomen getting fuller, my "beard" was coming in nicely, my moustache also got darker, skin got very dry, my hair on my head was falling out- I was a mess. Well 2 years later we were in a Natural Family planning (NFP) class that was required before getting married in our church and then and there we decided to stop the BCs. I still had all my symptoms. Nine months later we got married and I had started a new job. They were doing a Weight Watchers thing so I joined in. Lost 30 pounds and started having cycles about 35 days apart. We conceived our first baby without trying but looking back on the NFP charts I can tell you which day it was. After our first, I only lost 11 of the 35 pounds I had gained and was heavier then ever.
So 2 more years go by-I had seen a fertility specialist when my daughter was 18 months old. My cycles had not restarted after she was born. I had 3 cycles in 18 months and when I saw him it had been 5 months since my last cycle. At my visit he got me in the ultrasound room and what do you know-I saw my both of my ovaries and they looked like swiss cheese. He said you have PCOS-and it must have really kicked in after your baby. I got started on Glucophage and my cycles came back to every 35-60 days but the side effects were terrible and I was not losing any weight. I tried Clomid on 4 different cycles with no success. I did get pregnant once on my own and then miscarried at 9 weeks, that occured Aug 30, 2005. I was miserable.
I then started looking at lap-band surgery. I was banded on August 17 2006, also the first day of my last cycle. I am now down to what my fertility doc says is my set limit to conceive. My fertility doc said that most women with diagnosed PCOS have an internal set limit above which they can't get pregnant no matter what interventions they try. I know what mine is because I am the same weight that I was when I conceived her and now my period is late............I have not been brave enough to see a pregnancy test yet.