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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by CoCo-Mo

  1. CoCo-Mo

    50 pounds down

  2. as of march 10 it will my 1 year anniversary with the band i LOVE THE RESULTS of my band <3

  3. well iv been gone for a while im back at 187

  4. thanks for the advice ill keep it in mind

  5. CoCo-Mo

    40 pounds lost

    thanks and to camic you will do great
  6. CoCo-Mo

    sept. at 237

    From the album: 40 pounds gone for good

  7. CoCo-Mo

    40 pounds gone for good

  8. CoCo-Mo

    30 pounds down

    From the album: 40 pounds gone for good

  9. CoCo-Mo

    One Happy girl!

    you look great it seen like im stuck at a spot and cant push pass how did you lose it in a good past
  10. CoCo-Mo


    you look great and working the dress and red shoes
  11. CoCo-Mo

    first fill

    yesterday i got my fill and it dosent fill any diff:sad:but when i got on the scale at the doctor office it said 205:sneaky:but the doctor said that i lost 9 pouds that i was doing so good with out the fill but he did alittle fill any way:blushing:so i guess ill lose some more weigth soon:tongue_smilie:.
  12. CoCo-Mo

    first fill

    yesterday i got my fill and it dosent fill any diff:sad:but when i got on the scale at the doctor office it said 205:sneaky:but the doctor said that i lost 9 pouds that i was doing so good with out the fill but he did alittle fill any way:blushing:so i guess ill lose some more weigth soon:tongue_smilie:.
  13. you loook so great and nice hair cute
  14. thanks ,but i went to the doctor yesterday and they said that their scale said 205 so SAD about that but HAPPY that i lose 9 pounds .

  15. thats how i was ,i was stuck at 208 for a couple of day and thin the other day i got on it was 198.8 and i was so happy.
  16. CoCo-Mo

    alittle move

    iv finally moved from 208 to 198 im so happy:w00t: that i hit my first goal:wub:know im going to go for my next weigth goal:blush:,i still haven had a fill my appt. is on 4/20 well see how that gos:unsure:i havent see a 1 in front in 10 years:sad:.
  17. CoCo-Mo

    alittle move

    iv finally moved from 208 to 198 im so happy:w00t: that i hit my first goal:wub:know im going to go for my next weigth goal:blush:,i still haven had a fill my appt. is on 4/20 well see how that gos:unsure:i havent see a 1 in front in 10 years:sad:.
  18. CoCo-Mo

    push past

    iv finally past the 208 point im know 198 and so happy about that i hit my first goal know on to my next weigth goal.
  19. CoCo-Mo

    push past

    pre-op i started at 237:confused: the day fo surgery i was 218:smile:when i came home banded i came down to 208 and its been 3 weeks and 3days and i havent moved for this spot is that normal for some .some time i think im over reacting because i have not had a fill yet :thumbup: i just want to know has this happen to any one.i am very happy that my back love handles has gone down:lol:.
  20. CoCo-Mo

    push past

    thats guys for the suport and applying to my prob.
  21. CoCo-Mo

    push past

    pre-op i started at 237:confused: the day fo surgery i was 218:smile:when i came home banded i came down to 208 and its been 3 weeks and 3days and i havent moved for this spot is that normal for some .some time i think im over reacting because i have not had a fill yet :tongue: i just want to know has this happen to any one.i am very happy that my back love handles has gone down:lol:.
  22. sound like my friend with the gray and black i just received my band 3/10/10 and im just starting to feel better from the billedo up of gas.....but you look great and done a great job at losing ......good luck on the last couple of pounds

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