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About KIKOman

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 07/26/1978

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  1. Glad to hear you are doing well! I am doing way better than expected on this 10 day liquid diet. (but I figured I'd be passed out by noon on the first day of starvation LOL! so anything is better than that right?!) I can only have 2 shakes a day, broth, sugar free drinks, a fudgesicle and a yogurt, and coffee with splenda. Thats it. Uuuugh...maybe I'll be able to drop a few pounds before surgery...get a jump on the process. How much have you lost on the preop? I could NOT imagine doing this through the holidays....wow! I think I gained 10 pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years! But this was actually the first Christmas that I ate and was not on a strick diet....i felt like a prisoner and the last meal, so i ATE! haha! That is wonderful that they are gonna fix your hernia while they are in there...I would hate to know going into one surgery that you were gonna have to have another one. Thats wonderful.

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