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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by dentamy

  1. Hello everyone..

    I thought you might want to hear some updates...

    Well, I went to my surgeon, I needed to have an x-ray.. The port was flipped!!!! instead of it lying flat against my abdomen, it was perpendicular that the metal edge was pressing against my skin and causing me the unbearable pain!!

    I went to surgery again -under local anesthesia- "Yes, I was fully awake when he cut me open!" He had to free the port from all the adhesions that were surrounding it and rotated it to its normal position. This was done 10 days ago. Now I'm fine and almost back to normal. Of course, I asked him to fill the port again with some saline. :rolleyes2:

  2. You said that you had the band emptied because your family didnt want to see you healthy and strong? This statement is really confusing to me?

    And as far as experiencing pain at any level is not right. You should listen to your body, and seek help from you surgeon.

    My sentence was TOTALLY confusing...sorry for that!!!

    Because I had spent all of my life obese, I was obsessed by my new body... I always wanted my port to be filled so I can't eat at ease..

    My family saw this as an addiction...I told them all the time that I'm strong and healthy but they said I didn't look like it...

  3. I had my band surgery over three years ago. I was completely fine and never experienced any kind of pain at all since the day it was installed!

    I wanted the band to be tightened all the time since I like sweets.. I was healthy and strong and everything... But my family didn't like it.. So I had to go to my doctor and he emptied the port completely 2 months ago!

    Since the last time I went there, I felt pain at the port site. I took antibiotics and anti-inflammatory..

    now, the pain IS STILL THERE!!! And it doesn't matter whether I moved or not!!It's always there!! Sharp nagging pain that I can't sleep on my tummy anymore... When my baby accidentally brushes against it, it sends me to screams!! I can't touch it.. It's so tender and there is a swelling...very localized though... Is this normal? Has anyone experienced it? Will it go away? Shall I seek my doctor? Please help me!!!:thumbup:

  4. Hello,

    I had my lap band inside me for over three years now.. I'm enjoying the new me... And I'm enjoying shopping for the first time in my life!

    I'm a dentist, a new mother of a 6-month-old boy..

    I'm new in this forum thing! I have a problem related to the band and I want to discuss it with you guys first... shall I add a new thread or.......... what?

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