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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Debbie79

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/28/1979

About Me

  • Biography
    I had a band (swedish) i think fitted on the 6th October 2009 in Prauge by Dr. Stanislav Černý M.D..... it was ok although i feel that i wasnt given as much inforamtion as i would have hoped, it is now two months later and only lost 7lbs... i
  • Occupation
    Police Officer
  • City
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  • Zip Code
    ss15 6hu
  1. Happy 33rd Birthday Debbie79!

  2. Debbie79

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    I did actually contact the Nuffield and herd that Mr Khan does fills but he charges £150 for conslut and £150 for a fill! but not sure what he would charge to fe fit the leaky port? I will have to get it sorted soon, although it is a nightmare just b4 christmas> How are you doing with the weight, how much have you lost? Have you had a fill yet?
  3. Debbie79

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Hi I live in Essex and ive had a bad done , i had my one fitted in October 2009, im struggling a lot with the weight, ive had two fills since and the nurse think ive a leak? I had it fitted in Prauge and although it is free to go back its the flights, i wanted to know if there was anywhere local that i could go to get a x ray and get this problem sorted, ive only lost 6lbs!!! and put on 4lbs this week? Help
  4. Hi I was wondering if someone could help, i had a band fitted in Oct 09 and ive had two fills since, only because i feel no restrictions what so ever. Ive had someone come to my home in the uk who is fantastic, and today she filled it up to 11cc the max! i had a drink, felt sick! but after two mins i felt the same no restrictions? i dont know what is going on.. i can go back to Prague but its the expense! I want to have a x ray in the Uk near Essex???? that is not too expensive but all ive phoned costs around 150 pounds for the consult and £150 for the fill! Do i have a leaky port? or is this normal! Does anyone know anywhere i can get this fixed?:thumbup:

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