Definitely agree with you oceancity4me, and if I knew how to PM, I'll PM you a word of "props" too.
Just-Ice, you haven't had the band yet so you probably don't understand how miserable it is the first few weeks. We obviously all have a little bit of a weight issue since we all took this route.
I got banded on 12/3 and I cheated too, but I don't consider myself a horrible person since it was just tossing in a piece of egg down my throat. If you are coming in to tell me a band will suddenly change your desire to eat, then you should consider not getting the surgery.
I am not sure where thread starter will be in 6 months but to IMPLY she cheated a little and probably will continue to be a failure 6 months post is harsh. None of us should be cold-turkey at this. Take things slowly and the success will come.
In additionally, another comment you made that bothered me was the fact that you knew you were going to get "flammed" for your comment yet you still said it the way you did. I do feel you could have at least tried to say it in a more encouraging way such as, "just be more careful, try to stick by it even though it may be hard." Similar meaning but easier to swallow. Just my opinion.
Oh, it's perfectly fine to voice an opposing opinion at whatever stage of the surgery you are, the credibility of your opinion is another issue though.