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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by finallyncontrol

  1. finallyncontrol

    I think would have been the stopping point...

    You are doing great and the best thing is just like you said...this is a lifelong thing..not a diet. That is exactly how I look at it. I look forward to reading your postings! Have a wonderful vacation.
  2. finallyncontrol

    Journey To Find Myself...

    that is my motto! I got my eye on her..99 lbs down and 28 lbs to go..she is right around the corner!!
  3. finallyncontrol


    sounds like you had a great day and what a wonderful cause you a working on!!
  4. finallyncontrol

    Fears of failure

    J_BandRanger has excellent advise. I would add to that that you need to think positively that you CAN do this. The more that you think that you can overcome this and you will lose the weight you can make it a reality. When you see the weight coming off and you are making the right choices..these will motivate you to continue. I do not look at this as a "diet" I look as this a lifestyle change. This is the way I am going to eat the rest of my life. I eat everyday foods..just small portions and always protein first. I only have 5.75 in my band. I have lost 99 lbs in 7 months and have 28 lbs to go. I walk and work out in my pool almost daily. The other thing is if you have a bad day..don't beat yourself up just put it behind you and start tomorrow off on the right foot..and don't have two bad days in a row. I wish you the very best! You CAN do this! Stay on line there is a ton of support on this site, especially if your your head thinks your are hungry..sign on and your hunger will go away! LOL
  5. How wonderful!! I love suprises like that!!! I also stumbled across www.Sparkrecipes.com today. I tried the Chicken and Brocolli casserole tonight..absolutely wonderful!!! With that website I just selected diet and low carb.. Once again congrats on the 7.4!! a wonderful surprise!!!

  6. finallyncontrol

    Advice please....

    HappyMom..if you look at one of your protein bars..look at the nutrient section under carbs...it will show you on the top line how many carbs and then below it it will list how many fibers is in it..well you subtract the fibers from the carbs and that will give you your "net carbs". Hope that helps..I wish you continued success on your journey!
  7. finallyncontrol

    Getting Scared!!!

    I had absolutely no problems!! I did mine over Thanksgiving holiday. I took the Monday off before Thanksgiving for surgery..I had 30 people at my house for Thanksgiving..only 3 people out of the 30 knew I even had surgery. I have a 3 yr old, so no one even noticed that I didn't eat since I was one clear liquids. Never once did I vomit..the day of the surgery..not until after my 2nd fill (the first time I got stuck..which was my own fault..I ate too fast). The pain they are talking about is the gas from the surgery. They "blow" your stomach up to have access to your insides...this leaves the gas in your body. As soon as you possibly can get up and start walking..this will relieve the pain. I never even had to use gas-x..some do, I didn't have to. I was off work from Monday to Monday, other than that no time off at all. I am a belly sleeper..within a couple days I was sleeping on my side, within a week I was sleeping on my stomach. If you made it thru the c-section you will do fine thru this. You use the same common sense procedures. Yes, it will hurt when you get up..scoot to the edge of the bed, take a deep breathe and then stand up..but get up and move--don't just lay there. I hope this helps!!
  8. finallyncontrol


    I am a luck one.. I drink Myoplex EAS and absolutely love them. I actually look forward to having mine in the morning. I don't like breakfast foods..well once or twice a week is plenty for me..so I prefer to drink mine. You get your protein thru meats, cottage cheese, beans and whenever you are short you fall back on the shake. I know you don't like a lot of foods so you might want to try Recipezaar: The most complete collection of free recipes on the Internet, trusted by home chefs throughout the world. (not sure if you like to cook or not). You can search high protein, low carbs (that is what I use). It not only gives you the recipe but breaks it down completely by calories, protein, fat and so forth. As for when you get a fill my doctor does the same..clear for 2 days, protein shakes for 2 days, puree for 2 days and then solids..each and every time. With you just being banded..hunger pangs here and there will be normal. Your body (and mind) is trying to adjust to the band. Take care and I wish you the very best!
  9. finallyncontrol

    9 months--- 5th fill--- 40lbs--restriction?

    I wish I could send you my son and you could potty train him..and I could help you with not snacking...maybe we could do a trade!!! LOL. Our snacking is SF popcicles, jelly beans and gummy bears. I don't eat gummy bears at all..I will eat a few jelly beans but not every day..now SF popcicles..watch out! I know I eat my daily limit and go beyond on them. Once I got banded I started looking at what I was giving my son to snack on and realized that if all I did was give him all bad foods..he would have the same problems I do!! If you have cable and want to see a gross but education show..watch You Are What You Eat on BBC. Once I saw that..I snapped into shape right away. Now if I could only potty train my son...LOL I wish you the very best Gorda I know you are doing the very best you can!!
  10. finallyncontrol


    bentsam make you sure you contact your doctor..that is what they are there for. Also, have you been walking? The more you walk the better you will feel. This could be still from the surgery and the band adjusting to being in your body. I believe I know exactly where the pain is..but usually that is when your band is too tight and/or you have eaten something wrong (did it hurt when you ate the eggs for breakfast). I had it before when I had to have a slight unfill..I couldn't even get liquids down. When you had the surgery did your dr tell you if he/she put any saline in your band? Most of the time now they don't but some do?? That is why my first response was to contact your doctor and why aklhoney immediatly thought you just had a fill??
  11. finallyncontrol

    Feeling Fabulous on Day 5 (post op)

    Way to go on the weight loss!! Doesn't that feel wonderful!! Just remember this is only the beginning!! You might like some of the recipes on www.bariatriceating.com otherwise I did what you are doing..I got the bullet out and pureed everything and anything..just really didn't look at the outcome, just the taste and it was good! As for your bowels...you might want to add benefiber to list of daily supplements. It is a powder that you put in any liquid. It has absolutely no taste and it is not gridy at all. Constipation is a big problem..this will help you go with ease but not like a laxative. You cannot use metamucil or things like it..it goes in your pouch and expands..not good. My Dr and nutritionist only recommends benefiber. Well..your days are getting better and better! I hope they continue that way!! Take care!
  12. finallyncontrol

    The agongy of Tuesday and the bliss of Wednesday evening

    Isn't it amazing what a measly .5ccs will do? I am glad you are feeling so much better!!! Take care of yourself and I am glad you decided to go to the doctor!!!
  13. finallyncontrol

    Well crap!!!

    You know with your desire and determination right now you could easily start now with either an adkins based or a weight watchers based diet now. It would help your surgery go even smoother. To me all I eat now is basically the adkins diet plan but on a much smaller scale (portion wise). I know others on this site follow weight watchers. Your goal is to get a minimum of 60 grams of protein per day and 64 ounces of fluids per day. No sodas/pop, no sugar, no caffiene and start walking (or some sort of excerise program). If you can implement any and all of these between now and your surgery date you will be so far ahead of the program. You will have great success once you are banded!! I hope this didn't come off in a negative way..I only wish you the best!
  14. finallyncontrol

    Aetna POS Denial!!--texas

    Was that the only reason it was denied?? If so don't worry..do the sleep study and resubmit the paperwork. Every insurance company works a little differently. It can be very quick since it is a resubmittal. You may want to call them and see what they say. I wish you the very best!!!
  15. finallyncontrol

    6/25/10 My Wrinkles

    I think you are beautiful and so motivating!!! I may sit in the bleachers on your website but I am there and look forward to reading your blogs!!! You make me laugh, cry, get up and get moving.. I can't wait to read your book!
  16. finallyncontrol

    I'm Moving!!

    That is so awesome!! See how everything is just working out!! Stay positive!!! Be careful packing...not sure how quickly you are moving. I had lifting restraints my first 6 weeks, so you might want to check with your doctor so you don't over do it..especially with all the excitement!! CONGRATS!!!!
  17. After my first fill..well right before that..during the 6 weeks (from surgery date until first fill date) I reflected on what I just did (you will do the same) I realized then that I wasn't going on a "diet" for the rest of my life..I am make a change in my lifestyle for the rest of my life. I eat everyday food..no one would every suspect I have been banded except for the small amounts I eat. I don't eat bread only because it fills me up too fast but not because it causes me to get stuck. Don't ever say never..one day you will eat your favorite food again (more than likely)..just not as big of a portion. Sodas/Pops are out but other than that..properly cooked, cut, chewed, portioned..you will enjoy it again one day..just not today but one day!

  18. Thank you!! I kept trying to tell myself that if I cheat now than why bother getting banded I would just cheat then and cheat myself out of lifetime of happiness. I am also selfpay..so I had a ton of money riding on it so it helped motivate me to stick to my guns. I also was amazed with myself that I could actually go day after day without actually biting food..just having liquids. I would say wow 6 days no food, 7 days no food, 8 days no food and so on..how many days can I go like this. I also watch the scale..it kept going down, down, down. I lost 14 lbs during those two weeks..another motivator. I fought my insurance company for two years before I decided to self pay so I wanted this more than anything. I was so willing to give up whatever it took to make this happen. That was my mindset and still is.

  19. I totally agree with btrieger...a positive attitude can take you to amazing places!! Our motto in our house now is "You can do it!" It is not always easy believe me but repeating that phrase gets me thru things I never thought I would! Also, answering the questions that btrieger listed would help as well. If you want daily motivating you can PM me and we can chat daily..I am usually online every day or I at least check my email. I wish you the very best!!
  20. finallyncontrol

    SO close to the weekend!!

    you both will be surprised what you will find to order when you start going out to eat..there are plent of options. If you guys are like me..I just never noticed the healthy portions of the menu..just looked at my favorites-which were not good choices!! Plus chicken fingers/tenders are always good options. The hardest thing I have is convicing the waiter/waitress I don't want anything to drink..so most of the time I just have them bring me a water and don't drink it.
  21. finallyncontrol

    Bumping up my workout....

    hmmm it seems like you are really working out pretty hard. Do you have any indications that you are getting full? I get the hiccups and then I stop eating. Are you able to tell the difference between the hunger being satisfied and you still needing to eat more? By this I mean that you have eaten enough that you will not need to eat any more for the next 4 hours or so or do you need to continue eating to get that feeling? Maybe those can be measuring ideas if that all made sense??
  22. finallyncontrol

    3 Days until surgery!

    Don't worry you are having the last minute "jitters"! Everyone goes thru it!! I personally think that you are doing fine if you continue the regimen for the next 3 days as you have been..to me it shows you will power and determination. You will be on clear liquids after surgery which will be less than what you are on now. You need to stay focused on the big picture and believe in yourself! YOU CAN DO IT!!! I am doing it! I have lost 96 lbs in 7 months..I have 30 lbs to go!! If I can do it so can you!!! I wish you the very best in your journey! If you have any questions or would like any further support please do not hesitate to send me a PM! I am usually online!!
  23. finallyncontrol

    Famished on Day 4

    I think you are doing wonderful!! I became addicted to (and still am) SF Popcicles..everytime I think I am hungry I eat a SF popcicle and that seems to work for me. I think you can have that now. I mushed just about anything I can..just don't look at it. Chili was the first think I mushed. As for the salad..ask your dr. As you will see on this site every dr has different rules. Mine is very strict. Lettuce sometimes is hard to digest at first (that is what some Dr's say including mine). I had to wait 4 months before I could eat salad. I eat it quite often now. I know others on here that ate it right out of the gate. You need to remember right now you are very swollen and you actually were on a lot of fluids (thru IV) when you were in the hospital. I was up 2 lbs when I got out. My doctor's opinion is that any amount of weight that you lose between surgery date and your first fill is nothing but a bonus. You do not have any saline in your band at this point to help you with restriction. This time frame is for healing of the surgery not for losing weight although you may lose some. During this time you are also adjusting mentally to be banded so your body and mind have a lot to deal with during this 6 week or so timeframe. I know this is much easier said now than when I was first banded and hearing it for the first time. Take care!!
  24. finallyncontrol

    So many reasons to get off track.

    oops sorry about you not feeling well, see I got caught up in those 8 tenths!! Hope you feel better soon!
  25. finallyncontrol

    So many reasons to get off track.

    you are so like me..I'll take 8 tenths everyday..they will all add up by the end of the week!!! LOL

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