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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by finallyncontrol

  1. finallyncontrol

    had my band done yesterday

    I ditto Yvette's response!! Congrats! and you should be on liquid pain meds and the bleeding does worry me... Take really good care of your self! I wish you the very very best! You will be great!!
  2. finallyncontrol

    Blowing it out of proportion?

    I was wondering what happened to you. To me if there has to be trust in one another. I was married once to a person who I thought that really loved me..he controlled every aspect of my life..who my friends were (didn't have any but his), how long it took to go to the grocery, wasn't allowed to attend study groups for school projects, showed up at work all the time to bring me flowers, lunch, snacks or whatever (really just to make sure I was there and doing what I was suppose to). It took me many years to realize this was not love that is was abuse. I am now married to the man of my dreams. He is my soul mate. We have so much trust between us. There is nothing I can't do and nor do I have to ask for permission to do anything. He is well aware of this site, my Facebook site..he knows that I chat with males that I worked with or went to school with or are losing weight with but he also knows that I would NEVER do anything that would put my marriage in jeopardy or even come close to it. I am very happily married and that is very important and I take my vows very seriously. I also love to talk to people as well as my husband does. This is very long I know Jmunks but I think you need to really step back and see where you two are in life. I only want the best for you! Take care.
  3. finallyncontrol

    Couple of successes

    I think the hardest part when I was on the way up was when I quit wearing skirts and tried to make pantsuits look good (which they can but they weren't me). Now as you said the first time I crossed my legs..oh did I look up and say Oh thank you God!! and now it is skorts galore!! These are called NSV (non scale victories) so keep them coming!!!
  4. finallyncontrol


    crsti I wish you the best!! I would like to hear how your meeting went! I do go to a monthly meeting as well! I do get quite a bit out my meetings. We exchange recipes, ideas, hope and have developed friendships. Someone brings in a dish to share that has been approved by the nutritionist. We gather ideas for what should be talked about for the next meeting..IE: what are good lunch items when you don't have a frig at work. I hope it all goes well for you!!
  5. finallyncontrol


    Yes, Welcome newbie!!! The best advice I could give you is to follow your doctors orders as best you can for the pre-op to ensure the safest surgery possible. The more you can shrink your liver the easier it is for the surgeon to perform the surgery and then it will be easier on you for recovery. As soon as you enter recovery..start walking as soon as possible to get the gas out of you. Do not rush the healing process. You need to take the time to heal this will help you in the long run and help you have a very successful journey. Bandster Hell is just that and that is the first 4-6 weeks after surgery. Your body is healing and adjusting to having the band in you. You can be very emotional or be on an emotional roller coaster..just depends. Do not worry about losing weight during this time....this is time to focus on healing. You will not have restriction during this time, you do not worry about losing weight until after your first fill (about 6 weeks after surgery). You are too swollen and need to heal first. As you can tell I have mentioned the word heal numerous times..it is that important to heal first and then focus on "how much am I losing". I hope this helps! You have already made the most important decision and that was to get banded!! I wish you the very best on your journey. This site is fantastic and very supportive!! Take care!!
  6. finallyncontrol

    To Support Or Not to Support

    You can always contact me at dsmith16@tampabay.rr.com It must be miserable not to be able to talk to your mom about what is going on. I only told 3 people about my band..my mom, my dad and my husband...and yes they were very tired of hearing nothing about the band before it happened and then the first few months. You will find so much support here and of course you can blog all you want to share (or vent). We all will always be here!! Hopefully your mom will come around once she sees how successful you are and how healthy you are becoming! I wish you the very best and please do not hesitate to send me an email..I am usually online and I LOVE to talk about being banded. Take care!!
  7. Thank you! The one thing I am learning is how bad my ankle is swelling throughout the day. I knew my left leg was bad due to DVT's (blood clots) but I didn't think my right one was. In the morning the ankle bracelet slides right around it but not in the evening. I had a stroke 3 years ago after having my son (actually had nothing to do with my weight) so feet/ankle swelling actually means something else to me. So actually ended up being a test of different things...

  8. finallyncontrol

    First Fill Didn't Work??

    I agree with Leigha, don't wait call the Dr and move up your appt. Your brother is not the norm most of us need fills and a few of them until we feel the restriction. Good luck on your journey!
  9. finallyncontrol


    You need to give a full disclosure of everything you are allergic to and then you will have no problems. I carry a list of all my medications and list of things I am allergic to so I don't forget. For example..surgical tape of all things is one them so they have to use special tape on me or I break out. So they document it and then I have no problems. Just don't forget "your list" and you will be fine! Take care and good luck!
  10. finallyncontrol

    My First "STUCK"!!!! (and I'm so happy!!!)

    I use pineapple juice and it will make it either come up or go down instantly (for me). I get the small cans of it. All it takes is a couple of sips and bam I am all cleared up. It fits in my purse in case I am going somewhere and I am not sure what I might be eating. Don't you just love the early days and all this learning..LOL it does get better!! Take care!
  11. finallyncontrol

    And the Trainer Says.......

    I have two dogs and a 3 yr old son..I call them "my posse" they go everywhere I go and I mean everywhere. I have plenty of conversations with them..sometimes I might want to pay $100 to talk to someone else..LOL. Every since I was banded I have had low blood pressure so you might find it harder than you think to get it up while working out. When I had a stress test done the only reason they had to stop the test was I was about to fall off of the treadmill..heart beat was fine, not out of breath, blood pressure 117/80 still not elevated but the speed and elevation of the treadmill was outrageous. They kept asking how much I work out. I said I walk and work out in the pool everyday it doesn't rain. But for some odd reason I am having abnormal EKG readings all the sudden?? Not that I am not taking it serious..it is something else for me to figure out. Take care and have fun working out! Keep up all the awesome work you are doing.
  12. finallyncontrol

    Enjoy Your Life

    I know in my daily prayers I say one for all of my fellow bandsters and all of those considering to become one!! I basically say your last paragraph word for word. I truly feel it and mean it!! God Bless you!!
  13. finallyncontrol

    McDonald's....what have you done?

    WOW now that is an eye opener! I am just too shocked to say much more than that!! WOW!!!
  14. finallyncontrol


    crsti to hopefully make you laugh...my band hates tortilla chips..when it is that TOM and I am really desperate and my head takes control...I have been known to lick the stupid things just to get the flavor and salt. I know I can't eat them so I have gotten past that finally (it took a couple PBing episodes to convince my brain) but then I took up the licking now if I could learn how to quit buying them...hmmm I tell myself the salsa is for the quesadillias but then I will grab a bag a chips sometime before the salsa is gone...As Sandradee said this is a lifestyle change and Yvette said you would have ate more without the band and J_bandranger summed up you don't hit your sweet spot until your 3rd fill or so. So hang in there! You are doing fine. Don't keep beating yourself up. Tomorrow is another day. Take care!
  15. finallyncontrol

    just thinking..

    hmmm going along with the title of your blog and trying to figure out how to help you... 1. I know this sounds old school but why don't try to leave 2 or 3 bites of food on your plate from each meal 2. Another thing I do is I only eat until I am satisfied not until I am full 3. I changed my son's snacks to ones I that I could have as well..all sugar free kind..sf popsicles, sf pudding and then there are a couple that I don't like at all that he loves 4. Have a cheat day..where you can have what you want within reason one day a week (or every other week)..however often you think would work best for you. 5. Not sure if this will apply or not..but cut out all liquid calories until you start losing again. I got on an apple juice kick for a while and then one day I drank 800 calories and didn't even realize it...now that is a big mistake considering I usually only consume 800-1000 calories a day. Gorda please take these in the most positive way I am truly trying to help you. I know how frustrating this has to be for you. I was just trying to think of some ways that might help. I wish you the very very best!!
  16. finallyncontrol

    Diabetes II remission

    That is terrific!! That has always been one of my fears is becoming diabetic! My mom has it really bad...she is seriously considering the band now. The only requirement she doesn't meet is the BMI so we will see! I wish you the very best you are doing really well!
  17. finallyncontrol

    Saturday Evening Out In Manhattan.

    Wow I never even thought about family style dining... that would be a good way to good. That is the way I eat at home duh?? Sometimes you just need to see someone else do it elsewhere! Once again thanks for the post!! You are doing so great!
  18. finallyncontrol

    Great Recipe

    Great Blondi! I new one of the websites did!!
  19. finallyncontrol

    Vacation --paradise or torture chamber?

    Are your feet swollen tonight after driving/riding 8 hours and this was the first time out of the whole trip? It could have nothing to do with how well you ate but alot more to do with fluids in your feet. I have this...I can in lots more detail. See if the swelling goes down over night as well as the "weight gain".
  20. finallyncontrol

    Great Recipe

    does the world know I am craving scallops...everywhere I turn everyone is talking about them!! This looks absolutley scrumpcious!! Do you know the calorie break down??
  21. finallyncontrol

    Not enough Information

    I agree with Yvette there should have been a booklet or a package given to you when you went to the seminar?? Anyway this site can tell you a lot as well as www.lapband.com can too. I was told the straw can allow you to suck up too much air when you swallow and cause you discomfort in your band. Some people have no problem with this and others don't. I didn't even try..I throw out the straw immediately. Another item that is debated is chewing gum..I was told no gum chewing..reason behind it is if you were to swallow it you would get stuck really bad and could end up in the ER depend on the size of gum you were chewing. I gave up gum before being banded. Then after being banded I realized that if I can forget to chew my food well enough and get it stuck I could probably forget and swallow my gum. The bottom line for me is I guess in some cases I am not a risk taker..so no straws and no gum for me. I will also say that my doctor is on the strict side...I hope that helps.
  22. finallyncontrol

    I have to tell someone!

    You should be very proud and want to shout it out!! Keep up the excellent work!!
  23. finallyncontrol

    What in the world, happened! ??

    Yes, you will slime again..unfortunately you learned very early on what it is all about. I really think the wrap was too much to handle. It would be too gooey to process in my opinion and then followed by the drink..that just makes me cringe but we all have to live and learn. Just check off the box and start tomorrow on a fresh foot!! Take care!
  24. finallyncontrol

    Nothing stays down

    Great job Vicki for going to the doctor!! You should be feeling so much better now and should start seeing some results!!! Stay positive and make your dream come true!
  25. finallyncontrol

    the beginning

    Welcome to Bandster Hell...believe me it DOES get better than this!!! Just give it time. The more you can walk the quicker the gas will leave. The pain in the middle of your chest..that is actually where the band band has been install and is trying to adjust to being inside your body. This is the healing time where you are very swollen and the band is adjusting...this equals discomfort! Are you able to have sugar free popsicles? You can sort of bite them.. I wish you the very best on your journey..just hang in there it WILL get better trust me!

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