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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by finallyncontrol

  1. finallyncontrol

    Terrific for a Tuesday!

    You look awesome!! I hope you enjoyed your steak!!! I eat steak all the time!!!! We were banded about the same time (if my memory is right)..I was banded Nov 23rd.. I just cut it up in very small bites and eat it slow..haven't had any problems!! I have to remember to order the 8oz since my eyes are bigger than my belly..still have that problem! LOL
  2. finallyncontrol

    Somewhat dissapointed

    One thing that I learned was to eat until I was satisfied not until I was full. Also, you said you were eating "sandwiches" maybe you should take away the bread?? I eat meat roll ups..a slice of lean meat with cheese rolled up in it. I may eat 2 but no more than three for lunch and they will fill me up. Then for a snack if necessary a Greek yogurt. I guess what I am trying to say is cut back in the carb area that would really help. 30 Minutes on the treadmill is excellent!!! Think positive. Having a positive attitude is also a key factor in this as well! I wish you the very best!!
  3. finallyncontrol

    6 days post~ how can it be

    Each doctor has their own reasoning as to why they feel that they should be so strict or so lenient. Mine was very strict like yours. I would prefer him to be strict. It caused me to have less problems in the long run (I believe). I didn't eat things I shouldn't or get stuck by eating things too early. But yes, there are many different procedures out there!! I wish you the very best on your journey!!
  4. finallyncontrol

    Grilled Peanut Butter(Crunchy) and Jelly Sandwich??

    I love the recipes I have got off of spark! I have it downloaded on my phone so when I think of something and I am at the store I can just look up the recipe to make sure I have everything I need...it is awesome!! Have fun at the beach!
  5. finallyncontrol

    Wishing for the day!!

    I have BCBS of Alabama..they also turned me down so I self paid. I then turned in the receipts. They reimbursed me 50% and they are now paying all of my fill visits to the surgeon. Have the hospital get a pre-admission approval, see if the anes will get a pre-approval as well...the third bill I had was the surgeon..that one you will have to fight. But like I said I submitted the receipts and they reimbursed me 50% and are paying 100% now for the office visits.
  6. finallyncontrol

    Submit claim to insurance AFTER surgery??

    Yes, you can claim all of your medical expenses for the year on your taxes..in your case you can only claim the 2500 since you were reimbursed 10k..so 2500 plus any and all other medical bills that you have incurred for this year (prescriptions, office visits and so forth). I am not a tax expert, I just know how my tax accountant did my taxes. You can google taxes and medical bills..you can get the legal definitions or if you use quicken it will ask you all the right questions. I hope this helps..
  7. finallyncontrol

    Advice please.. not feeling well

    Sorry I haven't seen your post any sooner! I am worried..I don't like the dizziness and the throwing up. I am thinking your band is too tight (requiring an unfill..just a little will make you feel so much better). You just might not be able to eat as much as you need. How much were you eating to how much are you eating since this fill? Is it significant? Did you just cut out your carbs? It also sounds like carb withdrawals (the dizziness does). Bottom line you need to go in and see the doctor tomorrow for sure. I don't hesitate about that..that is what they are there for. I sincerely hope you feel better!! Get some rest and take care!!
  8. finallyncontrol

    Low Potassuim Danger!

    I am also having the potassium issue myself!!! Just about the same levels as you..just a tad bit lower!!! Same chest pains only my EKGs are messed up as well!! After taking the IV, the supplements and so forth I am still not able to retain the potassium...SO THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT to everyone..keep eating all of the foods listed above!!!!! The liquid potassium is NASTY!! You cannot take it daily or at least I can't!!
  9. It is rare that I eat bread, not that it gets stuck..it just fills me up too fast and I can't get my protein in.

    Exercise: I walk and exercise in my pool daily. This helps tremendously. I know when it rains for days I can really feel it.

    For my meals..As I said I eat everything but I eat very small portions..never more than a cup but usually about 3/4 of a cup per meal. The only thing I really splurge on is the popsicles..probably 4-5 a day. I have a 3 year old and we eat them all afternoon/evening.

    If I have a cravining I found that if I satisfy the craving instead of trying everying to avoid it I realized that I only wanted maybe 2 bites of the craving and I was satisified. If I tried to avoid it I ate everything in the house and still ended up eating the craving..just think of all the wasted calories!

    Another thing when I eat is that I eat until I am satisified not until I am full.

    I hope this has helped!! Take care!

  10. Hi gillian,

    Well the first thing I did was take the word diet out plan. I use the term lifestyle change. I maintain a positive attitude 98% of the time. I do cook a majority of the time so I know what it is I am eating however I eat just about everything under the sun. I have lost my appetite for sweets so that does help. My snacks are SF Popsicles and apples w/laughing cow cheese or hot chocolate. I may eat 4 or 5 dorito chips a couple times a month but that satisfies my chip craving. I am not a breakfast person (never have been) so I have a protein shake (EAS Myoplex Lite Chocolate). Lunch: Cheese Quesadillas, Tuna w/mayo, greek yogurt, salad, chicken w/mayo or ravillos. Dinner: this is wide open Chicken Corden Blue, Steak, Pork Chops, Meat Balls, Chicken Picatti, Scallops, Shrimp..the list goes on. If I make a dish for my family that includes pasta I may eat 2-3 noodles cut up very fine.

  11. Ok my favorite topics first thing in the morning..LOL

    PB'ing is technically Productive Burping. This is where you burp and you actually burp and bring stuff up so very similar to throwing up but it happens when you burp.

    Sliming...is kind of just that..slime and a bunch of it. You can have a little bit or a lot of fluids build up in your mouth. You can sometimes just spit to get rid of it but other times you have to throw it up and it will be nothing more than slimey slim (no food). It happens after you eat. It could be a sign that you eat too much..everything went down just too much. Once you see it the first time you will know it. It is kind of gross, probably the grossest part of anything we do because of how slimey it is. I hope these descriptions help.

  12. Ok, it should be in your inbox...let me know if you have any problems opening the file!!

  13. finallyncontrol

    Day Four - back home from 2nd hospital trip

    If I'm not mistaken I believe I had diarrhea as well right after surgery but I also had to drink magnesium citrate the night before..not sure if that was lingering but it may be common. My procedure was clear liquids for 5 days and then 7 days of protein shakes..7 days of mushies followed 7 days of soft protein before I started on solids. If you wanted to follow my plan..totally up to you or if you wanted to follow something similar!! I know what you mean about not wanting to end back up in the ER!!! Make sure you get enough fluids...being dehydrated is scary as well!!
  14. finallyncontrol


    Yep, now you will get to learn about slimming and PB'ing...aren't you excited?? LOL all kinds of exciting things!! There are different variations of how much comes out and what form..foamy, slimy or "pukey". All of which I prefer to do at home but we don't always get a choice..LOL
  15. finallyncontrol

    Getting Close!

    Sounds like you are ready!! How awesome about United!! I was one of those who had to self pay after fighting for 2 years!! Anyway, it gives me more motivation! I look at everything in a positive way!! Everything happens for a reason! I wish you the very best, stay positive and you will be fine!! Take care!!
  16. finallyncontrol

    Thank you

    Hey regardless of how old you are..it never hurts to have mom there!!! My mom went to the hospital with me!!! Hugs going out to you!! Oh, I didn't sleep the night before either..I just laid there and dreamed about the new me...
  17. finallyncontrol

    Day 3 & Still Hungry

    I think part of it is get us in the right mindset..even after surgery we have think Protein first, then veggies and then starches if you have room..to be honest sometimes I don't even have room for the veggies. Then there are some nights that I mix my foods but then I am short on my protein. So the bottom line for me is getting that mind of ours ready..that is the key! I was on the same as you...3 shakes a day and that was it!! All the crystal light I wanted but only 3 shakes a day and nothing else!! I wish you the very best and remember it will all be worth it. Believe me I would have never thought I would be down 105 lbs 7 1/2 months ago but I am and loving life!!! Take care and believe in yourself..you can do it!!
  18. finallyncontrol

    One week--countdown

    Yes Diet Pepsi is a curse...although I never drank it I used to drink mountain dew until it was proven to be the culprit that was giving me migraines..so as of June 6, 1990 I have been caffeine free!! So I do know what it is like, I never found another soda to replace it. My mom on the other hand has to have her Diet Pepsi and has tried to get my son hooked..I will not allow it. He did point out that the vending machine at his daycare has Diet Pepsi in it..he is only 3. I quickly told him that mommie doesn't have change on her!!! I know it is hard but you will be so happy once it is out of your system!! Remember it is controlling you right now instead of you being in control, so it is time for you to take control!! Take care!!
  19. finallyncontrol

    Day 2 Preop diet

    hmmm are you used to taking your meds with some other type of fluid or food? MAYBE your dr would you allow you to take them with applesauce or something..a teaspoon of it?? just to settle your stomach?? I had to open one of my capsules and put it in applesauce after the surgery but now I just get a mouthful of water and pour it in. Also, I have read that when you are so nauseated it could be carb withdrawals which right now you cannot do much about if you are to only have liquids. Sorry you feel this way. Well one last thought..I know if you could have foods you could eat a piece of fruit to help the carb withdrawal..you might want to ask your doctor if you can have a glass (8oz) of apple juice..I just checked the bottle I have..it has 28 grams of carbs. (I was told to add sugar to my diet after my 6 month check up because I wasn't eating enough sugar..so I have a glass every other day), Ok those are my final thoughts or enough rambling... Take care!!!
  20. finallyncontrol

    July 23 (tomorrow) is the Big Day

    All will be fine!! Most all of us went thru exactly what you are doing right now..laundry is done, house is cleaned..now what!! LOL... I wish you the very best!! Let us know how things go for you!!!
  21. finallyncontrol

    Gym good!

    There must be a full moon or something..today has been a hard day for quite a few people including me. I know I have needed to recharge my batteries most of the day. I am blaming it on I had to switch one of my meds and it is getting the best of me. So glad you went to the gym!! Thank god for laptops..I didn't quite make it out of bed much. Tomorrow WILL be a brighter day for me!!
  22. finallyncontrol

    Am i expecting too much too soon???

    Another thing to remember is the first phase (from surgery day until your first fill) is to concentrate on healing not losing weight. Your body is going thru so many changes right now...accepting and adjusting to the band, emotionally accepting how to and what to eat, going from all liquids to mushies to solids (this makes everyone stall)...all of this is very trying and tough for everyone. You just need to remember that you need to heal your insides first and remember that you do not have any restriction right now. Once you get your first fill then you will will have a little help and you will start to lose a little faster...then as loseit said as you get another fill it will help even more!! You are doing great, just keep up the positive attitude and all will be fine!! I wish you the very best!!
  23. finallyncontrol

    approved but not happy

    Well since they scheduled it for a Friday..I would take off Monday. That way you are taking only 2 days off. As long as you are not lifting anything and you are able to sit down often. You will be tired but you need to walk as well...so I am picturing you walking around the classroom but resting at your desk. I had mine on a Monday and on Thursday I had 40 people at my house for Thanksgiving dinner...only 3 people there even knew I had surgery (my mom & dad and my husband) no one even had a clue. I wish you the very best and sorry they couldn't of done it August 1st or something!!! Remember everything always happens for reason!! You will be fine!!
  24. finallyncontrol

    Surgeon Consult done - more confused now than ever :o(

    Patience will help!! It took me two years of fighting my insurance company alone!! Then I gave up and became a self pay patient..then it took two weeks!! i wish you the very best not only with the procedure but as with the patience as well!!
  25. finallyncontrol


    Maggs watch the PG'ing and the being hungry..I just don't want you to be too aggressive on the fills. You may need one in two weeks but just watch and see if you PB'ing on reasons caused by you or your band? and then for being hungry do the same..head hunger, bored or do you need a fill. Typically if you are PB'ing (or getting stuck) and it is not caused by you--eating too fast or too big of bites...you need an unfill. If you are hungry and it is not head hunger or not from being bored then you need a fill. I have a touchy band when it comes to fills that is why I am trying to offer some advise here. I cannot handle any more than 5.5ccs in my band..whereas others can handle a lot more and yes I had to learn the hard way!! LOL

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