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Posts posted by krstjump03

  1. Today was pretty rough for me...i dont think i was ready for how hard the clear liquid thing really was! And i have 2 more days to go. I have been straining the eggs out of egg drop soup...and that has been wonderful. (i hope thats ok...as long as you can see through it right?) I tried doing the Isopure drinks. And I know some people rave about them, but they are just not for me. It leaves that chalky feeling on the tongue. And I bought 6 of them...blah! The 7 full liquid days really werent that bad though... didnt think I'd actually look forward to going back to full liquids. LOL! How much time are you guys planning to take off? Have you found any full liquid recipes that have helped you out or you are gonna be trying soon? And yep..this thread should have said 2010. I never gave it a second thought...heck, I am still signing checks 2009. Good Luck to you all and let us know how your surgery goes and how you are doing.

  2. I am on day 6 of 10 of my liquid diet. It is not as horrible as everyone said it was going to be. The main thing is to keep something around to sip on and NEVER let yourself get Hungry. I am almost always sipping on something. I am tired and am feeling pretty sluggish, but I am not really hungry anymore. I went to GNC and got me some Isopure sugar free high Protein Drinks. They arent the milky kind of Protein shakes...they look like koolaid. So they work for the clear liquid part. You will be fine! This diet is just laying the ground work for the doctors to get in there and do his job so we can start out new lives. We CAN do this!

  3. i started 10 day preop today...and suprsingly enough, I am not starving! i drank my juice and i had 2 of the EAS shakes and crystal light during the day and then tonight i am having chicken broth seasoned with rotell tomatoes ( i just strained out the tomatoes...it is quite yummy!) and for dessert I am thinking a SF fudgesicle and possibly some Jello too. For me, the workdays are going to be easier because I am more structured. This weekend is going to be rough, we are always on the go. I have a friends birthday party at Buffalo Wild Wings this Saturday. How in the world am I gonna do that??? i just dont know if I can make it. And then Monday I start my clear liquids...uuuugh. How are you guys holding up?

  4. Thanks for your comments...I just got back from the grocery store. I know the cashier mustve been thinking..."This girl is THIRSTY!" I had nothing but liquids and my powder to make my shakes. LOL! My husband was saying he was gonna do it with me, but when it came time to buying the stuff, he chickened out. Cant say I blame him much...poor guy...he is having to cook for himself until i can start on a more normal diet. He knows that would be pure torcher for me to have to cook his meals while i have my shake and some Jello. It does help to know that my feelings are normal and that there are people going through this with me. THANKS YA'LL!

  5. :smile2: I am very nervous about this diet...i feel like tomorrow is going to be the last meal i ever get to eat. My nerves in general have kicked in a bit, as I am sure it will only intensify as the time passes. I am in no way having doubts about the surgery itself though. I am sure that the band is 100 percent right for me. I have also been using the SparkPeople website...I am able to log my food, exercise and general progress on there. I am getting prepared...I got all of my clothes sorted from biggest to smallest (so I dont miss out on wearing anything), I am going this week and getting me a new set of food scales, a new food processor and some kids forks and spoons (my nutritionist recommended eating with them as it forces you to take smaller bites). If anyone has any suggestions on making this liquid diet more bareable I would looooove to hear from you. I just keep telling myself...I will eat again. I wonder...do you actually mourn food?

  6. Ok ya'll...you are probably right. I was having a rough afternoon and honestly someone could have told me the sky was blue and I could have very easily taken offense to it. So i apologize for being the snotty one...when i initially read it I took it that his manhood was being attacked....and we can't have that. So yes rej1977....we could all use more men in this world like you! Happy New Year Everyone.

  7. Are you for real? Seriously? Do you have a brother or a cousin? If so, here is my advice. Support her. Just support her.

    ok...so is being snotty really neccessary? I thought this site was to help people...not put them down for inquiring...no matter who they are or WHY they are inquiring. I know my husband has asked why I am not telling people and he doesnt understand and acts aggrevated with me when I tell him my reasoning. And I dont know how my husband is going to respond to my new lifestyle...new eating, exercising etc. I couldnt even get my husband to read the material I brought home. So, if a man is on here inquiring about how to make things easier on his wife, I think that more spouses should take note.

  8. cat, i hope just because your husband is letting the testing stand in his way, maybe when he see you getting healthy he can do it with...maybe you will be all the motivation he needs! I am currently trying to get the sleep apnea test done...but for personal reasons...hahah! He keeps me awake snoring every night and OOOooh how i long to sleep the entire night with my husband by my side. I really think he has a mild case of sleep apnea. I just hope he will get it taken care of before it gets worse. I on the other hand have not had to go for a sleep apnea test and my surgery date is on the 14 of Jan. I hope they dont slide that in on me at last minute. Thanks for the nice words and keep me posted on your process!

  9. I think having your spouse banded would be nice because like the previous poster wrote, eating the same is less work for you.

    But it sounds like there are issues that really dont have to do with the band. I wont go into it as you know what is going on and like you said, you are a nurturer.

    My situation is different and I hope you can get some value from it. My baby lost a lot of weight but did it himself without surgery. He now owns his own fitness studio and trains people. He has been sweet so far, but I can tell he really doesnt understand my decision.

    Having two people doing things differently is harder. We have to work much harder at keeping the communication going between us.

    I know he is very dependant on me for a lot of things....we both work and have been married for right at 7 years. I guess it goes all the way back to my mom being a housewife and all my dad had to do was go to work and cut the grass. Recognition is the first step right...haha! I hope that through all of this, our relationship grows while we do the shrinking! I am planning on talking to him, i really just wanted to get another perspective. I definitely can see where doing 2 different diets/workout plans can be much harder. He might not understand now your method...but I am sure he will appreicate the results when you are all skinny! :thumbup: I would love it if my hubby would do something like that that your husband did! I think that after it is all said and done we are both going to be healthier and happier. If we can just go in with a plan of attack! Good luck in your process.

  10. Yes!! I'm so excited, nervous, anxious all in one. I go for my Pre-Op visit on January the 4th and I'll find out my date for surgery that day. I'm going for the 21st of January. I don't want to mess this up , I've been going to appoinments and through insurance set backs for over a year. Thank God I finally got approved!!! I'll pray for everyone up here that we stick with it and go forward with our lives. Have you started your pre-op diet? What did it consist of? Keep me updated on what you go through and how you feel.Kharissa :thumbup:

    I have been soooo fortunate, my process started in September and got my surgery date about 3 months later. I can only pray everything continues to go as smoothly. I start my preop on January 4 :thumbup: and I am more scared of that than of anything else. I will definitly keep you posted anad you please do the same! I am adding you to my friends list. Take Care.

  11. Well, I've got to say, my husband has done exactly this. The preop period was exactly like you're fearing. He had this surgery and then took NO responsibility and made NO decisions about what he'd eat. He expected me to be in charge of it all. I did but I couldnt believe that anyone could have surgery and then leave it up to someone else to feed them.The trouble is, he came to it a good 3 years after me. He seems to think its not possible to exercise on your own. He needs me with him if he's going to do a thing. Trouble is, I dont consider walking exercise anymore, its something I do on a day I"m not exercising, if I feel a bit under the weather etc. But he's not prepared to put in the effort to run or do circuit training or anything (he always was terribly terribly wimpy about stuff like this). So what? I give up my exercise time to do somethign that doesnt challenge me in the slightest, knowing that even if I do, four nights out of seven he'll wimp out, make an excuse etc. I'm not going to do that! QUOTE]

    Your reality is my biggest fear. I am not a huge fan of working out, but i can only hope that as the weight comes off and it doesnt hurt my back and joints as much that I will appreciate it more and grow to atleast like it. I just dont know if I can endure the fight that will occur every day when i head out to exercise and he "whines" about going. It is very aggrevating to thing that the person who should be my biggest supporter could potentially be the one that henders me the most. I can only go off of the way he has been in the past, and feel a bit guilty thinking that he will be "that" guy. I can only hope that with us going through the surgery within only a few months of each other that he find his own fire...if ya know what i mean. As much as I do like cooking for him and having that role in our relationship, I feel like it might be in our best interest to take a step back in the beginnning. Have the food in the house, but take turns preparing it, but handle our own portions. (Would his be different that mine?) I may really be over thinking this, but I really want to be as mentally prepared for this process as possible. I am so ready to get started! So you have been banded for 3 years? Have either of you had any problems? How old are your kids? I hope to conceive shortly after i hit my year from Band date! We shall see.... and Thanks so much for your input!

    <table background="http://sshare1.familylobby.com/includes/defaultbgs/animated/Stars5.gif"><tr><td><img border=0 title="family website day ticker" src="http://www.familylobby.com/common/dtFAM10624485476FLDT.GIF"></td></tr></table>

  12. Welcome--we have the same surgery date and the same nervousness. Reading this site has helped me not be so nervous. My pre-op appointment is tomorrow where I get my pre-op diet instructions--they already told me it is a liquid diet with one low fat/high protein/low carb meal. Be Blessed--and we can do it! :smile:

    The 14 is my day as well. I recieved my preop diet on the 21 which made me a little more nervous than i was to begin wtih. I am more afraid of that than the procedure itself. I just know how i feel when i get really really hungry. that weak, puny jittery feeling. I hoping I will not have that for 10 days straight all the while going to work and functioning. uuugh. But you are right...we CAN do this!:)

  13. Hummingbird, I think you are probably right about that. Since i cook anyway, it would be great to only have to cook the one thing. I hope that having the band will really motivate him to eat less and move more. Right now, if I put a small portion on his plate he acts like I am the bad guy being mean to him. Its funny really...and I dont dare say the word exercise. We have recently aquired my most favorite peice of workout equipment....a Boxer named Roxie. She drags me around that block like there is no tomorrow. Maybe i should tie her to him and turn her loose! Bless his heart...

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