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About krstjump03

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 12/08/1978

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    Hello Kit (you're nick is KIT right?),


    Just saw your messages. I'm so sorry for the late reply. It's been a very busy holiday season for me. And boy...it's a real challenge to do my pre-op diet during the christmas season.


    I see that your sked has been bumped to the 14th. That's alright, like what you said, what's 3 days right?


    I've been doing my low calorie pre-op diet (1200 a day + Glucerna Shakes every meal). My first few days were, ugh, kinda hard, especially seeing all that food in our Christmas parties.


    So at every get-together, what I did was I just let everyone eat ahead of me. I am an amateur photographer (Flickr: Changkers' Photostream), so I just volunteered to be the "event photographer". Takes my mind off all that food. So by the time I want to eat, I can just grab a bowl of soup and some bread, and I can continue shooting photos for everyone. Basically I just needed to find something to keep me preoccupied.

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