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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by krstjump03

  1. If i go more than a few hours, right around the time that i am getting hungry, my stomach/pouch get very sensative, bloated and gassy feeling. Once I eat, it takes about an hour or so to subside. Ideally i would like to wait an extra 30-60 minutes to eat, but I find myself eating before I am truly hungry just to keep this from happening. Any thoughts or tips would be super helpful!

  2. I am about 2 years with my band and this is the first time I have had anything like this. I was at a church function... ate a few grapes and a few pretzels....nothing major. When I left there I felt very bloated and had pain in my stomach area. I thought my husband was going to have to take me to the hospital that night (Sunday) I ended up getting to sleep that night and woke up with the pain and bloating subsided a bit. Since then, EVERYTHING I consumes (smoothie, Tomato soup...only liquids) has the exact same effect. The soonest I can get in to see my doc is this friday. Side note: I have 8cc in my 10cc band. Any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated.

  3. Hello everyone I am from the Baldwin County area....I have met with Dr. Chris Dyas in Mobile - anyone know any info??? I have united healthcare and waiting at their mercy you could say.....:confused:

    My surgeon was dr. Dyas....great experience. He is all business and knows his stuff.

  4. I am also around 60+ pounds down....and that was my "brilliant" idea. However it didnt work quite the way i intended it. I ate the bread...felt a little stuck....drank some ater. I swear that the Water turned that bread into concrete! lol! Since then, bread just hasnt been quite as appealing. I have been at the same weight give or take 2 pounds for months now. I am now getting back to the basics...starting with the 5 day pouch test. I am staying full just like i am suposed to. So that is a good thing....now if i can just stay away from the junk food. All the working out that i have been doing is just allowing me to mainatin my weight and eat the junk. Darn sweet tooth!

    Good luck to you!

    I have lost 65 pounds so far, and six months in I hadn't had a fill. Now after my fill, I end up drinking a lot of liquid to be able to tolerate any kind of bread. Does this happen to anyone else? Is it hard for you to loose weight do to this because you end up flushing some of the food through and being hungry faster? I don't feel that hungry but I am a little worried about this.

  5. I do 5 k's regularly and completed my first half marathon december of last year. I love the feeling of crossing that finish line...and i will say that i have never been more proud of myself than i was the day i crossed the half marathon finish line...i trained and i saw it all the way through. And as far as finishing last ...I have been there done that! You would be amazed at how many people are there cheering you on...just keep in mind that you may be inspiring someone...so keep your head up, a smile on your face and be proud that you crossed the finish line....first or last doesnt matter...as long as you are vertical when you do it! LOL!

  6. Hey Guys! I am from Mobile and am looking for a support group locally. I was banded in January 10 and am down about 65 pounds (about half way to my goal). I am a different person than i was 65 pounds ago..that said, this last 8 months or so have been a struggle. Some of my old habits have krept back in on me (sweets are my weakness) My portions are normally spot on...i have just been eating crap. I do workout regulary...but lately it has just balanced out my poor food choices. I think that having a group or another "band" buddy to hold me accountable. My hubby and girlfriends that are dieting dont understand why, if i have the band, the weight isnt just falling off and i am still overweight. Hmmm...if only they knew! lol!

  7. I am halfway on my weightloss journey and my weightloss has stalled! I am doing pretty well on my portions....a little more than my 4 oz on occasion. My workouts are insane....i take zumba classes, i go to curves and i am training for a half marathon on December 4. (i completed my first 13 miler yesterday...something that i never ever thought possible before my surgery.) I guess my problem doesnt lie with the portions....it lies with what i am eating...aka sweets. I have 7 cc in my band and am comfortable here. I guess my question is once we have gotten comfortable with living with the band, how do we push through. I have even been thinking i should go back to square one....back on lapband talk and back to the preop diet. maybe that would jumpstart things again. Suggestions please....

  8. Nativity, Congrats on your weight loss thus far! That is wonderful. I used to say the same thing about exercise...No Really! I did....and then I found a zumba class. Me...the girl with 2 left feet! It is so fun...and with me, it is borderline hysterical. It is like a party every tuesday and thursday. And i have started doing 5k's...I have one every saturday until May 1. I am no runner by no means...my main goal is to finish and not be last! I am very competitve and have found that if I try to beat my previous time each week it really helps....but beating my husband is more fun. So my advice to you would be to find something that doesnt "feel" like exercise... something that you truly enjoy doing and do it with someone you enjoy being with. Time does fly when you are having fun!

  9. Hey guys! It wonderful to hear that everyone is doing so well with their band. I feel like a new person! I look at food in a whole new way....and although I havent had a fill yet it really hasnt been that bad. I go this friday for that. I was banded on January 14 and am down 40 pounds as of yesterday morning. i am walking a 5k every Saturday until May 1 and Zumba classes every Tuesday and Thursday. I have a cruise scheduled for May 29 and would LOVE to be down 60 pounds total. We shall see! Keep up the good work guys!

  10. I am about 5 weeks post op and up til this point have had no problems or pain. I have just started adding solid foods back slowly....as instructed by my doctor. I am very careful to eat stick to my portions too. That said...this is the 2nd time I have had excrutiating gas pains. This time it started yesterday evening around 3...i have been taking tums/gasx on and off since then and still in pain this morning. i have been moving around, walking etc...everything but jumping jacks I guess. Any ideas what caused it and what i can do to fix it? Help....

  11. I have had my band since the 14 and since Jan 4, the day I started my preop, I have lost 19 pounds! Keep in mind...I have been over weight for as long as I remember. And it has been over 5 years since I have lost 19 pounds. Just amazing! I, for the first time in my life can picture what it will be like to be "normal" sized. The things that I will be able to do as I get closer to my goal are more of a reality. Being thin (or atleast thinner) is GOING to be reality. I go to my doctor for my first post op appointment tomorrow and I cant wait! I just know that if i follow my doctors instructions I cant help but succeed. I have all of the LBT friends support and tips to help me along the way. I am just feeling very blessed today and amazed at the process so far. :):thumbup::)

  12. Have you contacted your doctor about the vomiting? For me, that is one of my main fears, that i get a stomach bug or something and it causes band slippage. I was banded on 1/14 as well, and I currently have "the elephant on my chest". Just a constant pressure that seems to get worse when i initially stand up or take a really deep breath. I just chalked it up to the last little bit of gas in my belly from the surgery. Yesterday was the first day since the surgery that I actually felt hunger, so I am guessing that the swelling around that band is going down. I know in my case, I am getting better every day. Just hang in there and remember why we chose the band.... I hope your things get better for you soon!

  13. My mom brought me Soup at hands..it is great since i dont have to get my pots out from under the counter (4 days post op) just throw them in the microwave. You may want to get a strainer...the ones with the teeny metal holes in them. I got a pack at target with 3 different sizes, one fits over a pot, one over a soup bowl and one over a cup. A bottle/jug that has the oz. noted on the side is very handy. I am having trouble getting all my fluids in right now and just having that tic mark on there reminds me I better get to sipping. Good Luck on your surgery!

  14. I was banded on January 14 in Alabama. I arrived at the hospital at 5:30 and they took me back almost immediately for a urine test. I was able to go back out and sit with my family while I waited for the results....only for about 10 minutes. They took me back and had me change into the oSOsexy hospital gown and put in the IV. The IV didnt hurt at all...they used the numbing stuff so it was a breeze! Then the round of nurses and doctors came through verifying info. They did allow my husband, mom and dad to come back and see me before they took me to the OR. I remember them wheeling me through the doors of the pre-op area at 7:30 and that was it. ( I didnt even know they had game me the "happy" stuff) They woke me up in the recovery area and told me they were done. WHAAT? really? I didnt really have any pain at all during my stay, but then, they kept me on morphine the whole time. I slept and vaguely remember having visitors. The nurses were fabulous! They really did everything they could to make my stay comfortable. When i got up to walk around, I got very nausous, so i would walk for a very short period of time and have a cold rag waiting to put on my throat and forehead.My husband had school Thursday night, so my dad came down and sat with me for a few hours...which was absolutley wonderful. He came in, said I am here if you need anything, go back to sleep. Gotta love Daddies! I kept waking up during the night...from all things...thirst. my mouth was so dry it was miserable. I kept wiping my mouth out with a damp wash cloth. i couldnt have anything to drink until the barium swallow the following morning. ( I had not had anything to drink since 9:30 on Wednesday night. ) I guess around 10 on Friday morning they came in and took me for the barium swallow (yes it tastes bad, but my mouth was so dry it really didnt matter) Everything looked good and by the time I got back to my room I had my Breakfast waiting. (2 tablespoons of broth, 2 tablespoons of Jello and 2 tablespoons of and unidentifiable juice) And it was the best thing I have ever put in my mouth! They wouldnt release me until after lunch though so I waited patiently (slept while my husband waited patiently). They finally turned me loose around 2:00 and wa back home by 3. Today, 2 days post op, I am feeling pretty good. I am sore, like i have been beat in my stomach and I have bad gas/indegestion. i am trying to walk a little. i hope tomorrow will bring even more improvements. Not sure if I will be making it to church in the morning though. Overall. a great experience so far. :w00t:

  15. I am getting banded on Thursday, January 14...so i have just one more day of Clear Liquids and I will be an official bandster! I am dreaming of food these days! LOL! i had a taco a few nights ago...and last night it was meatloaf and potatos. I REALLY MUST BE HUNGRY! I have my bag got the hospital together, my job has been notified, i have my food for post op ...Needless to say I am ready to get this show on the road. Congrats to all new Bandsters and good luck to those with upcoming dates.

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