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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by krstjump03

  1. I have had my band since the 14 and since Jan 4, the day I started my preop, I have lost 19 pounds! Keep in mind...I have been over weight for as long as I remember. And it has been over 5 years since I have lost 19 pounds. Just amazing! I, for the first time in my life can picture what it will be like to be "normal" sized. The things that I will be able to do as I get closer to my goal are more of a reality. Being thin (or atleast thinner) is GOING to be reality. I go to my doctor for my first post op appointment tomorrow and I cant wait! I just know that if i follow my doctors instructions I cant help but succeed. I have all of the LBT friends support and tips to help me along the way. I am just feeling very blessed today and amazed at the process so far. :thumbup:
  2. Have you contacted your doctor about the vomiting? For me, that is one of my main fears, that i get a stomach bug or something and it causes band slippage. I was banded on 1/14 as well, and I currently have "the elephant on my chest". Just a constant pressure that seems to get worse when i initially stand up or take a really deep breath. I just chalked it up to the last little bit of gas in my belly from the surgery. Yesterday was the first day since the surgery that I actually felt hunger, so I am guessing that the swelling around that band is going down. I know in my case, I am getting better every day. Just hang in there and remember why we chose the band.... I hope your things get better for you soon!
  3. My church is planing a couple mission trips to go help with the earthquake victims in Haiti. I am only 4 days post op right now, so I know now is out of the question. But is there any reason that I shouldnt be able to go in the near future? The different foods? Doctor care? etc? Any thoughts?
  4. krstjump03

    What will I need post-op?

    My mom brought me soup at hands..it is great since i dont have to get my pots out from under the counter (4 days post op) just throw them in the microwave. You may want to get a strainer...the ones with the teeny metal holes in them. I got a pack at target with 3 different sizes, one fits over a pot, one over a soup bowl and one over a cup. A bottle/jug that has the oz. noted on the side is very handy. I am having trouble getting all my fluids in right now and just having that tic mark on there reminds me I better get to sipping. Good Luck on your surgery!
  5. I am doing a lot better today...i get tired really easily, but that is to be expected. What book are you refering to? It is strange, but my doctor/hospital really didnt provide a lot of post op info. Just said full liquids 1/2 cup at a time...didnt say how often. I am assuming that I still need to get close to the 64 oz. total? (I'm no where close to that...I'm doing good to get 32 if I add in my soups etc) The gas pains are much better...still there, but better. My hubby is back to work today, so I am flying solo. No socks for me today! LOL! I, oddly enough have been sleeping well and have only taken one dose of the pain medicine they sent me home with. I found that it made me feel worse when i finally woke up. Good to hear you are doing well...and I hope your sleep gets better. I have until next monday until I have to be back at work, so I hope to be back to my "normal" self by then!

  6. i am doing ok...the gas pains have really been doing a number on me today. i just cant seem to get relief. My husband burped earlier...laughed and said I was just jealous. For the first time...I really was! LOL! I am getting around pretty good, although I have to have help with my socks. My husband rubbed my back with a massager earlier...not sure it helped withe the gas pains, but it felt good. Keep me posted on your progress and anything you find along the way that seems to help. Take care!

  7. I was banded on January 14 in Alabama. I arrived at the hospital at 5:30 and they took me back almost immediately for a urine test. I was able to go back out and sit with my family while I waited for the results....only for about 10 minutes. They took me back and had me change into the oSOsexy hospital gown and put in the IV. The IV didnt hurt at all...they used the numbing stuff so it was a breeze! Then the round of nurses and doctors came through verifying info. They did allow my husband, mom and dad to come back and see me before they took me to the OR. I remember them wheeling me through the doors of the pre-op area at 7:30 and that was it. ( I didnt even know they had game me the "happy" stuff) They woke me up in the recovery area and told me they were done. WHAAT? really? I didnt really have any pain at all during my stay, but then, they kept me on morphine the whole time. I slept and vaguely remember having visitors. The nurses were fabulous! They really did everything they could to make my stay comfortable. When i got up to walk around, I got very nausous, so i would walk for a very short period of time and have a cold rag waiting to put on my throat and forehead.My husband had school Thursday night, so my dad came down and sat with me for a few hours...which was absolutley wonderful. He came in, said I am here if you need anything, go back to sleep. Gotta love Daddies! I kept waking up during the night...from all things...thirst. my mouth was so dry it was miserable. I kept wiping my mouth out with a damp wash cloth. i couldnt have anything to drink until the barium swallow the following morning. ( I had not had anything to drink since 9:30 on Wednesday night. ) I guess around 10 on Friday morning they came in and took me for the barium swallow (yes it tastes bad, but my mouth was so dry it really didnt matter) Everything looked good and by the time I got back to my room I had my breakfast waiting. (2 tablespoons of broth, 2 tablespoons of jello and 2 tablespoons of and unidentifiable juice) And it was the best thing I have ever put in my mouth! They wouldnt release me until after lunch though so I waited patiently (slept while my husband waited patiently). They finally turned me loose around 2:00 and wa back home by 3. Today, 2 days post op, I am feeling pretty good. I am sore, like i have been beat in my stomach and I have bad gas/indegestion. i am trying to walk a little. i hope tomorrow will bring even more improvements. Not sure if I will be making it to church in the morning though. Overall. a great experience so far. :w00t:
  8. I looked at your photos...just beautiful! I love photography. i am hoping to enroll at the local colleges photography program in the fall.

  9. I was also banded on Thusday morning! How are you feeling? What kind of diet are you on now? I hope you will keep in touch...we can do this!

  10. So...I am officially a bandster. I am very sore and am having a lot of the pains in my back. I am trying to move around as much as possible though....my doc wouldnt release me to do anything until next Friday...no bending, no lifting and no driving. Overall though, I am doing pretty good...able to get up and down by myself but putting on my own sock is out of the question. My husband has been great though. I hope you are doing well...bout to head out for a quick walk.

  11. Just amazing! I am being banded in the morning and your story is truly inspirational. Just what i needed! Thanks!
  12. Back to work?! That is amazing! I am glad you are doing so well. How are you feeling? Hungry? Pain?

  13. So tomorrow is our big day! Good luck to you. I hope everything goes perfectly and you recover quickly. I am so excited to be a Official Bandster!

  14. krstjump03

    January 2010 bandsters...

    I am getting banded bright and early in the morning...January 14! I am so ready...I am on day 10 of liquids and it does get easier. Today I actually feel normal. I am so excited! Keep in touch and I will post the play by play as soon as I can.
  15. krstjump03

    Any January 2010 Bandsters????

    I am getting banded on Thursday, January 14...so i have just one more day of clear liquids and I will be an official bandster! I am dreaming of food these days! LOL! i had a taco a few nights ago...and last night it was meatloaf and potatos. I REALLY MUST BE HUNGRY! I have my bag got the hospital together, my job has been notified, i have my food for post op ...Needless to say I am ready to get this show on the road. Congrats to all new Bandsters and good luck to those with upcoming dates.
  16. Today was pretty rough for me...i dont think i was ready for how hard the clear liquid thing really was! And i have 2 more days to go. I have been straining the eggs out of egg drop soup...and that has been wonderful. (i hope thats ok...as long as you can see through it right?) I tried doing the Isopure drinks. And I know some people rave about them, but they are just not for me. It leaves that chalky feeling on the tongue. And I bought 6 of them...blah! The 7 full liquid days really werent that bad though... didnt think I'd actually look forward to going back to full liquids. LOL! How much time are you guys planning to take off? Have you found any full liquid recipes that have helped you out or you are gonna be trying soon? And yep..this thread should have said 2010. I never gave it a second thought...heck, I am still signing checks 2009. Good Luck to you all and let us know how your surgery goes and how you are doing.
  17. Congrats to you! & Just 3 more days for me!

  18. I know i need a few outfits that are comfy and presentable that I can wear to work(preferably with a drawstring so I can cinche them up as I shrink!), but what other things helped you out, that made you more comfortable or just made it easier for you. I know someone thought a heating pad might be good...but what are your "must haves"? Thanks!
  19. Thank you guys for all the wonderful suggestions! I have my list and I am ready to go. Just 4 days to go...WooHoo!
  20. O wow...tomorrow is YOUR day! I will be waiting to hear back from you. I just know everything will go great! Take care and Congrats! You are officially a bandster!

  21. krstjump03


    I am on day 6 of 10 of my liquid diet. It is not as horrible as everyone said it was going to be. The main thing is to keep something around to sip on and NEVER let yourself get Hungry. I am almost always sipping on something. I am tired and am feeling pretty sluggish, but I am not really hungry anymore. I went to GNC and got me some ISOPURE sugar free high protein drinks. They arent the milky kind of protein shakes...they look like koolaid. So they work for the clear liquid part. You will be fine! This diet is just laying the ground work for the doctors to get in there and do his job so we can start out new lives. We CAN do this!
  22. Hey Kharissa,


    Congrats on the surgery date! Thats wonderful! I am on day 4 of the liquid diet ...its not as bad as I has thought it would be. But then I figured I would be passed out by noon on the first day! LOL! So anything is better than that right?! I have not been hungry...i drink some of my liquids ever 1.5 hours or so...2 (EAS ADVANTEDGE from walmart is what i am drinking now, but i want ISOPURE from GNC or UNJURY sold online) shakes a day and i drink half at a time. I think the key is to never let yourself get HUNGRY. I havent really had any cravings although last night i had a dream I ate a taco. LOL! I am tired and kinda sluggish and very emotional. I will cry on the drop of a dime...and I am not normally that way. I am getting around 500 calories a day and it just has my system all out of whack. Dont psych yourself out about it...its tough, but it really is a mental thing. You will be fine with it...we can do this!

  23. My doc said that protein was a huge thing for after surgery and the ISO has 40 while the others has 15 or 20. He said it will help with losing hair ( I dont think i would look too good bald! lol!) As for the diet...I never knew i could get so creative with chicken broth. I have put every liquid and spice I own in there...just to see what it would taste like. I am not really craving food anymore, although last night I had a dream I ate a taco. LOL! For the record, it was good.


    Just a question, how long after surgery will you be on clear liquids/full liquids/mushies?

  24. I just weighed this morning and I am down 4...woohoo. He just said any shakes with no sugar in them. Right now I am drinking the EAS Advantedge from walmart. They arent fabulous, but they are tolerable. I am going to get some of the ISOpure from GNC...they are a lot more expensive(4.69 per bottle), but I heard they were great. They arent the milky ones....more like koolaid and lots of different flavors. And everyone I have talked to loves UNJURY. You can only get them online, but are pretty reasonable and you can get samples for like 1.75 each.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
