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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kleinow01

  1. kleinow01

    Minnesota Bandsters out there?

    Any Minnesota Bandsters out there? BCBS State Health Plan insurance? Wondering how long it took to get your approval? Thanks! :confused:
  2. Personally, I would hold off on the fill. Sounds like you may need to eat more protein to help keep you full. Do you have some protein powder you could add to yogurt or something like that? Have you been keeping track of how much protein your eating daily? I have only had a total of 3 fills and I am almost at my goal weight. Good luck! Chew lots and keep eating slow! Have a great day
  3. kleinow01

    Post LapBanders' Please Read

    So sometimes when I eat I get a horrible pain in the left side of my eck. It feels like the muscle on the left side is twisted or tight. It goes a way when I am not eating. It doesn't matter what I am eating. It sometimes happens when I drink too. Anyone else have this happen? I haven't contacted my Doc yet, thought I may get some answers here first. Thanks! Kandy
  4. kleinow01

    Post LapBanders' Please Read

    I had my surgery in March. The pain happens sometimes with my 1st drink in the morning. I will try to slow down and see if it helps. Thanks everyone!
  5. kleinow01

    Going Crazy!!

    When I was on my pre-surgery liquid diet I could have cream soups, popcicles, and a few other things. Does the doctor have a set amount of weight he/she wants you to lose prior to surgury? Maybe you can talk to your dietician and see if there is something you can add something different to your diet. Good Luck!
  6. kleinow01

    Recovering after my tummy tuck

    Wow! Good for you! How is the pain?
  7. kleinow01

    Updated pictures

    I Added some updated pictures. Still working toward my goal of 160 lbs. I am getting a fill next week. I am hoping it doesn't get too tight! :thumbup:
  8. kleinow01

    100 0039

    From the album: Me Oct. 2010

  9. kleinow01

    100 0034

    From the album: Me Oct. 2010

  10. kleinow01

    100 004

    From the album: Me Oct. 2010

  11. kleinow01

    Me Oct. 2010

  12. kleinow01

    100 0043

    From the album: Me Oct. 2010

  13. kleinow01

    100 0040

    From the album: Me Oct. 2010

  14. kleinow01

    Recipe Of The Day! Spinach Orange And Pepper Salad

    Thank you for sharing all of these great recipies!
  15. kleinow01

    50 lbs GONE 4-EVER

    Yes~ You read it right! 50 lbs gone! :ohmy: I added a couple of pictures today but only of my face - it is too hard to try to get a full body shot by myself! I think you can tell my looking at my face that the second chin is gone. At least thats what I have been told and it is nice to hear! My ultimate goal is to weigh 160 so that is about 18 lbs or so. I am hoping to keep my nose to the grindstone and make it happen. Slipping up pretty good today though... Pizza for brunch? Only one piece though. Hope your all having a sucessfull day! :smile:
  16. kleinow01

    50 lbs lighter

    From the album: Me 9/26/10

  17. kleinow01

    Me 9/26/10

  18. kleinow01


    Are you eating a lot of the same foods over and over? Sometimes you need to change up what your eating. Are you filling up on protein and not drinking before/after you eat? When I hit my platue I joined a program that helps me track my food and exercise. So far it has worked! Good Luck! Keep trying~ K
  19. kleinow01

    Bye Teens!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS! Keep up the good work!
  20. kleinow01

    End of August Update

    8/28/10 I have joined a fitness club where I have a trainer working with me & several other ladies when I work out. I really enjoy it. My trainer keeps me challenged and using different muscle groups everytime I work out. I can see the definition forming in my legs which I LOVE :sleep: My current weight is 183 lbs. I have finally moved from my platue! I signed up to work with the trainer for 12 weeks so I hope to keep losing and gaining (muscle) at the same time! Have a great day everyone!! :scared2:
  21. kleinow01

    What is this??

    Have you tried chewing your food even more? My other thought is eating slower. Hope you get some relief! I know how uncomfortable it can be!
  22. kleinow01

    Not Happy

    My doctor has told me of another surgery to help people lose weight fast so they can qualify for the lap band procedure. I don't remember the name but he said they inflate a balloon in your stomach for one or two weeks then they deflate and remove it. Like I said the idea is to help people lose weight so the lap band surgery is not so dangerous. Maybe you can ask your doctor if he has anything like that. Good Luck!
  23. kleinow01

    Hungry in the Afternoon!

    Wow, it sounds like you do a great job with getting in your protien. What if you save some of your nuts from lunch and eat them in the afternoon? How about peanut butter? What if you don't eat the crackers and you eat a little more cheese? Are you hungry at lunch? Maybe shifting around when you eat will help? Good luck!
  24. kleinow01

    What I eat...

    You really do a great job with your diet! You are a great role model for the rest of us. I have a hard time eating in the morning because it feels like my band it too tight until about 10 am. My doctor does not want me eating shakes. He wants "real" food but I say if the protien is right that is the main thing! I have never heard 1g protein per 10 calories that is a great thing to know! I am going to print out your menu and use it for a guideline. Thank you so Much!

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