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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kleinow01

  1. kleinow01

    It is amazing the difference a day makes!!

    Keep up the good work!
  2. kleinow01

    questions about mushies!

    I haven't stopped eating pudding. It is an easy thing to add protein powder to. I like bannana pudding with 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder. I have heard that if your going to eat chicken or turkey to eat it with gravey so it isn't dry. Hope this helps! =) Make it a great day!!
  3. kleinow01

    Been There, Done That?And Got the T-Shirt to Fit

    That is awsome! Remember, this has been no small accomplishment! Be Proud!
  4. kleinow01

    4 days post-op

    Grrrr! My husband doesn't let me break any rules! Been laying in bed for what seems like forever! Did take a little walk around the grocery store yesterday which turned out to be a BiG mistake! :thumbup: Spent the rest of the evening layed up... Sucked! No way I can get enough protein in yet. I just keep sipping away at it. Hope everyone is doing well:smile:
  5. kleinow01

    4 days post-op

    Grrrr! My husband doesn't let me break any rules!:tt1: Been laying in bed for what seems like forever! Did take a little walk around the grocery store yesterday which turned out to be a BiG mistake! :closedeyes: Spent the rest of the evening layed up... Sucked! No way I can get enough protein in yet. I just keep sipping away at it. Hope everyone is doing well:smile:
  6. kleinow01

    Insurance Approved

    Congratulations! Just had my surgery 4 days ago! Make sure you have you puddings and stuff made!
  7. kleinow01


    I havent had a C-section but I am sure a C-section would be much worse. I am 4 days post-op and still laying around. I walked around the grocery store yesterday and I was in pain last night. Hoping to feel much better soon. Still have some of the gas pain but nothing to bad. Good Luck!
  8. kleinow01

    My New BFF!

    Great Job! Way to inspire your friends!! Keep up the good work!
  9. kleinow01

    2 days post-op

    I can relate. I was banded 2 days ago. I have the shoulder/collar bone pain too. I was a little naseusa last night and I hope I don't have anymore. That kinda scared me since I couldn't really use my stomach muscles to help move anything. Keep up the good work!
  10. kleinow01

    76 1/2 lbs down and the scales are dropping! This is FUN!

    Great Job! Keep having fun!! =}
  11. kleinow01

    Post-Surgery day 2

    I have been having a lot of the shoulder pain that I've heard about. Hopefully it will pass by tomorrow. My stomach hurts a little but I was able to splint it with a pillow and sleep pretty well last night. I do feel like there is some slime caught in my throat but nothing comes up when I cough. My goal today is to shower and to get enough protein in today. So far I have mostly been taking in water. Stats: Pre- surgery 228 lbs 2 week liquid diet 211 lbs :tt1:
  12. kleinow01

    Post-Surgery day 2

    I have been having a lot of the shoulder pain that I've heard about. Hopefully it will pass by tomorrow. My stomach hurts a little but I was able to splint it with a pillow and sleep pretty well last night. I do feel like there is some slime caught in my throat but nothing comes up when I cough. My goal today is to shower and to get enough protein in today. So far I have mostly been taking in water. Stats: Pre- surgery 228 lbs 2 week liquid diet 211 lbs :biggrin:
  13. kleinow01

    Surgery Tomorrow

    I am very excited! Surgery is scheduled for 6:30 tomorrow morning! Last day of pre-op diet although I am certain the post-op won't be much different. Wish me luck!! :thumbup:
  14. kleinow01

    Surgery Tomorrow

    I am very excited! Surgery is scheduled for 6:30 tomorrow morning! Last day of pre-op diet although I am certain the post-op won't be much different. Wish me luck!! :biggrin:
  15. kleinow01


    Maybe you should try to weigh only once or twice a week. Are you weighing yourself at the same time in the same clothes? I don't even have a scale! I may break down and buy one but not for now. I want to wait to see if I can tell when my clothes are getting too big! Good Luck & stay possitive!
  16. kleinow01


    Try not to be discouraged. I was not at a BMI of 40 and I was able to get approved. There is a lot of time involved with the dietician. He/She may be able to steer you in the right direction. ~Good Luck~
  17. kleinow01

    Pre-op Diet Day 2

    2nd day of pre-op diet, so far so good! I have had a few people ask me if I have been losing weight! So far, as of last friday, I am down from 228 to 222 lbs. That was before I started the liquid diet! I have been trying to go to the YMCA 3X a week and I think I must be toning up some. :redface: Have a fabulous evening and a great day tomorrow!
  18. kleinow01

    Pre-op Diet Day 2

    2nd day of pre-op diet, so far so good! I have had a few people ask me if I have been losing weight! So far, as of last friday, I am down from 228 to 222 lbs. That was before I started the liquid diet! I have been trying to go to the YMCA 3X a week and I think I must be toning up some. Have a fabulous evening and a great day tomorrow!
  19. kleinow01

    new here

    I just started my pre-op diet yesterday! My surgery is scheduled for 3/3/10. I am so excited. Do you have to be on a total liquid diet? I can have cream of wheat and low fat cream soups. How many grams of protien can you have a day? Good Luck!
  20. kleinow01

    Down 74.4 lbs! Yes I count the .4 lb~~~62% of Excess Weight Gone Forever!!

    Yay for You! Thanks for sharing!
  21. kleinow01

    Prep for Surgery

    I feel the same way! I start my pre-op 2 week liquid diet on wed. I feel like I need to eat things "just this one last time". It's like I will never get to have them again and I am saying goodbye. I know, I need to knock it off! As mentioned above, "Oh, I will start tomorrow." Good Luck! =)
  22. kleinow01

    Insurance Appoved!

    A great day has come for me! :confused: My insurance approved surgery! March 3rd is the date but I have a ton of appointments to get to first. I feel very blessed. This is my year and yours too! :drool: Vios Con Dios!
  23. kleinow01

    Today my Journey begins

    The better you are to yourself the better you can be for others! I have received a wealth of information from my doctors office and off the internet. Good Luck on your quest!
  24. kleinow01

    I got insurance approval!

    Yeah! I just got my approval too, surgery set for March 3rd! We definately need to keep in touch! I start my pre-op diet on the 17th so less than a week left! I think the pre-op diet will be one of the hardest parts. When do you guys start the pre-op?
  25. kleinow01

    Day 3 preop diet

    You have worked hard for this! You can do it!

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