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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kleinow01

  1. kleinow01

    Update - Meeting with doc

    I definately know about eating too fast! Drinking too. Hopefully, someday I will learn
  2. kleinow01

    Post Op Day 3 / Joined a gym

    It is important that you don't do any weight lifting or strenuous exercise for at least the 1st 4 - 6 weeks. Start out slow with walking and bike riding. My doc didn't recommend eliptical until 4 weeks post-op. Even though you feel great you can cause damage to you stomach and band area if you not carefull. Onward Slowly...
  3. kleinow01

    Help me understand

    Isn't it weird that it feels like it is the top of you throat? I get the same feeling from time to time. Yours sounds much worse though. Does it happen with certain types of food? Maybe if you keep a food diary for a week or so you will find some link between your food and your pain. Hope you feel better soon!
  4. kleinow01


    I take a multi vitamin, biotin, calcium, zink, & folic acid daily. Zink is for immunity and folic acid for depression. I am suppose to get 45g of protien daily. Hope this is helpful!
  5. kleinow01

    Final week of my self-imposed 8 week Jumpstart!

  6. kleinow01

    Discouraged Slow Loser Here

    Do you feel any restriction in your band? Have you tried writing down everything your eating? I know I sneak food without even thinking about it if I am not writing it down. I'm sure if your working out your body is changing for the better! I bet your clothes are fitting differently! Find the positives and praise yourself for your hard work! You deserve it! :}
  7. kleinow01

    2nd Fill

    So I gained 2 lbs. since my 1st fill. I was hungry ALL the time! I was able to get in a week sooner for my 2nd fill. I am up to 5cc in my band. I can definatley feel the difference! I am a little worried about how I will be in the morning if it will be tighter. I did have a good talk with my doc and his nurse today about what to eat when I'm rushed for time; Hard boiled eggs, string cheese, greek yogurt, chicken breast if moist, carrots, apples with PB, single serving fruits for a few ideas. My goal is to lose 10 lbs by my next fill in 3 weeks. Heres to eating slowly, chewing fully, and planning ahead so I don't eat on the run!
  8. kleinow01

    2nd Fill

    So I gained 2 lbs. since my 1st fill. I was hungry ALL the time! I was able to get in a week sooner for my 2nd fill. I am up to 5cc in my band. I can definatley feel the difference! I am a little worried about how I will be in the morning if it will be tighter. I did have a good talk with my doc and his nurse today about what to eat when I'm rushed for time; Hard boiled eggs, string cheese, greek yogurt, chicken breast if moist, carrots, apples with PB, single serving fruits for a few ideas. My goal is to lose 10 lbs by my next fill in 3 weeks. Heres to eating slowly, chewing fully, and planning ahead so I don't eat on the run!
  9. kleinow01

    First Fill

    Do you have any restriction? I had my first fill last week but I don't have any restriction. The doctor put in 3cc's and in a couple weeks I have another 3cc's. Hoping that I can keep up with the diet and exercise until the next fill.
  10. kleinow01

    What I Did During My Lapband Vacation

    That sounds so familliar! I just had my birthday, my 1st and only drink, my 1st bread and my list goes on like yours! I'm with you! It's back on the saddle again for me! Happy Easter!
  11. kleinow01

    Easter & 1st fill

    HAPPY EASTER! Hope everyone is feeling great today! I am currently down 23 lbs since pre-op diet. I am having my 1st fill on monday and it is definaltely time! In the last week we have had 3 birthdays (cake included) in the house! I have to admit the cake got the best of me a time or two (or maybe three). Now Easter brunch tomorrow but we are hosting at our house so that will make it a little easier for me to stay busy and be more diligent about what I am eating. I'm hoping that I am carefull after the fill, I've haven't been stuck yet, but I haven't been following the rules very well lately either. I haven't been planning my meals and then when I'm starving and I eat too fast and not chewing well enough. Time to start taking more time for the important things! Back to the Journey!
  12. kleinow01

    Easter & 1st fill

    HAPPY EASTER! Hope everyone is feeling great today! I am currently down 23 lbs since pre-op diet. I am having my 1st fill on monday and it is definaltely time! In the last week we have had 3 birthdays (cake included) in the house! I have to admit the cake got the best of me a time or two (or maybe three). Now Easter brunch tomorrow but we are hosting at our house so that will make it a little easier for me to stay busy and be more diligent about what I am eating. I'm hoping that I am carefull after the fill, I've haven't been stuck yet, but I haven't been following the rules very well lately either. I haven't been planning my meals and then when I'm starving and I eat too fast and not chewing well enough. Time to start taking more time for the important things! Back to the Journey!
  13. kleinow01

    Just a quick word...Protein Shakes recipe site

    Awsome! thank You!
  14. kleinow01

    how soon after being banded to start ab workout?

    Are you wearing a band/wrap on your stomach? I think that would help me.:laugh:
  15. kleinow01

    how soon after being banded to start ab workout?

    I was banded on March 3rd. My doc told me to wait 2 weeks before I start walking. On sat. I went on the eliptical for 2 miles and walked the track for a while after and I am swollen today. My stomach is kinda bruised feeling above my navel. So I wouldn't rush it!
  16. kleinow01

    One more sleep.

    Wishes for a quick and safe recovery!! Happy banding!
  17. kleinow01

    Looking for Band Buddies!!

    I was banded March 3rd. I will be your support too!
  18. kleinow01

    Smashburger vs. Lapband

    My dietician says to drink pineapple juice. It will break down the proteins in meat to help it slide through. Luck for me I haven't been stuck yet so I havent had to try it.
  19. kleinow01

    18 lbs down

    As of today I have lost 18 of those nasty pounds! I am feeling really good physically and mentally, actually looking forward to may first day back to work (weird!). I have had to start wearing a belt for the 1st time in years!:eek: I am excited that I feel well enough to work out now. My goal is to not gain any weight before my first fill in April. I've heard that if I lose any it is a bonus so that would be great but I am not going to set myself up to be disapointed if I don't lose. Have a great day!
  20. kleinow01

    18 lbs down

    As of today I have lost 18 of those nasty pounds! I am feeling really good physically and mentally, actually looking forward to may first day back to work (weird!). I have had to start wearing a belt for the 1st time in years! I am excited that I feel well enough to work out now. My goal is to not gain any weight before my first fill in April. I've heard that if I lose any it is a bonus so that would be great but I am not going to set myself up to be disapointed if I don't lose. Have a great day!
  21. kleinow01

    4 weeks post op, hungry and not losing

  22. kleinow01

    11 days Post-OP

    So I broke down and bought a scale today. I was hoping I could just go by the size of my clothes but I am too anxious. I am still having trouble finding things to eat. I did buy some Greek yogurt with 10 grams of protein. Hating the store boughten protein shakes! After wed. I can go to the gym but I can tell I'm not "back" to 100% yet. It is really hard to not be able to do everything your used to doing. Back to work next thur... Make it a great day!
  23. kleinow01

    11 days Post-OP

    So I broke down and bought a scale today. I was hoping I could just go by the size of my clothes but I am too anxious. I am still having trouble finding things to eat. I did buy some Greek yogurt with 10 grams of protein. Hating the store boughten protein shakes! :thumbup: After wed. I can go to the gym but I can tell I'm not "back" to 100% yet. It is really hard to not be able to do everything your used to doing. Back to work next thur... Make it a great day! :wink2:
  24. kleinow01

    You know what? EFF THE SCALE!

    Great Inspiration! Great points!!

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