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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Excited4Change

  1. Excited4Change

    This is 15 weeks 1 day after surgery, April 24, 2010. Down 50 lbs.

    Thanks Karma! Honestly, I have heard many different stories about people dealing with surgery and recovery time, and each one has had a different experience. In my experience, I did not have a tough recovery, I left the surgery center a few hours after waking up, spent a few days taking it easy then was back to normal fairly soon afterward!
  2. Excited4Change

    Google cell phone users

    I have a Blackberry (Tour) with Verizon service. I have the exact same app, Calorie Counter by FatSecret. It was free as well in Blackberry App World.
  3. Excited4Change

    This is 15 weeks 1 day after surgery, April 24, 2010. Down 50 lbs.

    Thanks guys! As for my secret, I really don't know...I'm not doing anything abnormal although I probably eat less than is recommended, I am just rarely hungry so I have to remind myself to eat something sometimes! 37 lbs in 7 months is still awesome! Before the surgery I would never have dreamed of losing 37 lbs in only 7 months, so keep up the good work!!
  4. Excited4Change

    This is 15 weeks 1 day after surgery, April 24, 2010. Down 50 lbs.

    Thank you hsavard!! It is always helpful to see someone who is a similar size to kind of give you an idea of what you have to look forward to!
  5. Excited4Change

    Before and in Progress

    This is embarrassing!! :( haha, but I am glad I decided to take new pictures today because I am 50 lbs down and at the point where I feel like there is no difference! These pictures prove there is a little difference!
  6. Like SIL, I had the leg massage things on, but only during surgery, and they were placed on over my compression stockings. After surgery the compression stockings stayed on, the massage things came off. Good luck and I hope you have a speedy approval!
  7. Oh and to answer your question regarding the stockings being uncomfortable or hot, I did not really find them to be very uncomfortable, except perhaps for the elastic part at the very top which was tight at times. The material was very thin and let air through so I did not have any issues with them being to hot. However it was January and very cold when I had my surgery and the weather in May will be much warmer so that is something to consider. Anyway, good luck on your journey!!
  8. I wore mine during surgery and probably for about a day and a half following surgery. They suggested I try to keep them on at least through the night following surgery. I have not heard of anyone having to wear them for 6 weeks after surgery so I wouldn't be overly concerned. Even if you do have to wear them for 6 weeks, they can't be more uncomfortable than the extra weight you are carrying right?! That would have to be the way I would have looked at it, its a small sacrifice to make in order to get healthy.
  9. Excited4Change

    Online College Degrees

    Sorry, I just saw this thread, so I hope it is still relevant! I am currently working towards my degree in psychology online. I did 1 year and a quarter of college on campus and for a few reasons, money, time, convenience, and surgery, I decided to switch to my college's online degree program. I felt comfortable because I am still taking the same courses I would have on-campus, same professors, and same requirements. My degree will not say "on-line" and will look just the same as on-campus graduates, I am also able to walk in graduation if that is something I am interested in. If you are able to find an online degree program similar to mine, then I suggest going for it! I am wary of certain programs, such as the ones seen in television commercials (collegeinyourpjs.com, etc) because I am not sure of the accreditation or how reputable they really are. Anyway, I am now in my second quarter of online courses and so far am really enjoying them. My grades have increased, I am able to work more hours at work as well as have a more open availability. I am not constrained by having to be at a class at a certain time multiple times a week so I am able to complete my course work on my own time, whether that be during the day or 2am. You didn't really ask any specific questions so I just gave a little overview of my experience thus far with online learning. Let me know if you have any other questions!!
  10. Okay so prior to my surgery in January, I had been on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo for about a year and a half. During that time I also started college and gained more than the normal freshman 15. So my concern now is, how much of that weight may have come from the birth control as opposed to the whole freshman 15 deal? Since my surgery I have not had a period until this week and am supposed to take my first pill on the sunday after the start of my period which is TODAY!!! I am terrified about my weight loss slowing down or stopping or even gaining weight when going back on the pill....I know there are a few threads regarding birth control but none really specifically about Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo, so if anyone has any experience with this issue or advice it would be greatly appriciated!!!
  11. I'm just at the point where I don't understand how I could have lost as many pounds as I have but barely lost a pant size :/ haha oh well the DVD is good if you have a busy schedule since the workout is only 20 min and even though its only 20 min you can really feel it haha. anyway right now I am majoring in psychology but I don't know if I will end up changing my major or what, I am still kinda unsure about what I want to do in the future...you?

  12. Ugh yeah I am in college too, plus working two jobs so I am so busy it is hard to find time to work out. I just started doing the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred dvd thing because its only a 20 min workout, but omg it has been kicking my butt haha it was a lot harder than I thought it would be, but i've never been much of a workout person so I am probably just so out of shape haha. I am starting to get a bit frustrated because all of my pants are really too big for me but the next size down is kinda tight :/ so that sucks I feel like I am losing weight but not really seeing much of a difference haha

  13. OMG! I am so sorry, I am just now getting back to you!!! I've been very busy lately and have not been able to get on here often. I am doing pretty well, ive lost about 16 lbs since surgery and about 26lbs from my highest weight. I would have liked to have lost a bit more since surgery but I am still happy and I haven't been working out nearly as much as I could/should be. I have had 2 fills the first one did nothing even though it was 4 cc, and the 2nd one I didn't think did much but I am starting to feel a little different if I drink water too fast or something. How have you been doing??

  14. I have been keeping up with my pain meds, taking them every 4 hours while awake, and if I wake up in the middle of the night and its been 4 hours then I take it. Im going to stop taking it though because I am not allowed to drive while on it and no one knows about my surgery except for my mom and dad. My best friend keeps saying im acting shady and stuff bc I don't wanna hang out and I say im busy, so tomorrow I guess we are going to hang out and I have to drive (he has no car) so we'll see how that goes....

  15. I have been feeling pretty good, not really moving around as much as I should though!!! I am feeling a bit of pain in my chest today, but I accidentally slept on most of my stomach last night so I think I am paying for that today :( What all are you doing at the gym? Just walking or something a bit more intense? My doctor didn't really give me much instruction on exercise so I am scared to overdo it.

  16. Hey! I just commented on a thread you started and noticed you are the same age as me and we got banded 4 days apart. Maybe we can try to keep each other on track or share tips or something! Good luck and I hope all is going well for you so far!

  17. Excited4Change

    Haven't been hungry what-so-ever

    I had surgery on the 8th and for the two days after it I only had Water, broth, ice chips, and maybe 3 SF popsicles total. I counted my calories yesterday and it was about 75 calories. Today I am allowed to start my full liquid diet and I am scared I am going to gain weight back or stop losing. I am trying to stomach down a bottle of the Isopure drink right now but its yucky haha and also one bottle is 170 calories which is alone a lot more than I had yesterday. I am not feeling hungry at all yet which is good, but I don't know if not eating enough is going to make me lose slower because my body goes into starvation mode (how do i know when this happens?) or if I start eating more will I gain?! Starting to feel a bit confused...oh well :/
  18. Excited4Change

    just banded on 01/07/2010........

    I was banded on the 8th and am also feeling no restriction at all, I am able to take sips just as big as I was prior to surgery. I am not really feeling any hunger though which is good. I was on a clear liquid diet for 48 hours post-op so today I am able to start my full liquid diet. I am actually scared to since I am afraid I will stop losing weight or gain some back by moving up to full liquids...So far I have been losing about a pound a day. Oh well, good luck to everyone!!
  19. I haven't read through the whole thread yet. However, when I first became interested in the lapband was sometime in the summer of '08 I believe. I went to a seminar and I knew that this surgery would be the right thing for me, I was at a weight of about 220lbs. Unfortunately I got a call a few weeks later saying that I did not weigh enough for the surgery. I was devastated. That fall I went off to college and instead of gaining the freshman 15 I ended the year after putting on a freshman 30 yikes! I didn't purposely gain that much weight but it happened, and now thankfully I do qualify and am getting the lapband this Friday. I am not judging anyone who is under 200lbs or even just over 200lbs because honestly I am jealous that you guys are somehow eligible for the lapband at 220 or lower when I wasn't (I'm sure height and BMI plays a part, as well as co-morbidities, I am 5'5 no Co-morbidities)! The lowest weight I can ever remember being is 194 and that was probably in 6th or 7th grade. I wish I could have gotten the lapband then or even when I was 220lbs instead of having to gain 30 lbs to be eligble. Now I just have more to lose and will take a while longer to reach my goal weight. So I guess my point is, I'm sure most of us wish we could have found this wonderful tool earlier in our weight loss struggles, and while we may not agree with someone under a certain weight getting the band, whether that be because we are concerned or even jealous, I am going to assume that their doctor knows what is best and would not allow someone to get the band if they truely do not need it. I am also not going to pass judgement on anyone, especially if I don't know all of the facts. They could have other conditions or there may be other things that I don't know about that give them more reason to have the surgery. Anyway, I'm sure this post just sounds like a big ramble but hopefully it made a bit of sense. (I am on my liquid diet and a bit tired so I am sure that is where the rambling is coming from!)
  20. Excited4Change

    Recent pic at 180! sorry a bit blurry..

    180?! Wow! I hope I can look that good at 180!!! Congrats!
  21. Excited4Change

    Any January 2010 Bandsters????

    I have a week to go before my surgery and it can't come soon enough! I am actually concerned because I have not been informed that insurance has approved me, my surgeons office has been doing all of that and I figure if there was a problem they would have let me know? However, I also assumed they would let me know when I was approved...I guess I will call the office on Monday just to check. Anyway, I felt the need to post because I think I just had my epiphany. I decided since it is the first of the year and I will be (hopefully!?) getting banded in a week, I should take some of those dreaded before pictures. UGH! Worst experience ever but I guess it really made me realize that getting banded is the right step for me! I didn't realize just how many rolls and how big I actually am Hopefully I will have some new pictures soon that I won't feel so bad about!! Good luck to all!!!

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