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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shaunaruder

  1. I'm so glad somebody made this post. I was really beginning to get discouraged with my slow weight loss. I see so many people on here who have lost over 75-100 lbs and I wonder if I will ever get there!!
  2. shaunaruder

    Doing your own fills?

    Although this sounds like a really cheap and easy way to achieve a good level. Just remember this. I have had 3 fills. Each time they fill me they mark my stomach with a magic marker then poke the needle in. SO in a way I have these little tattoo ink marks on my port site. They are all in different spots ranging about a half inch apart. That's enough to make me feel uncomfortable with doing it myself.
  3. Okay this may seem like a silly little question but I had my 2nd fill on Thursday (Oct. 5th). Since that fill I have felt every little thing go through my pouch and it hurts. food is not neccessarily getting stuck, it's still going through but it hurts. I am wondering if I may need more fill so that the food stays in the pouch and digests a bit before leaving. I have not PB'd.
  4. Okay this may seem like a silly little question but I had my 2nd fill on Thursday (Oct. 5th). Since that fill I have felt every little thing go through my pouch and it hurts. food is not neccessarily getting stuck, it's still going through but it hurts. Granted the foods have been a little dry. I just thought the food should hang out in the pouch a while instead of just go right through painfully. I am wondering if I may need more fill so that the food stays in the pouch and digests a bit before leaving. I have not PB'd and it is mainly discomfort, not excrusiating.
  5. shaunaruder

    To fill or not to fill???

    It's more discomfort than anything. It's not horrid paid. Only when the food gets stuck for any amount of time. But it is mainly with dry food. I just started on this fill process and had planned on getting another because I can still eat more than they recommend....
  6. shaunaruder


    Thats an interesting question and now that I think about it I do gurgle and burp more than I did pre-op. But I didn't think other people heard me. If I keep my mouth shut it is relatively quiet. And the burping just sounds like louder gurgles. They arent discusting man burps.
  7. shaunaruder


    It's easy for outside people to blame the weight loss for the divorce. If you had bad self esteem in your marriage it sounds like that was something that empowered your husband. Knowing that you would not leave because you thought you could do no better or that you would stay alone forever. That is very wrong of him. Now that you are becoming the very best person you can be you should continue to focus on all of the positives. Maybe sit down and talk with his family and explain how you are feeling. If they don't understand then it's possible that they shouldn't be a part of those positive changes you are making in your life. It's not fair that now he wants to check into the relationship when he wouldn't give anything before. You just continue to do whats right for you and don't let others change your opinion of about yourself!
  8. shaunaruder


    Hey ya'll add me. http://www.myspace.com/oushauna
  9. shaunaruder

    it feels real now

    Congratulations on your surgery date. Now is the time to just really prepare yourself for this life change you are making. It's real now. I just wish I hadn't gone into all this thinking that I would change everything overnight. It really does take alot of work. But the work it takes is so much easier than what it took pre band. Try not to be scared, after it's all said and done you will realize how non-invasive this all really is. Just follow your docs orders and you'll be great. Good luck!
  10. shaunaruder

    hOw dO yOu knOw?

    I've noticed that since my first fill I have been feeling that same pain under my left rib. I believe that it is just scar tissue around the band. I mostly notice the pain when I am active or when I slouch. It feels kind of like when you run and get the cramp in your side. I am going to ask the doc about it tomorrow but I really dont think its anything to be worried about. One of the side effects of band is abdominal pain, just remember that. Sugar1. that is awesome!! How do you feel with the 2.5 cc? Is it good restriction. Any secrets you want to share? I am getting married in 3 months and really would like to speed up this process a little seeing how I have only lost 10 lbs so far. But I admit I am really just now getting into this. It was really hard for me to adjust at first...Anyways, spill the juice...
  11. Well, I only have 1 cc in my 4cc band so Im not really feeling alot of restriction right now. I go in for another fill tomorrow. I've also learned that the feeling I've always known as "full" is actually called "gorged" I know now that I don't have to be gorged every time I eat. I stop when I feel that satisfied sensation because I know there will be more meals
  12. shaunaruder

    AUGUST Bandits

    Hey all, I don't believe that I have properly introduced myself. My name is Shauna. I was banded on August 28th with a 4cc band. I got my first fill (1cc) last week and I get my second fill tomorrow (.5 cc). I have lost 10 lbs mainly because I had a very hard time adjusting to the new eating habits after I realized that I didn't automatically have restriction. Although I researched the lap band thoroughly I was still under the impression that it would be an instant BAM, your full. After my first fill I felt no restriction until about 2 or 3 days ago. I still don't feel much but it is better than before. But I really just had to change my way of thinking alot. It is getting better day but day but I am definatley starting to see the benefits of this band whether the scale shows it or not.
  13. shaunaruder

    hOw dO yOu knOw?

    Lcain, It sounds like the solution to your problem would be a fill? Any reason why you havnt gone in for another tweek? I was banded August 28th. I've lost 10 lbs and have had 1 fill of 1 cc in my 4 cc band. I go in for another fill tomorrow. The band isnt meant to work without the proper amount of fluid in it. I am just now coming to this realization and it feels really good knowing that it is not me, that I am not a freak. I know that I feel hungry now and have a hard time with control because I have only just begun this process. Getting the band inserted is just the FIRST step, but definately not the last. It will probably be another month or two before I can reach the proper restriction because I have to wait a while between fills. You should continue on with your fills. You may have felt restriction after that first fill, but if you arent feeling it anymore than you may be in need of a tweek.
  14. shaunaruder

    Help - 3 days post op w/ major shoulder pain

    My doctor told me that staying VERY well hidrated will help the gas to absorb quicker so I did and didnt have any gas pain after my second day post op.
  15. shaunaruder

    Feeling horrible right now

    Well, I think I will just quote my doctor on this one.... "There are very, very few people who lose a large amount of weight and keep it off for a lifetime." We, obviously are not those people or we wouldnt have come to the conclusion of WLS. I have the proper tool that will nearly guarantee me to not gain back all my weight plus some. That peace of mind is worth everything.
  16. I lost 15 lbs the first week and was also only required to do a liquid diet the day before surgery. BUT I gained it all back when I started solids. Now I am down 10 lbs....
  17. I made a "nutrition book" for each day of the month and each meal I list what I ate, the calories, time I ate, how satisfied I was (from 1-10) and the BIGGEST most IMPORTANT part of the book is the column that says "hungry time". I have to actually write down what time I get hungry after each meal. It really helps me to remember to pay attention and ask myself whether I have real hunger or "head" hunger. I really recommend it, it WORKS!
  18. Try testing this for yourself. I ate dinner tonight and felt very satisfied when I quit but I forgot to wait to drink and I gobbled down a glass of crystal light. I was hungry less than 20 minutes later. But if I wait atleast an hour after I eat to drink anything then the full feeling sticks with me much longer.
  19. Hello, I was banded August 28th and have had 1 fill of 1 cc. Still feel no restriction but I am curious as to whether the sensation of being full is going to feel the same as before or not. I understand that it is a little higher up but is it the same feeling as pre-band? Also, I need some major encouragement because this is way harder than I thought. I have such a hard time not falling back into old habits.... and sometimes feel that this is all a waste...
  20. shaunaruder

    What does full feel like to you?

    Jachut, How many cc's are you at on your fills?
  21. shaunaruder

    How long are you on liquids after a fill?

    After my fill I was able to eat regular foods. I waited about 3 hours before eating and was able to eat just fine.... Still lacking alot of restrictions but next fill will be next week.
  22. shaunaruder

    Hot dogs?

    I don't really see what the big deal is with all this. Post op I was able to eat anything I wanted. I just got my first fill yesterday and only feel a little bit more restriction. Which I hear is common among first time fillers. But i have obviously not had the bad effects others have had with vomiting and PB'ing. But there are more people who function normally, than people who have complications. Why is everyone so scared of their bands?
  23. shaunaruder

    Abbreviation definitions

    Can somebody please be so kind as to give me some definitions of what PB is and some of the other terms used on this site? I understand what a pb is but not what the actual P and B stand for. I've come up with some pretty good guesses, like puke-burp, painful-barf, plugged-band, but am guessing those probably arent right. Thanks I appreciate it.
  24. shaunaruder

    First Fill Questions

    I am on week four post op. They scheduled me for my first fill next monday. My doc said he would put in 1 cc then I could get fills every week to find that sweet spot. I bet if you called your doctors office they would answer all those questions for you. I absolutely love the surgery center where I got my surgery done at. The doc even gave me his cell phone and told me if I had ANY question, no matter what time of night, just call him up. I thought that was pretty great.
  25. I had my surgery on 8/28/06. I know that I don’t and won’t have any restriction until my first fill. But right now I am eating just as I normally would pre-surgery, which is NOT healthy eating at ALL. And Ive gained back the 10 lbs I lost in the liquid phase. I’ve had no vomiting or uncomfortable feelings at all. (Which I kind of wish I had so that I could stop eating) How much of a difference does a filled band make verses an unfilled band? I understand that its not a cake walk but it has to be easier than this or I would have just dieted without the band to lose weight. It certainly would have been cheaper. I’m really starting to wonder if they even put a band in there, lol. <O:p I am really disappointed in myself but am mainly curious to know if this eating like this now could cause some type of problem when I actually get the fill. Am I setting myself up for failure? <O:p></O:p> I guess what I am really asking is, how many of you pigged out when you found that solid foods were okay? And was it easier when your band was filled? Am I abnormal? I’m really depressed about this, no more’Yay, happy I’m going to lose weight’ feeling. HHHEEELLPPP

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