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Everything posted by bandster
Sorry i've been gone but i'm a busy new mom yippeee! I am happy to report i had a nine pound nine ounce girl on 9_9. We named her Sophiel Bea. She has lots of dark hair and blue eyes right now but we will have to see if they turn. her dad has blue eyes and mine are hazel. She is 8wks now and a chubby little pumpkin. I can't believe how much pure love i have for her. I'm so happy to say the least. This is what i have always wanted and i feel so much relief that she is here and she is healthy. I had a c-sec too. I hope yours went as good as mine. I thought it was great. I can't compare it to natural labor because i have never been though. My weight is good. I am about 20 pounds lighter than when i got pregnant. Now if i can just stay away from the cookies Ha! Looking forward to news from you
Hows things going Mama? This is week 31 for me. Its going by soo fast. I still don't know if I'm having a boy or a girl. But I care less about that every day. Just really excited to see what my new little one looks like. I'm eating good and am two pounds heavier now than when I concieved. Getting hard to stay away from the icecream when its so hot out though. Ha! Hope you are doing well!
Hurray! I'm super jealous. I am twenty one weeks now and still don't know what I'm having. Hopefully later this month at the next ulta sound. So glad to hear that you are doing better and baby is growing well. I have gained two pounds
but not to stressed about it. I'm still walking a couple miles every day. HUGE congratulations on your BOY! AWESOME!
Hi! Everything is going really good on my end. I hope your morning sickness gets better in 2nd trimester. I've heard that happens for alot of gals. I'm 16 weeks today
We got a doppler from a friend so we can listen to baby's heart beat when ever we want to. Its pretty cool. I think I would be showing if I wasn't so chubby
I can tell because I can't sleep on my stomach anymore. I'm done with naps though and onto nesting. Getting the house ready for new baby is going to take some work. We have too much stuff and need hoarders to come help us! No weight gain yet, I'm down another 2 pounds in the last month. I'm walking at least a mile a day so I'm trying hard. Glad you are doing good other than the sickness blah throwing up totally stinks.
Doing good thanks
14wks along and still no sickness so I think I might be lucky and miss out. Ultrasounds have been frequent, cause my dr is wild about them, but they have all been normal. I am still loosing weight but its is super slow. Loosing 2-4 pounds a month. My boyfriend, who is thin to average size, has gained 12 pounds in the last two months. So funny! I think its because I'm feeding him my scraps. I am eating tons of healthy food everyday and some not so healthy things too like chefboyardee! How are you? I hate that these can only be so long so I think I will email you
Wahoo for everything going good at the DR! I'm super happy to hear that. Booo for morning sickness! Totally sucks. Are you throwing up or just feeling crappy? I have heard that is how it goes from lots of my friends that have had children too. Sick with one and not the other. I'm doing good. Tomorrow is week 13 for me and I am feeling lots better. I've been taking naps everyday but otherwise feel just like I usually do. Hope it stays that way
And I hope it doesn't last long for you. My baby book says at wk 12 lots of these symptoms start to go away. Feeling extremely grateful for the baby and I have never prayed so much in my life! Ha! take care talk soon
OOO no! That is not so good! I for sure know what its like to not care about what you eat. And, I have eaten until I have puked and than eaten some more. But not since I've had my band. Maybe its because I'm really afraid of slippage. I remember after I used to throw up I would feel guilty. That sucks. Maybe you could try to focus on something positive instead of your struggle. Like SRING! Hurray spring! Hurray for better weather to be outside, and sunshine. Its going to feel so good to go outside without a jacket and feel the breeze on your skin. Its going to do our eyes and spirits good just to see new green growing things. And away with the dirty snow! And away with stuffy old winter and winter behaviors! Spring is full of newness and growth just like you and me
I have not put in the effort I should but its ok cause I can always do better when I try. And writing this is helping me too to get on the wagon. We can rock it! Just a little kick, Ha!
Today is 12weeks for me! My emotions have been better the last week too. Which I am sure is a relief for everyone around me Ha! How are you? Did you make it to the Dr"s?