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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Amaris

  1. Thanks! Hoping to get my surgery date tomorrow. Spent all session at the therapist's office talking about this today! SOOO excited!

  2. Hi! I just ran across a post of yours and I wanted to connect with you. I lived in Redlands for 10 years before moving to the High Desert. I am also seeing Dr. Krahn. I have an appointment for the nutritional consult on Tuesday, then they will submit to insurance. Hoping to get a late August surgery date.


    I gather you are in the military. Thank you for your service. My dad was in the Navy for 20+ years and my husband is National Guard, so I have an extra appreciation!


    Take care,


  3. Again, thanks for your quick response! What am I hesitant about? Well, the major surgery thing is part of it! And, I've read so many accounts of people who struggle with their band and food, and just don't know if I want to spend the rest of my life doing that, even to be thinner. Then there's the whole "What if I can't make this work?" thing, too. I'll have nothing left, if I can't do this. There would be no hope left. And it's such a drastic solution to what is, admittedly, a drastic problem. I'm really leaning towards YES! because I can't stand being this size anymore! I'm 5'7" and weight 323.

  4. Thanks so much for the information -- and such a quick response! I really appreciate it. I haven't decided for sure even to do this. May I ask what made you decide to have the lapband?

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