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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Amaris

  1. My surgeon's office stopped recommending EAS or Muscle Milk because of the trace levels of arsenic and cadmium. They apparently meet government standards, but isn't any too much if you don't have to ingest it? The now recommend "100% whey Isolate". The nutritionist told me to go to GNC and tell Dude that I'm about to have the lap band and he will fix me right up. I don't know where there's a GNC near me, so I'm going to Vitamin Shoppe. I hear they are less expensive than GNC anyway ...
  2. Amaris


    I bought one at Wal-Mart that would weight up to 350 pounds. I also see several at Amazon that goes beyond 300 pounds.
  3. gogtigirlgo -- We haven't talked about post-surgery. I do know for a few days, he'll be on his own simply because I won't feel like preparing his meals. If it gets bad for me, he'll join me -- he's that kind of guy. He totally supports me in my decision to do this. He never once suggested that I just try conventional methods one more time, or that I exercise more, or anything like that. Like you said, he's a pretty nice guy. darlak -- It does sound like you've had it pretty easy, as far as having to jump through hoops! Good for you! My requirements weren't so much for my insurance company, though, as they were just the standard requirements for my doc's office. Best of luck to you on your upcoming surgery. Keep us posted!
  4. Congrats on doing so well! I love reading stories like yours, as it encourages me. Sorry to hear about the bout of dehydration, but it sounds as though you made it past that. I'm hoping for a late-August surgery date, so I'm soaking up all the information I can get! Keep us posted on how you are doing!
  5. I'm going to Vitamin Shoppe on Monday to buy my protein shake stuff. Someone mentioned that the Vitamin Shoppe store brand of 100% Whey Isolate is pretty good. My nutritionist suggests the whey isolate as the best kind of protein. I'm not looking forward to the pre-op diet, but hopefully it won't be too bad. My husband is going on it with me for support. It sure will make it easier on me not to have to cook one thing for him and another thing for me!
  6. You make a really great point! I'll have to talk with my doctor about this next time I see him. Thanks for your input.
  7. Thanks so much for the information, honk! Really appreciate it!
  8. I don't have a surgery date, but I have found this discussion to be VERY helpful. I have not told very many people at all, but have been considering telling a few more. I'm a fairly open person, in general, so not telling is kind of awkward for me. Usually, I shout everything from my blog or my Facebook page! Everyone I've told has been very supportive; for that I'm deeply appreciative. My reasons for not telling are a like most of yours -- I don't people to be hyper aware of my body, my weight, or what I eat. I don't want to hear that they don't support or agree with my decision. I don't want to be scrutinized. I will have to lose about 40 pounds before anyone will even start to notice that I've lost weight, so I figure that gives me a little time to decide what to say and who to tell. Thanks so much to everyone for their openness in sharing their own situation. So much to think about!
  9. Amaris

    2 Weeks pre-op

    The nutritionist at my doctor's office said to make sure you get something that is "100% Whey Isolate" for your protein shake -- that's the most healthy. I'm going to Vitamin Shoppe on Monday to see if they can steer me toward something that tastes okay.
  10. Amaris

    Got My Date!

    Congrats to you on getting a surgery date. Good luck on meeting the weight loss requirement!
  11. Amaris

    Hello from NYC!

    I see a therapist because of my bipolar disorder (psych doc requires that anyone on meds also be in therapy). We often don't have anything serious to talk about, because I'm stable and doing well. But since I've been looking into the band, we spend most of our time talking about food and body-image issues, because I have many of the same fears that you do. Good luck talking with someone about it. I think that's a great, proactive, idea!
  12. My nutritionist specifically said "100% Whey Isolate" for the pre-op and post-op diets. I'll be heading to Vitamin Shoppe on Monday to pick mine up. Hope I find something fairly yummy!
  13. Congrats to you! Can't wait to hear how it all goes for you.
  14. My process included the seminar, a psych eval, an upper GI, a nutritional consult, watching an online program about the lap band and a clearance from my PCP. I have met all those requirements, so now the nurse has to sign off on my chart and they will submit to insurance. After insurance approval, I have a one-day nutritional class and then I get my surgery date. My doc wants me to go on a four to six week pre-op diet. That is two Protein Shakes a day (breakfast and lunch) and a simple dinner (three to four ounces of Protein and a veggie like broccoli or green beans). I can add half a banana to each shake. If I feel the need to snack (which is discouraged), I can add deli meat, low-fat cheese or boiled eggs to my day. I'm going to start my pre-op diet on Tuesday (13 July) even though I don't have a surgery date yet. I'm hoping that they will be able to schedule my surgery sooner if I've already started on the diet. As far as exercise, have you tried belly dance? Amazon has several DVDs that look like a lot of fun. I used to belly dance a long time ago, and it can be a great workout! BTW, I have bipolar disorder too. Glad I'm not going through a class like yours! I didn't have to have two psych evals, but I did have to have a letter of support from my psych doc. Good luck with the process. Keep us informed!
  15. Amaris


    I'm hoping for a late August surgery date, too and all the same thoughts are going through my head! It helps to read the forums here and hear about other people's progress and that they went through the same thought processes that I'm going through.
  16. Okay -- that makes a little sense to me. It at least explains why they didn't consider my bipolar a problem -- because I'm stable. Thanks for answering me!
  17. That's weird -- I have bipolar Disorder. I have even been hospitalized in the past. I am stable now and under a doctor's care. Both my surgeon and the guy who did my psych eval were not really concerned. I did have to have a letter of support from my psych doc, but that was all that was said about it. Did the psych doctor elaborate on why people with bipolar shouldn't have the surgery? Just curious!
  18. You are most welcome! Keep us informed!
  19. Amaris


    Best of luck to you! I'm always excited when I see young people taking this step. I wish it had been an option when I was your age. My life would have been so different if I'd been able to lose the weight at your age. Again, good luck to you! What are you doing for your pre-op diet?
  20. Amaris

    Hello from NYC!

    I don't have a surgery date yet, but am hoping for the end of August. I am feeling many of the things you described, so I think it's pretty common. Just remember that we have a whole new life waiting for us! Yes, it will take a lot of work, but we have the band and this support system to help us. We'll do great!
  21. Amaris

    2 Weeks pre-op

    Good luck to all of you. I start my pre-op diet on Tuesday even though I don't yet have a surgery date. I have to be on protein shakes twice a day for four to six weeks! I'm starting early in hopes that it will help me get an earlier surgery date once my insurance approves.
  22. Hi! Just got my answer back from Dr. Krahn's office. They do not charge a program fee. Call them with your insurance info and birth date if you want more detailed information about fees.
  23. While my surgeon didn't pressure me to have the bypass surgery done, he did talk with me about seriously considering it, because of my size. But, like you, I am dead-set against having my insides rearranged. I told him I wanted the lap band, and he agreed to do it. He just wanted to make sure that I was well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each surgery. But once my decision was made, he's been nothing but supportive. BTW, my surgeon is well over an hour away.
  24. I really have to side with Betsy! I just want to be comfortable; it's been so long since I've felt that way. I want to be at ease with my body and with my self. In so many ways, I don't really live the life I want to be living. I know it's not impossible to live heavy, but it's damn hard! I'm tired of life being such a struggle for me -- physically and emotionally. I know being thinner won't miraculously fix my life. I'll still be me. But I do think that the smaller physical body with make some aspects of my life easier and more comfortable. And any increase in my self-esteem can't be bad, either!
  25. Amaris


    Congrats on your decision to make your life better and to be healthier! Sorry to hear that you've had so much pain, but I'm glad that it's getting better. Keep up informed with your progress.

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