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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Amaris

  1. Amaris

    200 LBS to Lose

    @SpecialK -- good for you. I hear those last pounds are a bugger for some people. I wish you luck in making the necessary changes to meet your goal. I'm not a big roller coaster fan, but I do like some of the other rides ... At least, I think I do! I haven't been able to fit on them in so long, I don't really remember!
  2. Thanks! Hoping to get my surgery date tomorrow. Spent all session at the therapist's office talking about this today! SOOO excited!

  3. Amaris

    Im A Ball of Nerves

    Good luck to you! If all goes well, I will get my surgery date that day. You'll do great and I'll be thinking about you!
  4. Amaris


    @Katie -- it worked! WOOT! :sad: :wink2:
  5. Amaris


    @wannaB, I bet I was trying to look as you were editing. It's great now! @Katie, I'm still having problems. The trouble is that it asks for word verification but there is no place to type in the letters! I've attached a picture of what I see to help you. I have tried it in Chrome and IE. Right now, I don't have access to a second computer to try that.
  6. Amaris


    wannaB, I can't get your blog to load. I tried it in two different broswers; all I get is a blank screen. Just thought I'd let you know.
  7. I'm SOO excited! I just got off the phone with both my insurance company and my surgeon's office. I am approved for surgery! I have a nutritional class 8AM Friday morning, and if I understand correctly, I get my surgery date at the end of the class! WOOT!!! I'm on Day Two of my pre-op diet, and moving along quite nicely. Thanks to everyone for your support and posting your own stories. It's all so encouraging!
  8. Amaris


    Thanks -- I'm so psyched! As soon as I have a date, I'll sing it from the mountain tops, so you'll know it!
  9. Amaris


    Katie, I like your blog, but I'm having trouble leaving a comment! I tried in two different browsers and I couldn't with either. I've been blog hopping and leaving comments for several minutes, so I don't think blogger is down.
  10. Amaris

    200 LBS to Lose

    @kit -- Congratulations! You are really an inspiration! Keep up the good work
  11. @babyk, glad to provide some answers. Hope they helped! I am not banded yet. In fact, I don't even have a surgery date yet, but I'm hoping for late August or early September. I started by pre-op diet today because I have to do four to six weeks on it, and I didn't want that to be a barrier to getting a surgery date. Good luck to you! Get in touch if you have any more questions that you think I can answer! @Cannon_d -- good luck on your journey! I hope things work out for you. My insurance covers mine, so I didn't have to research options, but I do know that there is special medical financing. Your surgeon's office should be able to tell you more about that.
  12. Thanks so much for the suggestion list. We live 30 minutes from town/shopping, so just running out to pick up a few things isn't practical. Because of that, I'll certainly want to be as well-prepared as I can!
  13. @babyk, I didn't have any choices! There are no doctors in my insurance network within 250 miles, so I had to go with someone that just accepted my insurance. Given that, I just found a doc that I clicked with it. I really like my doc! He is out-of-network for my insurance, so I will have some out-of-pocket expenses. Good luck, and ask more questions! Sorry I didn't have any better answers for you.
  14. I just called my surgeon's office and asked if they had submitted my packet to insurance for approval, when they did it, and how long it would take. Dudette told me that she thought I didn't need a pre-authorization! She's going to call TriCare to confirm that. If that's true, we can just schedule my last nutrition class (they hand out the surgery dates at that class)!
  15. Thanks so much for doing this. I'm blogging anonymously, but I'm not telling people, so I don't want to do a YouTube channel. But, I'm glad you did! I'm also hoping to be banded in August. See you on the other side!
  16. I drive about an hour and a half to see my surgeon; the drive is worth it to have a staff I can work with and a doctor I'd trust. I can't tell you what to do, but if I were you, I'd get copies of my files and go the distance! Good luck to you!
  17. Every insurance company is different, and so is every doctor's clinic. I had to jump through all the hoops listed in my signature, plus watch an online video presentation (EMMI) about the surgery. I also had to have a letter of clearance from my primary care physician. Then a nurse had to sign off on my chart, whatever that mens, and they would submit to insurance. I'm going to call them today to see if they have yet submitted and if so, when. NOTE: my journey is by no means typical, time wise. In the middle of it, my husband lost his job, and then my mother got sick and made her transition. WLS was the last thing on my mind during all of that! Start by either getting a referral from your primary care doc, or doing some research and finding one yourself. Go to their free, informational, seminar. You may have to go to a couple to find the doctor you click with, but it's totally worth the time. Another place to start might be to call your insurance company (or use their online services, if they have them) to see if the lap-band is covered and what surgeons are in their network. Then pick from that list, and start going to seminars. As far as telling -- I have only told a few people. Six, plus pertinent health care professionals. I just sat them down and told them I needed to talk to them about a decision I had made. I made it clear that I wasn't looking for permission or approval, but rather support, and I got it. Because I've met my cap for out-of-pocket spending this year, I'm expecting there to be no cost to me, other than a $4,000 that is required by my doc's office, because they are out-of-network with my insurance. I don't have a real good handle on what that's for; I guess I'll ask them when I call later today. Anyway, I didn't need financing, so I can't help you there. Good luck to you! I wish this had been an option for me when I was your age. YOU ROCK, no matter what decision you make! :thumbup: :thumbup:
  18. Amaris


    Okay, I couldn't sleep. Since I'm a bit tired to be reading and paying attention to all the lovely blogs mentioned in this post, I added you all to my blogroll! It will be easier to have your blogs there to refer to, rather than having to come back to this post each time I want to check someone out. I should get to each of you in the next day or so. Happy blogging -- and good luck on your lap-band journeys! :thumbup:
  19. Amaris


    It's a little late for me to go blog hopping right now (1:55 AM and I should be in bed!), so I'll come back to this thread and visit you all over the next few days. I just re-started a blog that I've had from the beginning. Actually, I can't remember the login and password -- and can't figure it out! -- for a WordPress blog, so I've started a Blogger blog, with a link back to the old one. Anyway -- I'd appreciate it if you'd stop by, but be mindful of the fact that it's under construction for now! :thumbup:
  20. Amaris


    I've had three or four different blogs over the past 10 years. Not sure how many readers I ever had, but I always went into it with the attitude that I was blogging for myself. You're absolutely right, that blogging will help you as you go through your journey. I'll be by in a day or two!
  21. Amaris

    200 LBS to Lose

    LaShonda, I am really motivated by your attitude and your determination to do well. I have almost 200 lbs to lose, too. I start my pre-op diet on Tuesday (13 July) even though I don't have a surgery date yet. I'm hoping for late August, and I don't want it to be any later because I have to do four to six weeks of pre-op diet. Some days it seems not-doable, and I wonder what I'm thinking! But, the old ways don't work for me, and I'm tired of being fat, unhealthy and uncomfortable. I have a serious problem and it's time I turned to a serious solution. I'm looking at small goals to help keep me motivated, because 178 pounds is just too much for me to think about! Congrats on your decision and good luck on your journey! Keep us posted! :confused: :cursing: :scared2:
  22. Amaris

    200 LBS to Lose

    AshlyLin, What is the protein shake that you LOVE? Please share brand names! Thanks!
  23. Amaris

    Im A Ball of Nerves

    Froggie, thanks for the pep talk! I'm not getting banded for several more weeks, but I still needed to hear what you had to say. Thanks again!
  24. Amaris

    Moving Quickly!

    You are moving quickly! Congrats to you -- and what a early birthday present! Good for you!
  25. Good luck to you! I'm from Mountain Home, although I live in SoCal now. I miss the lush beauty of Arkansas sometimes.

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