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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Amaris

  1. I haven't had any real cravings for anything ... Just the desire to eat solid foods. And, if I don't let myself get too hungry, that's not much of an issue, either. I'm "eating" more than the recommended three meals a day, but if I don't eat more, I get too hungry and start making poor food choices. I think today I'll track my calories and see if I'm really doing anything too terrible with my extra meals.
  2. I just wanted to check in, here on the other side. I'm eight days post-op and feeling groovy! I still have a tiny bit of heaviness in my chest, but not too bad most of the time. I'm finally starting to feel hungry on a regular basis. Monday, I let myself get too hungry and ended up eating some foods I'm theoretically not ready for yet -- refried Beans, mashed potatoes, and KFC's mac and cheese. I handled it all well. When I had my post-op appointment Tuesday (10 August), I asked about moving to mushies ahead of schedule (not confessing as to what I'd already done, though!). The answer was NO. So, I stay on full liquids until next Thursday. I can do this! LOL! i discovered today that if I don't let myself get too hungry before I eat, that I'm more satisfied with the items on my meal plan. The only thing I'm having trouble with is my blood sugars. I've been being treated for diabetes for almost 10 years now. I treated with two different pills and insulin at night. The surgeon's office lowered my meds too much, I think. My readings have been in the 200s! They made it up to 364 yesterday. I've only had readings that high four or five times in 10 years! I talked with the nurse about this during my post-op appointment, and we did some meds rearranging. I don't think we were aggressive enough, but my readings are better. I'll bring it up with my PCP when I see him next Tuesday. Hope everyone else is doing great! If you're doing half as well as I am, you ar!
  3. Amaris

    Eating like a horse

    This happened to me for several days, too, then the eating quieted down for me. I'm sure it will for you, too. Just try not to be too hard on yourself and try to acknowledge that you're not hungry, but you're choosing to eat anyway. Then ask yourself WHY? I'd still allow myself to eat, but I had to answer that question, first! Fear? Anxiety? Boredom? A lot of times, once I realized what it was really about, the impetus to eat went away. Good luck to you!
  4. As someone else mentioned, every doctor and practice are different, so your program may not look anything like ours! For me, it was about three weeks of two Protein shakes a day, with one "sensible meal" -- that meant baked, lean meat (poultry or fish) and either broccoli or green Beans. I probably could have substituted an occasional Lean Cuisine, had I been of a mind to. If I got hungry and needed to snack (of course, this was discouraged), I could have a cheese stick, some lean deli meat or cheese, or a boiled egg. I found the whole diet very doable. Two days before surgery, I went to clear liquids; that was very doable, too, for me. Good luck to you!
  5. Amaris

    Hello from So Cal

    I'm surprised by the number of people who live in Victorville or Barstow who don't know where Silver Lakes is! I would switch to a local doctor for fills, but I absolutely love my doctor and his practice. Luckily for me, I have family in Redlands, so when I go down the hill for an adjustment (first one at the end of September!), I'll just plan to see family. Will the doctor in Apple Valley let you come for support group even if you aren't a patient there? I'd like to find a local support group if I could.
  6. Congrats to you! It sounds like you are going to be just fine. I had a minimal amount of pain, too. I'm eight days out and I'm still doing great! I definitely have an appetite, though. Like you, I'm sooo happy I did this.
  7. I had trouble with the protein shakes at first, too. I finally started only making a half shake at a time, and drinking them more often throughout the day. That helped me immensely!
  8. Hi ya Kristy29! I don't know if I can help you verbalize your reasons for not telling, but I will share with you my own, and maybe that will help. My main reason for not telling people is that I don't want to be scrutinized while I'm trying to get used to the band and learning, for myself, how to live with it. Too many people have the idea that with WLS, the weight should just melt off; I don't want people questioning me and my developing habits because that's not happening. I don't want people watching everything I put into my mouth and asking if that particular bite of something is on my program. I wouldn't be telling everyone if I had decided to join Weight Watchers, for that matter! I am very uncomfortable with the attention that comes with weight loss, in general, and I want to find my footing and my own way with the band before people start to notice that I've lost weight. I did tell my in-laws, because I needed their help and because I eat with them often. They have been amazing during my process, but I have to admit that sometimes I get tired of the questions. The same with one of my best friends. I didn't tell my mother that I was considering WLS; she died recently, but I don't think I would have ever told her. I told a few friends and all necessary medical professionals -- about 10 people altogether. I hope that helps you!
  9. Glad to hear that you are doing well. Take care and keep us posted!
  10. Amaris


    Hey Jaime! Glad to hear that you are feeling a little better about things. The reason I asked about the Metformin was that it might have been easier to lose weight if you were on Metformin. I was surprised to see that you were at the time. Oh well, we're all different! As to who I told ... Not many people (seven people plus health profressionals?), and I'm starting to regret telling one of the people that I did tell. My mother died during my process, but I had no intention of telling her because of her attitude about my weight as I was growing up. I don't think she would have been supportive of my decision to have surgery. I did tell my always-skinny-sister and that paid off big! She has been one of my biggest supporters. In fact, she used money she inherited when Mom died to help me pay for my surgery! She is really behind me. You'll have to decide on your own who to tell and who not to. I'm comfortable letting everyone around me think I've just suddenly discovered dieting! Maybe as I get more comfortable with weight loss, I'll tell more people how I've done it. As to last meals ... Yep! I had two! A steak dinner with all the trimmings (and the best bread!) and a sushi roll lunch. Both are foods that some people can't tolerate very well, and if I was going to never have them again, I wanted to enjoy them one last time. Some naturally thin people might think that's kind of sick, but that's where I was at! Again, you'll have to make your own decision about this ... Good luck to you! :thumbup::thumbup:
  11. Amaris

    Time lines

    I have TriCare, so no real hoops. I just had to meet the requirements, which I did with no problem. I did have to have a psych eval, and Upper GI, a clearance from my doctor and a nutritional class. Oh! And I had to attend the informational seminar that kicked everything off. Once I was approved and scheduled for surgery, I had to have pre-op testing and a chest X-ray. For me it took nine months, but only because my mother got sick and died in the middle of my process.
  12. I'm starting to "cheat" and eat things that are not actually on the "full liquid" plan. I hate that because I'm usually one to follow the rules, but I'M HUNGRY! Hopefully, they will let me advance to mushies early. I'm not counting calories, but maybe I should. I think I'd be shocked!
  13. It will come! And sooner than you think! Good luck to you. Keep us informed as to how it's going.
  14. Amaris

    Hello from So Cal

    I'm in Helendale -- Silver Lakes. Who did your surgery? I went to Dr. Krahn in San Bernardino.
  15. Amaris


    Jaime -- Just thought I'd let you know that I weighed this morning, since I'll be out of town for my official weigh-in day tomorrow. I have lost 29 pounds since I started my pre-op diet on 13 July (elsewhere I may have 17 July, but I double checked my written record just now). Surgery was Tuesday, 03 August. Didn't you say that you have PCOS? That can make it extremely difficult to lose weight when left to our own devices. Ironically, it gets better with weight loss. Were you taking Metformin at the time you did the WW and exercise? Just curious.
  16. Tomorrow is my post-op appointment. I guess I'll find out when my first fill appointment will be then. Since I'm already experiencing a bit of Bandster Hell, I hope it's soon! shadena30 -- Good luck to you! Let us know how it all goes!
  17. Some doctors fill a bit when they put in the band!
  18. My surgeon put me on an adult chewable multi-vitamin and chewable calcium, so vitamins haven't been an issue for me. Sorry to hear about your sliming! Hope you continue to do well!
  19. Good luck to everyone who will be banded in the next few days. I already, after just six days out, think it was the best thing I've ever done (except marry my husband!). You'll do great. My3lilaggies -- I was often "head hungry" on my pre-op diet, but not so much "stomach hungry". On Clear Liquids, 48 hours before my surgery, I was not very hungry. I'm just now getting hungry again -- and just now dealing with "head hunger". I think I've entered Bandster Hell. kellyodoran -- I have lots of options, now that I'm starting to get hungry. I'm trying to stick to the three meals a day that the doctor recommends, but that's just not going to happen for me at this point. Thanks for your suggestions. I'm off to have a no sugar added fudgesicle!
  20. It may be a day or two before kentx05 answers, so I thought I'd answer your question, as I started my pre-op diet on 17 July and lost just over 20 pounds before my surgery on 03 August. I did two Isopure shakes a days, mixed with Water, and a "sensible meal". That meant a baked lean meat and either broccoli or green Beans. For Snacks I could have lean deli meat or cheese, string cheese, or a boiled egg. I drank plenty of Crystal Light Lemonade and Diet Coke, as well as water. Remember that how quickly one loses weight has to do with a few factors -- how much total weight you need to lose, and whether you are male or female (men will generally lose weight at a quicker pace than women). Also, any weight loss over one to two pounds a week is generally thought of as water weight, not fat weight. Of course, that needs to be lost too, so it all counts!
  21. Hope everything went well. I'm eager to hear about your experience!
  22. I've had mine for a few years now. At first, it was a bit of a challenge, but now I eat just about whatever I want. Find a good adhesive and use it liberally -- that will help! Good luck to you, Sooz! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  23. Is that how you're eating now? I have an full upper denture and a lower partial. Before surgery, I was eating pretty much anything I wanted, tooth wise, and expect to continue that once I'm through with my post-op phases. I'm confused about the connection between dentures and the lap band ...
  24. Amaris


    Hi Jaime! I'm only five days post-op, so I can't speak to a lot of what you are worried about, but I can reassure you that your feelings are completely normal. Five days post-op and the gas is almost gone for me. Gas-X does work amazingly well. My surgeon took me off Glucovance (which is a glyburide/metformin combo pill) the day after surgery and my hair loss has actually slowed down, it seems. I never made the connection until just this minute, but I did notice this morning in the shower that I lost less hair. I am getting most of my Protein in each day, too. I plan to weigh myself once a week, and if that starts to get to be too much of a head-trip for me, I'll stop weighing all together and just weigh at the doctor's office. Like you, I don't want the lap band, my weight, my relationship with food, my size, my eating patterns, etc., to define me or really even be an issue any more. I think at first, I'll be a little obsessed, but it will subside. My surgeon and my RD says protein is the only thing I need to thing I need to count. As to doing it yourself -- do you really believe (based on past experience) that you can take off the excess weight and keep it off? I know I couldn't have. The lap band is a tool that can help you do it. I'd do this again in a heart beat! Good luck to you!
  25. Amaris

    Time lines

    Actually, lots of us can lose weight on our own. I've lost so much weight over the past 40 years, that I should be hanging from a charm bracelet! The problem for me -- and lots of us -- is keeping it off for the long haul. I asked my doctor about the pre-surgery weight loss, and what he said backs up what honk said. It is also a measure of compliance for some docs. If you can't stay on a two week diet to shrink your liver so that you are a better candidate for a successful surgery, then there are questions as to whether or not you are ready to use the band properly. It is a tool, not a weight loss mechanism. Plenty of people manage to cheat the band, and maintain or even gain weight with it!

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