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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by matilda01

  1. Hi Laurel,

    How are you doing? I'm feeling pretty good finally. Gas is going away. I'm really looking forward to adding to my clear-liquid diet tomorrow when I get to have three 4-oz Carnation Breakfast shakes. Doesn't take much to make me happy these days!

  2. Hi Laurie, I just had to share this. I think I figured out a way to burp. Yesterday, I had that feeling in my chest like I had to burp again. Well, I was outside with my dog at the time, bent over to pick up his ball, and out came a hearty burp and I felt instantly better!! I've tried it a few more times since then. When I feel that pressure building up, I bend over, wait a couple of seconds, and out comes a burp. Doesn't always work, but when it does, it sure feels good! Give it a try if you are still having issues with burping!

  3. matilda01

    Day 5 postop

    Thanks for all the good wishes. I feel MUCH better today. The gas is better and the best thing is, I figured out a way to burp! Yesterday, I had that feeling in my chest like I had to burp again. Well, I was outside with my dog at the time, bent over to pick up his ball, and out came a hearty burp and I felt instantly better!! I've tried it a few more times since then when I feel that pressure building up. When I feel that pressure building up, I bend over, wait a couple of seconds, and out comes a burp. Doesn't always work, but when it does, it sure feels good! Thanks so much for your encouragement.....it really helped me tons!
  4. matilda01

    Day 5 postop

    Day 5 postop and today started out as a pretty good day but ended with a case of the blues. I found out this morning that I don't have to go back to work until after my followup with the surgeon on 4/09. My work is going to put me on disability and I'll get my full pay. Yeah! As the day progressed, I got kind of blue. Not sure why, maybe I'm sick of not feeling like myself, still having pain from trapped gas. On top of that, I feel like I have to burp really badly but nothing happens! The burp is right there, waiting to erupt, but I get no relief! Ugh. I took a 20-min walk in the sunshine and it was lovely even though it was absolutely frigid outside. Felt okay for a while after the walk but ended up in tears tonight, feeling sorry for my burpless existence. After the cry, I did feel a little better. Tomorrow is another day, maybe I will burp! :blushing:
  5. I had my surgery on Mon., 3/22/10, and I felt pretty much like you do until about Friday. Walking helps the most. Gas-X helps, too, but I had to take 4 at a time, several times a day. Get lots of rest, walk as much as you can (go outside for a walk if possible, it'll cheer you up). It's like they say, every day you will feel better and more like yourself. Today I finally feel like the old me, a little tired at times and the incisions remind me occasionally that they are there, but I think I've turned the corner this weekend! You will, too, very soon!
  6. Last night I was having a lot of pain, just couldn't get comfy. I had some warm broth for dinner & the pain went away instantly. Maybe it was hunger and not gas pain. I am being very, very lazy. Not doing anything but taking a daily walk outside & walking around the house. I haven't even made my bed! Oh, I did put some dishes in the dishwasher and tidied up the kitchen. Starting to go a little stir crazy. Might try a trip to the mall tomorrow. My daughter's birthday is Tuesday, so I need to get her presents! Can't wait until tomorrow when I get to add shakes to my clear-liquid diet. Where are you food-wise?

  7. Well, today I feel pretty good, the best so far. The gas is finally going away. I figured out how to burp. Not burping was causing much pain. Now when I feel the gas building up, I stand up, bend over & the burp will usually happen. Really happy about that. I feel pretty rested today. I'm going to walk to the store a little later, so I will let you know how I feel after that. Might have to stop at the coffee shop, too, before I head back home. Not dizzy at all. Still only on clears, so I guess my calories are only the clear broth which is no more than 50 each, 3 times a day, so i guess 150 calories a day?! Hard to believe!

  8. matilda01

    Day 5 postop

    Day 5 postop and today started out as a pretty good day but ended with a case of the blues. I found out this morning that I don't have to go back to work until after my followup with the surgeon on 4/09. My work is going to put me on disability and I'll get my full pay. Yeah! As the day progressed, I got kind of blue. Not sure why, maybe I'm sick of not feeling like myself, still having pain from trapped gas. On top of that, I feel like I have to burp really badly but nothing happens! The burp is right there, waiting to erupt, but I get no relief! Ugh. I took a 20-min walk in the sunshine and it was lovely even though it was absolutely frigid outside. Felt okay for a while after the walk but ended up in tears tonight, feeling sorry for my burpless existence. After the cry, I did feel a little better. Tomorrow is another day, maybe I will burp! :wub:
  9. Hi, I saw your post about not losing weight after surgery. I'm 5 days out & when I first got home from the hosp, I had GAINED 7 lb from day of surgery weight. Seems odd since I've only had Crystal Lite & broth (20 calories I think). I'm now down about 5 lb. I've decided to ignore the weight for now & let my body heal. I had an IV for about 30 hrs, and I still have incredible gas in my abdomen & chest which feels like 25 lb! Don't get discouraged. We'll get there. By the way, I'm also a 52-y-o medical transcriptionist. I work for the hosp where I had my surgery. I just found out today that I'll be out of work until my followup appt on 4/09. I planned to go back on Mon, 3/29, but when I called the surgeon's office to tell them I just wasn't ready, they told me I wasn't cleared to go back until my followup. Thankfully, the hospital pays 100% for short-term disability. I'm so glad I'm not self employed anymore! Let's stay in touch if you'd like.... :thumbup:

  10. I'm feeling better today. Still gassy and short of breath when talking but otherwise, not bad. Incisions are sore. I still take Lortab mostly for the gas pain. Hopefully, I'll get off that this weekend. I called the surgeon's office and told them I didn't think I could go back to work Mon and she said that I wasn't supposed to go back until I saw him in followup on 4/09. They are filing disability papers for me so I get 100% pay until I get back to work. Yeah! I was so happy to hear that! No work & full pay. My sleep is ok I guess. My hubby is in the spare bedroom for now so I have the bed to myself but I sleep for 3 hours, wake up, watch TV for an hour, sleep again. I'm still not hungry, just bored with broth. I did get some wonton soup yesterday and drank just the broth, yummy! I even had some of it for breakfast today! Enjoy your day outside! I'm going to walk around the neighborhood today since it's nice out!

  11. I think I might try some strained wonton soup for supper tonight....thanks for the idea!

  12. Nope, only clears until Monday, then I can have Carnation Instant Breakfast along with the clears. Not hungry though. I did strain some chicken noodle canned soup and the broth was delicious, but only drank about 4 ounces. I love yogurt normally (especially Greek yogurt), but I don't think I have the stomach for it yet. Gas is still kicking my butt. You sound great. How do you feel?

  13. matilda01

    Yippee! I'm on the banded side!

    I'm back! I got home a couple of hours ago and promptly took a nap. According to my surgeon, the surgery was picture perfect." Let me tell you though, the gas pain in my chest was scary awful. I felt like I couldn't breathe when I first got to my room. The nurse thinks it was because I was in the post anesthesia area for a while (due to my room not being ready). That meant I was on my gurney, flat, for about 3.5 hours after the surgery. The gas just sat on my chest I guess. Anyway, when I got to my room, the nurses had me up walking and that helped a bit. Still had to take lots of pain med by injection right up until this morning before I left for home. What everyone says is true...walking, walking helps! I can breathe better today, but deep breaths are still kinda hard. At the the hospital, every time I woke up I walked around the nurse's station over and over and over. When I woke up this morning, the gas pain in my chest was better (not gone but better). Gas-X didn't help a lick. Walking is the key! I feel kinda itchy today, not like an allergy itchy, I just find myself gently scratching my skin. Maybe I'm just dry (it's cold here again in western NY).
  14. Oh, yes! I have that feeling like I'm ready to burp and nothing happens, then the gas pain feels even worse! Well, I'm going to walk around my house for a while again and go to bed. Tomorrow will be better (or so my surgeon said, "every day you will feel better and better")
  15. I'm not hungry at all yet. I see food and it just doesn't appeal to me, so clear liquids are fine for now. Not sure how long that will last though. On Monday, I can start having Carnation Instant Breakfast along with the clears and will be on that stage until my followup appointment on 4/10. If that goes well, I will start on mushies. So I'm glad my appetite is gone, since I have a few more days to go before I can even have shakes! I'm so thankful for Lapband Talk. It seems like everytime I have a question or concern, I can make a post about it and somebody answers to reassure me!
  16. Dee, It sounds like you and I are experiencing the exact same type of gas pains. At one point in the hospital, I seriously thought I might be having a heart attack. It hurt so badly and I could only take very shallow breaths. Thankfully, that horrible feeling didn't last long. I also have that feeling of needing to burp but can't burp. I'm sleeping in a half sitting up position because lying flat just makes the gas worse. I hardly even notice the pain from the incision, it's really incidental compared to the gas pains. But it is a bit better today definitely and I'm going to keep walking. Oh, and the nurse suggested taking 10 deep breaths every hour, and while it is hard at first by the 10th breath, I am much stronger. Have you tried that?
  17. I gained, too. When I weighed myself yesterday in clothes I had gone up 7 pounds. This morning I was back down about 4 pounds. I think it has to do with the IV meds and maybe even the gas. I'm not taking in many calories at all (maybe 300 in a day because I have to stay on clear liquids until Monday). Whatever caused the gain, I'm sure it's temporary!
  18. Hi everybody, I'm banded now, too! My surgeon said my surgery went perfectly. I've had a lot of gas pain in my chest & abdomen. Yesterday was so bad I felt like I just couldn't breathe. Had to take lots of pain medicine and was on oxygen for a long while. When I finally got to my room from the post anesthesia area, the nurse got me up and walking right away and that helped. I've still been walking a lot, that is really the thing that helps the most. Still taking liquid Lortab for pain. Not sure if I will even try to wean off that until the gas calms down. I have 5 incisions that were glued closed & look pretty good, but now I'm getting some bruising, too. All in all, like most everyone else, the gas is by far the worst part of this.
  19. matilda01

    moments before going into surgery

    I think might have already had a sedative! I was a bit nervous inside but not too bad.
  20. That blotchy stuff is the surgical cleaning solution. My belly is really orange! I'm starting to get some bruising, too.
  21. I have a desk job. I transcribe medical reports all day long. That's how I first learned about lap-band surgery years ago, I transcribed the operative notes. I just put up a couple of pictures....

  22. matilda01

    No caption

    From the album: After....

  23. matilda01


    Pictures taken just before and after my lap-band?? surgery on 3/22/2010.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
