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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by iJenny

  1. So what would a typical set of meals look like post LapBand? I know obvious things like Protein and low sugar, etc. But WHAT exactly do you eat? Also, what are your big lapband-UN-friendly foods? I've heard soft breads and dry chicken. But what about pastas, rice (not exactly diet food, I know), lettuce, etc? I'm getting banded on June 9th and I suddenly have tons of questions. lol
  2. iJenny

    Lapband and Mirena IUD

    I've had my Mirena IUD for over four years now. There is no way it can "fall out" of you, but it can become displaced, meaning it falls to the bottom of your uterus and no longer works. It doesn't happen often (it did happen to me, though) and its pretty obvious when it happens (cramping, pain, etc.). As for the string, its not visible by any means. It hangs a couple of cm out of your cervix and is very soft (not stiff). As for the OP, you've got me all concerned for my surgery and my IUD now. lol I love my Mirena most of all because I don't get periods on it. It would totally suck to start getting periods again after my surgery. :thumbup:
  3. iJenny


    I got my date, ya'll! I had my consultation with my surgeon today and my date is set for June 9th... my 29th birthday! I'm waiting until June because of work (I work at an elementary school). It'll be nice not having to be dealing with work during my recovery. Plus, my parents have offered to take my boys (ages 4 & 7) on a week-long trip starting the day of my surgery so I can focus on resting and healing. I'm so excited and nervous and... EXCITED!! Wahoo!! Now, to start losing some weight pre-op so I can make my surgeon proud. lol
  4. iJenny

    Hey Ya'll!!

    Hey guys. Sorry I started this thread and then kinda ditched it. I swear it was nothing personal. :biggrin: Welcome to everyone. Congrats to those that have been banded! I hope we can all get to know each other here over the next several months. :thumbup:
  5. I've been thinking about WLS for a while now. But I only started thinking seriously about it for the last several months. Right after Christmas, my best friend in the world told me that she was considering LapBand. I was thrilled because I was as well and I thought it would be so great to go through this process together. We're as close as sisters and so I didn't think anything of it. So, cut to a couple months later when I get approved but she doesn't. Basically her BMI isn't high enough to have WLS w/o a couple of co-morbidities (which she doesn't have according to her ins. guidelines). In an instant, everything changed. We're still best friends and as close as ever EXCEPT that she has totally shut down when it comes to talking about my upcoming surgery. I know that this is hard for her. I know she's angry and sad for herself and jealous that I get the surgery and she doesn't. I really do get all that. But I guess I was just hoping that I'd have my best friend by my side through all of this. I would be right there for her and it hurts that she can't/won't be there for me, ya know? This isn't something that is going to break up our friendship (at least, not on my end), but its still very hurtful. Should I confront her about it or just let it go? Anyone dealt with this before? Advice? Maybe a few hugs?
  6. iJenny

    Sleep apnea CPAP - swollen eyes?

    Yeah, I would give the nasal mask a shot if you can sleep with your mouth closed. I've used one for three years now and I've only had puffy eyes maybe once or twice. Its worth a shot. I was a mouth-breather before I started wearing the mask and then the nature of the cpap machine caused me to start sleeping with my mouth closed.
  7. iJenny

    Sleep Apnea

    I was diagnosed with sleep apnea three years ago. I had no idea I had apnea until I woke up one night gasping for air and ended up having a panic attack. But it was all right in front of me. The snoring. The EXHAUSTION (which at the time I blamed on having a new baby). I was a mess. But I'm happy to report that I am sleeping perfectly all night long and feeling rested and happy all day long. :biggrin: The sleep study had me anxious. I was sure I would be uncomfortable with all that stuff on me. And it certainly wasn't the best night of sleep I'd ever had (went in at 9pm, in bed by 10:30, discharged at 5am). But it wasn't as bad as I thought. The mask took a few weeks to get used to. Mostly I didn't like the feeling of the air blowing into my nose and down into my lungs. The sensation of having my breath taken away took some getting used to. But after two weeks, I didn't even notice it anymore. And the truth is this... I LOVE my mask now. Can't sleep without it. I am able to sleep in any position (side, stomach, face-down, whatever). My husband is also happier because I'm not snoring and gasping anymore. But the most important thing is this... I'm finally SLEEPING. Its glorious. I had no idea how miserable sleep was for me until I was finally able to get a good nights' rest. You'll do fine and I promise you'll be so much happier after you start sleeping again.
  8. Hey! I just saw this message. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I'm in Northern Colorado basically in Fort Collins, which is where I'll be having my surgery. Dr. Quaid is my surgeon. Insurance is paying for my surgery, but out-of-pocket expenses for me could be as much as $3k. I am having my surgery the first week of June. I work at an elementary school and after school is out for summer is the best time for me to do this. Plus, I don't have to rust getting back to work, ya know?


    Where are you located? Are you self-pay? I'll bet you're getting really anxious for your surgery since its only a few weeks away! Very exciting! I can hardly wait for mine...

  9. iJenny

    My Lap-Band story, as told in newspaper

    wow, loved that! Great job!
  10. iJenny

    Hey Ya'll!!

    Yes! Its happening, ladies. Jenny and the Lizs' WILL be the hottest new chick band out there. :thumbup: Oh and ironic side-note... my best friend in the world just happens to be named Liz!
  11. I have a few small-ish ones and my concern is that they'll be really noticeable after I lose the weight since they are in my abdomen just under my ribs. Does anyone have any experience with lypomas (fatty tissue deposits) after you've lost the weight? I almost wish I could ask my surgeon to just take the suckers out during my banding but I dunno.
  12. iJenny

    Crazy Skinny Goals!

    These are so inspiring! Here are a few of mine... 1. Take my sons (4 & 7) to DisneyWorld and ride every.single.ride they want to go on. And never have that horrifying moment of "ohmygod, I don't think I'm going to fit". 2. Shop at any damn skinny-girl store I want to instead of trolling Lane Bryant for the sales. 3. Start hiking and biking. I live in Colorado and I'm ashamed that I don't get to enjoy the amazing outdoor activities that surround me. 4. But sexy bras and panties from Victoria's Secret (and show them off to the hubby *wink*) 5. Walk into my 20 year HS reunion (just had the 10 yr this past summer) and have NO ONE recognize me because I look so hot and skinny!
  13. iJenny

    Hey Ya'll!!

    Thanks for responding girls! Its good to know I'm not out here in space all by my lonesome. So, HI!! I hope we get to know each other well as we begin our journeys!
  14. When I was 19 I had a breast reduction. And I loved my new size (full c). But then I had kids and gained weight and my breasts have grown up to a D (maybe even DD). One of the things I'm looking forward to about losing weight is hopefully getting my boobs back down to the size they were after my reduction 10 years ago. So, I'm wondering what the outcome has been for all of you ladies who have lost weight. How much did you weigh and what was your cup size before surgery? How quickly did your breasts start to shrink? And what weight and cup size are you now? Thanks in advance ladies! Oh, and for the guys that snuck in here to read the "Ladies Only" question about boobs (and we know you're in here ) .... shame on you.
  15. iJenny

    Question for the Ladies...

    See, I don't want to be flat. I like my curves. I like my boobs. I like having cleavage. But I had the surgery for a reason and its my own fault they're big again. I want 'em back where the good doc put 'em. :smile2:
  16. I'm officially in information-gathering mode. And one thing I want to know from all of you who have "been-there-done-that" with LapBand sugergy is this... What is the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly that you didn't know about WLS until *after* your LapBand surgery? Mostly, what bad/ugly thing did you not know about or understand until you experienced it firsthand? What do you wish you had been warned about before your surgery? What side-effect/complication/result/experience were you not expecting? Thanks so much, ya'll! You have no idea how helpful all this information is.
  17. iJenny


    Thanks to all who have replied to this thread. Its so good to hear the good *and* the bad about this experience. Its so encouraging to hear your stories and know that I, too, can have my life back. Oh, and LOL about the fear of plastic patio chairs. I can totally relate!
  18. iJenny

    The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    Thanks! Thats exactly what I was talking about! Also, I read the hair-loss thread. Thats another example of the kind of stuff I'm wondering about.
  19. Hi there! I'm *very* new to this process and am in the early stages of meeting with my doctor, having consultations, etc. I was wondering if anyone here had their banding done in Northern Colorado? If so, who was your surgeon?

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