Hi everyone! And it is sooo awesome to see everyone losing so much weight!! You must feel great and very proud!:wink2:
I am 49 and for most of my adult life i have been overweight. I am 5' tall and currently weigh 183. And that is up from 177 last month. Such is my life and weight loss and gain! At my largest, I weighed 225 and that was when i was hypothyroid after I had RAI done. I have been euthyroid for about 7 years now but recently had to switch from Armours Thyroid which is a natural hormone to a synthetic. It seems to make me hungrier and I am gaining despite eating Atkins. :lol2: I have been on Atkins for 3 years now, with my doctors good graces, and CANNOT lose anymore weight. Talk about a stall! :yikes: That 177 last month was my smallest since I can remember.
But I was wondering and know some of you can tell me - if I want to lose 60 pounds and keep it off, would that be considered enough weight to lose using the band??? Will the docs just look at me and laugh? :tongue:Or do some of you only have that much to lose in the first place? My primary and my endocronologist both have my Atkins journey in my medical files.
Sorry that was so long but i am really curious. I will have to get a second mortgage to pay for it as my insurance does not cover the surgery. So you can bet I am going to research this to death! :tongue2:
Thanks and nice to meet everyone!