I hope so. Just worried it'll be tight again tomorrow. Only because every day at least one meal went down. I swear water nwver tasted So good. I may be running to the rest room all night but boy will it be worth it
I had avoided my Dr for months because I wasn't doing what I was supposed to so after about 6 months I bit the bullet and decided to face the music. I had a fill on friday don't ask why this was the only time i didnt ask how much. Anyway I stuck to liquids and attempted mushies Saturday. Oddly I was having issues with liquids all day hot/cold except for the fact that I was able to eat once a day a meal of mashed potato and tilapia. Same experience Sunday and Monday. Today its Monday I figured one last try before i call dr so I ate egg salad which went down smoothly and said let me push it and after 20minutes I drank water. It went down so well I quickly grabbed for more water as is not been able too. Could my band have miraculously adjusted or will I possibly going to back to square one tomorrow. Has anyone experienced this. I hope I didn't lose anyone, its kind of hard typing on my phone.
Not getting the unfill could be why you aren't losing. The fact that you have to monitor when and if you can get food down is a clear sign you are too tight. You are not losing, so why fight the unfill. I recently had to get an unfill and it obviously caused me to eat more because I couldn't get enough down. Since unfill I'm back to losing and no longer letting the band control me. It's supposed to help you not hinder you.
I'm down 80 lbs and yes I can feel my port without effort. Not sure why, and my surgeon couldn't explain, But there are times where it pertrudes more then others. Not so much where others notice, but just enough to where I can tell.
Doctor gave me antibiotics in gel caps and said to stick to musinex (off brand). She said the off brand could be broken or crushed due to not being time release. I'm sick of soup and tea but not doing so well on cold stuff right now.
So I had a fill a week ago today so I was already gradually getting into eating solids. Today is day 3 of having a horrible sinus infection. Band is definitely tighter due to being sick as the only thing that is going down is hot liquids such as tea and soups. I've taken meds with these items to ease them down. Since I can get these fluids down, should I tough it out or call for an unfill. Ive heard various things such as get an unfill to weigh it out, it'll fix itself. Has this happened to you and what did you do? Almost a year post-op and hadn't had a bug thus bad. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Tomorrow is my day and up until now I've been calm. I am truly scared today. I've never had any form of surgery and outside if weight issue I only have sleep apnea. It will also be my first stay at a hospital which I have to do because of my sleep apnea. I think ill be up all night. I'm starring to het somewhat scared.
My surgery is tomorrow and the nerves are starting to unravel. I've been to calm and u knew it wouldn't last. I've never had surgery before EVER. I don't thinly i'll b sleeping tonight. It'll also be my first night staying in a hospital. they are keeping me overnight due to my sleep apnea