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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by antonelladg

  1. Hello, Ive been doing research about the Lap Band surgery over a year now and had some questions regarding: Single Incision: Any comments? Can you see the scar? Does you belly button go back to normal? Did the doctor sway you either way (to go with normal incision surgery over single incision?) Dr Geiss of Long Island: Have you performed single incision surgery with him? Was there an additional cost (after insurance coverage)? (Obviously this all depends on what type of insurance one has, but does any insurance cover single incision surgery? I have Horizon Blue Cross/ Blue Shield) Thanks!
  2. Hi everyone! I have been doing Lap Band research for about a year now and was wondering where the best port location would be, to avoid it protruding after weight loss. Obviously a low profile port would be best; but any experiences, recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Also, during pregnancy has anyone seen it stick out? Haven't been able to find many (if any pictures) concerning these issues. I greatly greatly appreciate everyone's in-put. Thanks!
  3. antonelladg

    Belching Forever?

    And btw, congrats on all your success!
  4. antonelladg

    Belching Forever?

    I am considering banding and continue to try to answer all the questions that prevent me from moving forward. I have a friend who was banded a year ago now and is 7 months pregnant. She always had a bit of an issue with indigestion and belching (even out loud at times) and seems to have no control over it. Now with the band its even more so an issue, and occurs all the time. Is this something that can be avoid? Do certain foods cause it more? Does everyone experience this? Does it go away with time? If someone was already susceptible before, would they be moreso now? I'm not sure I would want to live this way, if its nothing something that cant be control (in example work environment, and places and situations that it just wouldn't be respectful to do in). Appreciate everyones feedback!
  5. antonelladg

    Belching Forever?

    You're right. She is the only person I'm basing my opinion on. Its hard to tell if its something that exists before that now is just magnified since after surgery. But thought that it was rather alarming and not something I want to live experiencing. Im borderline a candidate (BMI 35.8) and no serious co-morbidess (or not serious enough). I'm 33 and don't have kids. Ive slowly but surely have gained weight for various reasons. Ultimately its been such a battle that I don't want it to continue to depresses me and want to end the battle. Im definitely someone who can eat and dont have a sweet tooth; so thats the benfit (in regards to being a candidate for the band). On the other hand, I'm addicted to carbs! However, like everyone else- I'm on the fence (due to the surgery and long term effects). There doesn't seem to be enough studies on those that have had it for a long time; which is disheartening. Its such a hard decision to make.
  6. This question is geared to those who have been banded at least a year and preferably much more. Something I don't see much of are long-term bansters and their experience. After reaching a 'sweet spot', do you ever get to a point where you dont feel like youre deprived of food? Are you able to eat or 'taste'? Does eating become more of a task/chore? Or do you feel like you're always focused on what/how you eat and it never becomes second nature? Also, does it eventually kill your hunger?
  7. Thank you all for your replies; I really appreciate it. Ultimately I guess it really all depends on multiple factors and even then its hard to decipher the outcome.
  8. Thank you all for your feedback; I greatly appreciate it. I don't have a long torso, as I am only 5'1", so hopefully single incision is something that would work for me. I asked because I want to avoid more scars then necessary; especially since I probably would be able to wear a bikini-if/when the weight it lost; aside from not wanting anyone to know I had the surgery. If single incision is available, why not opt for that instead of having more scars? Not knowing whether or not the doctor would be able to perform a single incision until the day of surgery would be something I have to really think about first and possibly wait on doing. Thanks again.

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