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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Mz.Boop

  1. Did God want you to be a missionary? Did He call you to do that? Did God intend for you to be married? God is in control. He is the potter and we are the clay. A potter has the right to do whatever he wants with his clay. He can make something for a special occasion or something for everyday use from the same lump of clay. He determines what will happen in your life. Rejoice, for God has a special purpose for your life.

    I agree with 100%. Me myself I lost my husband at a young age. I could've been angry at God. He has a reason to do the things he does. We are his clay and he loves and molds us. Everybody got a different opinion about God, I know he keeps me everyday I been laid off a year and he's still keeping me.

  2. Throughout history there have been many gods, but they are all dead reproductions made out of cement or other materials . . . BUT I serve a living God, the Creator of all, one that come to earth and became a man, Jesus. Died for our sins return to Heaven and sits on the right hand of God. God is real and He lives within my heart. God is the best 3 in one- God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I would not want to live one day in this world without Him. If you do not know Him you do not know what you are missing.


  3. I am not down a jean size yet...but they are baggy. However I was at work yesterday (thank God I had pants on and not a skirt or anything) and my underweat kept falling down :lol:!! Obviously not the whole way down cause of the jeans I had on, but had to keep hiding to pull them up :thumbdown:.

    Now that's funny!:thumbup:

  4. Hey, Ladies

    My surgery is on the 22th of this month. I'm excited also I was afraid to tell my mom I finally did and she was very supportive. I'm feeling so good right now. Now you know what will make my day if someone could tell me how to put the ticker and art work on my page. Lol!

    We're going to do this ladies and I pray for each and everyone of us.

    Be Blessed!

  5. Hello,

    1. Feb.22

    2. Chicago, Il

    3. Dr. Elli

    4. Insurance and out of pocket(appox. $2,500)

    5. 39 and 5'8

    6. current weight 288 goal weight 170

    7. I want to feel more comfortable in public places and feel good about myself.

    8. I have support from most people but afraid to tell my mother. I going to have to tell her soon because she's going to have to take me to the surgery.

    9. Concerned about band slipping, my body not accepting it.

    I'm getting banded with a good friend of mines. Me and her both decided its time for a change. I prayed about this for along time. I just have to put my faith in the Lord's hands. We're going to do great!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
