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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by llwotb

  1. llwotb

    Goodbye Letter to Food

    Good luck to you! Conquer your anxiety and doubt. You will be fine and will enjoy the benefits. For me it was kneeling. Can't tell you how long prior to surgery I was unable to kneel. I can kneel and do all sorts of things that I was limited on doing.
  2. llwotb

    Goodbye Letter to Food

    Congratulations! You can do it. I don't look it at as "giving up food". A cheat now and then isn't so bad. Remember, moderation. The first couple of months will be hard. I had my lapband done 12/21/2009. What a stupid time of year. I missed out on the traditional family fare. That was my breakdown, but have been great ever since. Good luck and stay healthy!
  3. llwotb

    Very Concerned- Please Read!

    Hi, I am two years out with the lapband. Initially I made a decision that I was going to go for broke. I followed the program with no problems. I believe it depends on your doctor and your will to be healthy. I will admit that I lost over 100 pounds the first year. That is unheard of. For the most part my band was installed with 2 thingys of Fluid. I am currently at 7, my doctor will go to 10. I am currently slipping back into bad ways of eating. (I am a stress eater). I don't know if your doctor allows you to drink with a meal or not, I have never (until recently). I think my main confusion came prior to the surgery as it was for both gastro and lapband proceedures. Whatever you do, don't eat to fast or to heavy, which would make you sick to your stomache. Good luck
  4. llwotb

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    Hi I got that same pain when I first had the lapband. I am two years out and on occassion still get a twinge now and then. I don't worry about it as the port is close to the surface. My dotors also like to press on it, which gets it to feeling sore. Good luck!

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