Hello Helen, my name is Anu and I am from Canada. Firstly let me congratulate you on your decision. Well done. I was banded exactly a week ago and I can tell you - so far I have had nothing totally out of the expected happen - so no complaints. In fact I have a sense of pride that I have finally taken my life in my hands.
I am a self pay too - with a package similar to yours - fills, etc for life.
The pre-op is not fun - let me be honest about it - but is worth it - makes surgery safer and does kick start weight loss - so I wouldn't cheat on it. I lost 10 lbs on pre-op. Stay connected to this site - it makes it easier being able to connect with people in similar circumsatances. You will be amazed by the bonds you will create here.
Telling people - only my best friend, my sister, my husband and my parents know. My best friend and sister are both a size 2-4 - so they the see the point. My hubby has been very supportive too. My parents were the most difficult to tell - they were more worried about the dangers of surgery, malnutrition, etc ,etc. They are my parents -some of the worrying comes the territory - I would think. A little education on the surgery, etc and they were more comfortable. Now they are as excited as I am for me on this new journey!! I am blessed with their support.
The ticker tape - some kind and helpful user on this site has posted instructions at http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/ticker-tutorial-pictures-41782/.
Again Helen, good luck and welcome to the group!:mad: