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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Anul

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 01/01/1971

About Me

  • City
  • State
    Ontario, Canada
  1. Happy 42nd Birthday Anul!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday Anul!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary Anul!

  4. I have never gotten stuck. I was banded on Jan 13, 2010 - and fortunately had none of the problems others have mentioned. I consider myself blessed and am hoping that does not change! Cheers!
  5. I had almost the exact thing happen to me. My doc had me take milk of magnesia. 1 dose - did it for me. havent had to take it since either - this was almost 2 weeks ago. Hope you are relieved soon and put out of your discomfort and pain!
  6. Thanks for that TinaM. Would be able to tell me what brand/model? I looked online and they have a bunch to choose from. :thumbup:
  7. Hello all, I am wondering if anybody could help me identify a reliable weighing scale which does not cost the earth? I have one - but I suspect it is not accurate. Thanks Anu
  8. Hi I was banded on jan 13 and for almost a week after surgery I had muscles spasms in my legs and stomach. But they passed. Make sure you are getting your vitamins - and get your rest. Good luck on your journey!
  9. I am 11 days post-op. Just came back from a follow-up appointment. While I have healed well - I haven't lost any weight since the pre-op diet. :smile2: Thankfully - I haven't put any on either. My surgeon is not worried about it - but I am. I am still on mushies. He has asked me not to worry about it for another 2 weeks. Is this normal?? Anybody else there in my boat?? :confused:
  10. Really glad to know that you are doing better! TAke care and do let us know what your surgeon says.
  11. Anul

    Any January 2010 Bandsters????

    Hello Helen, my name is Anu and I am from Canada. Firstly let me congratulate you on your decision. Well done. I was banded exactly a week ago and I can tell you - so far I have had nothing totally out of the expected happen - so no complaints. In fact I have a sense of pride that I have finally taken my life in my hands. I am a self pay too - with a package similar to yours - fills, etc for life. The pre-op is not fun - let me be honest about it - but is worth it - makes surgery safer and does kick start weight loss - so I wouldn't cheat on it. I lost 10 lbs on pre-op. Stay connected to this site - it makes it easier being able to connect with people in similar circumsatances. You will be amazed by the bonds you will create here. Telling people - only my best friend, my sister, my husband and my parents know. My best friend and sister are both a size 2-4 - so they the see the point. My hubby has been very supportive too. My parents were the most difficult to tell - they were more worried about the dangers of surgery, malnutrition, etc ,etc. They are my parents -some of the worrying comes the territory - I would think. A little education on the surgery, etc and they were more comfortable. Now they are as excited as I am for me on this new journey!! I am blessed with their support. The ticker tape - some kind and helpful user on this site has posted instructions at http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/ticker-tutorial-pictures-41782/. Again Helen, good luck and welcome to the group!:mad:
  12. Hang in there Just-Ice. And I am glad that you are doing the appropriate thing by going to the ER. I will pray you feel better soon. For me - I thankfully had no complications at all - in fact the surgeon told me I was real good and did not need a hernia repair either. The big trouble they had with me was finding a vein and my forearm is all black and blue from trying!! I did have belly pain on 13th, gas and belly pain since. But both have subsibed. I have not thrown up once and I am extremely thankful for that. Since I am allergic to dust - sneezing is common - and that hurts!! But, I am taking it with a pinch of salt and waiting to feel better. Just Ice hang in there - things will get better!
  13. Hello all, Here I am reporting post-op. Was scheduled for 9.40am on Jan 13, but reschduled for 12 noon. Was out of surgery at 1 pm in recovery for 2 hours after. Was at home in my own bed at 4 pm. Sore, tired, some pain - nothing unbearable. Fortunately did not need hiatal hernia repair. Some gas pain. Now, I am really excited about the journey ahead and the transformation to a whole new me!!
  14. Congratulations Jon - Good for you! I am getting banded tomorrow and with my nerves all over the place right now. You results are definitely hugely encouraging!! Thanks Anu
  15. I get banded on Jan 13th too! Yes, i am scared, nervous, hungry, etc, etc - but truly I am excited - to start a whole new life! Good luck to all here!:smile2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
