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LAP-BAND Patients
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About shonette

  • Rank
    Bariatric Guru

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a 40yr. wife & mother of two beautiful kids and a grandson
  • Gender
  • Interests
    I really enjoy working with at risk youths and the youths in my church. I really like to make a difference in the lives of others.
  • Occupation
    I work as the Residents Services Director at a residential facility for the elderly. I really enjoy working with this population. It really makes me appreciate where I am in my life. That's one of the main reasons I want the band!
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  1. shonette help i had my surgery on the 3rd of aug and my fill sept 15 now i really dont fill any diffrent! how are you supposed to fill after eating? do you have alot of gas? do u sometimes fill your band or have pains in that area? what do you eat? im eating pretty healty but i always have its the snacking that ruins me! but i thought that i would only be able to take a couple of bites and b full or drink a protien shake and b full for a couple hours! so not the case! i dont know how im supposed to fill help!

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