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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shonette

  1. I am praying that God keep and bless you through your surgery. My prayers are with you and I am here if you need me!

  2. How are you? I got your private message and I do have your email. Thanks. You are so sweet.

  3. shonette

    It is true- " My doctor knows best"!

    Today I had my second fill of two more cc in my band. I now have a total of 4ccs in a 10cc standard band. I was given a four day diet to follow by my doctor to allow my stomach to adjust to my new fill. Keep in mind- I had not eaten due to following the rules not to eat anything 2 hours before my fill. Well, if you could imagine I was starving and my stomach had been talking all mooring long. When I returned to work, I decided for lunch to eat outside of his 4 day diet plan and have about 3oz of cream soup and two bites of boil lemon pepper fish. Ooooooh my God my stomach started hurting like never before. :eek:I felt for a brief moment I would need some medical attention. It was very difficult for me to walk back to my office. I was praying for God to please forgive me for my hard headedness. It was like I had swallowed a rock. :scared2:I had never ever experienced that kind of pain with food before since my band, and I really never want to experience it again. I will follow that diet like he prescribed for the next four days. I am starting to feel a little better, but now it's just like I've over eaten terribly. I guess from that experience I have pretty good restriction with my new fill. From this point forward I will listen to my doctor!!!!! (DIET) Fill day: n/a breakfast/ no lunch/ cream soup dinner Friday: protein shake/ cream soup lunch/ regular soup dinner Saturday: protein shake/ regular soup lunch / soft food dinner Sunday: protein shake/ soft food lunch/ regular food dinner
  4. shonette

    It feels like Christmas

    I was banded on 7-21-2010, and I had so many doubts and dreams at the same time about getting my band! Since November of last year until June 2010, I could only imagine what my life would be like after getting my band. I read so many blogs of other's success and what worked and what was working for them. I would look at their weight ticker trackers and only pray that God would give me the same success. Weight has always been the monster lurking in my inter closet. I have always had to be very aware of my eating habits my entire life. Since 1997 I have never loved the image that stared back at me in the mirror. There were several times I would refuse to look at my body in it's entirety in the mirror. I hated the image that stared back at me. I felt like it was another person locked inside of this fat body. I wanted so desperately to set that imprisoned person free, but I was never successful at freeing the real me. God is so good to me in so many ways. He wants each and every single person to live life to its fullest. The road I was traveling was not the plan God had for my life. I had to take a very long, hard, and honest look at myself before the healing for me could begin. I thank God that he opened my eyes to a newer way to live my life. I want to be healthy inside and out. I had to first start with a lot of mental changes before my body would change. I had to first come to terms with my fat girl issues. I thank God every single day for this band. I heard so many people say it's only a tool, but the true work is up to the individual. I understand what that means to the fullest now. I have something in place to enable me to recognize my food limitations. I really understand that my food choices are so important, and I can't afford my choices to be empty calories. God is opening my eyes up in so many areas when it comes to my weight issues and the unhealthy foods I was eating. I do understand this is a daily walk, but it’s one walk I do not mind making. I offer the things I have learned and will learn to people around me who want a better way to live their life. I do know this is a long road I am traveling on, but I’m up for the challenge. All I can say over and over again, I thank God for giving me this chance to do a lot of wrong things over again. I want every single person who is considering being band or those who have their dates set; don't give up because the fight is worth fighting. I do thank GOD every single day for my band! I do know the best is yet to come for me in my life. I feel like this is an early Christmas gift. Be encouraged, stay focused, and know God has your back!
  5. shonette


    You look really good. You have done a great job.
  6. shonette

    me 252

    You look great!
  7. How are you doing? I just wanted to see how things were going with you. I pray all is well. Chat with you later!

  8. shonette

    8.9.10 28 weeks post op 223#

    You look really great. It's a big difference from your before and after pics. Great Job!
  9. Thanks so much for the concern and support. I've learned my lesson to wait and listen to instructions given after a fill.

  10. shonette

    It is true- " My doctor knows best"!

    Thanks so much and believe me - I've learned my lesson!
  11. Thanks for the encouraging pic comment. I love the way you have your page designed. Love, love, love it....... Great job. Honey you also look great. You are a very pretty woman, but your new pics makes such a differencce with your new look. I go back on Thursday for my second fill and I am really praying for a lot more restriction. Again, thanks.

  12. I do have a Zumba DVD that I am starting to workout with. It's seems to be very fun and it mixes the workout up so things don't get so boring. I pray things continue to go really well for you.

    page 3

  13. I do thank God that the band is helping to control my food portions, but sometimes I want the wrong things any way. I am praying to make the right food choices, but God knows I am not wanting to. This weekend was really difficult for me, because I didn't go any where this entire long weekend. I had to keep my grand baby so my daughter could work. page 2

  14. You go girl! That is great that you are already walking that far! I have lost about 28 pounds, but I have a problem with edema which causes my weight to go up and down due to the excessive water. I just left my doctor's appt today and he put me back on a low dose water pill (Maxzide). I want to lose a total of 80 pounds to feel comfortable with myself. People are always saying how great I look, but sometimes I feel like nothing has really changed at all. page 1

  15. Thanks for visiting my site. Have you been band or are you in the process of being approved for the band?

  16. shonette

    with my hubby

    You two make a really cute couple! If you don't mind me asking what size are you in that pic. Honey, you don't look big at all!
  17. Thanks so much for the picture comment. I purchased that dress two sizes too smalls months before my surgery and it fits now! (LOL) You are such a beautiful person and you really don't look over weight at all in your pictures. I am 6"1 and I am able to hide my weight due to my height. A lot of people did not believe how much I truly weighed. I keep God first and my faith strong in this band journey. You are doing so well. I really do realize for me it is more mental than anything! I have a lot of personal issues that I am dealing with that encourages me to eat for comfort.

  18. I am sooo happy to hear you are doing so well. The weight comes off really quickly when you are not on solid foods, but that's great because your band has to heal. Once I was able to start on real food, I really had to make very healthy food choices. I have pretty good restriction and it takes very little to get me satisfied. Therefore, I have to eat my protein first, veggies, and if there is any room fruit or starch. I have lost 2 sizes and the edema in my legs and feet have gotten so much better. I can finally wear cute dresses and not feel self conscious about the swelling. I was banded on 7-21-2010, and I still have so much to learn about being band. My second fill is on 9-09-2010. I am praying for that sweet spot! I pray God makes this a successful journey. I do need to kick up my work outs!

  19. How are you doing Marw?

    Georgia weather is very nice lately. It's cooler in the afternoons which make it very pleasant to spend some outdoor fun with my five year old son. If we did not have mosquitoes things would be perfect. I feel the same way about my band. It is making life so much easier when it comes to food. I don't have the came desires and caving like I once did. If I eat my food really slowly, I am full within a couple of spoonfuls of whatever I am eating. I am losing several inches all over my body. I go for my second fill on 9-9-10. I am hoping things will really pick up for me then. Keep me posted on your progress.

  20. shonette

    me may 2010

    You look great. Nice pic
  21. Thanks so much for the nice comments. I pray all is well with you!

  22. shonette

    It's Okay to Acknowledge change

    This weight lost journey is very new to me. I have failed miserably for years trying to lose weight. Therefore, it's not easy for me to accept the positive comments people are saying to me about the weight I have lost. I still look into the mirror, and I see a little difference. I still think to myself "it's not all that much of a difference"! The scale is really not moving fast, but I think it's mostly inches that are coming off. I do admit my clothes are very loose and a couple of things I can't even wear any more. I do know that is a good thing, but it is still very hard to see that thinner me. I look into the mirror and I still see all those fat rolls, humps, and fat in areas I don't want it to be in. I don't want to get the "big head” as some people often say to me, but I am proud of the changes I have made. At times I want his weight to come off over night, but I know that isn't going to happen and it would be healthy if it did. When a person has spent so much of their life being over weight, you just want to experience a different side of life. This whole process is more mental than I ever anticipated it to be. I realize that food has different meaning to me for different reasons. It is a comforter, it gives me pleasure, it occupy me when I am bored, and most of all it can't tell me no. For all those reasons food has to be redefined with a different purpose and need in my life. I am a work in progress! This site is so wonderful to have in my life. Thanks to all those wonderful and inspiring people that let me know I can do this.
  23. shonette

    It's Okay to Acknowledge change

    I really do appreciate all of the wonderful comments and encouragement from everyone. I do know it is very important to stay true to who you really are and don't try to measure yourself up with anyone else.
  24. Thanks so much for the positve comment.

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