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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by shonette

  1. DIET)

    Fill day: n/a breakfast/ no lunch/ cream soup dinner

    Friday: protein shake/ cream soup lunch/ regular soup dinner

    Saturday: protein shake/ regular soup lunch / soft food dinner

    Sunday: protein shake/ soft food lunch/ regular food dinner

    part 2

  2. A diet after a fill allows your system to adjust to the new restriction change from the added saline. Due to the added restriction there will be some minor swelling around your band, and the diet helps to make the transition easier for your band. Every doctor is a little different but my dr. outlines a strict diet that he requires his patients to follow. part 1

  3. shonette

    Over fill- 5 days of hell

    I had my second fill on last Thursday, and I was experiencing some difficulty swallowing liquids and foods. I thought maybe it was from eating something that I should've eaten based on my fill diet. Maybe that had apart to play in my stomach becoming too irrigated to tolerate any foods or liquids going down. However, I was always told liquids should always go do. Well, that was not the case for me. By Friday morning, anything I put in my mouth was not going down no matter what I did. This was the very first time I have ever had to vomit since my surgery. The next few things I am about to say may sound a little nasty but this was my experience. There was foamy/slimy substance coming up due to things not pasting through my esophagus. I had the worst pain in the center of my chest that you just could not imagine. I continued to say to myself things were going to get better. I started to go to the ER on several occasions, but I did not want the long wait or the ER bill. I prayed for Monday to come like never before. I can not remember being that miserable in a very long time. Nothing I did seemed to make my situation better. My every focus was on how to get some fluids down without all of the awful chest pains. It would take me about 3 hours to slip on a 16 oz bottle of water praying it was not going to come back in with all of the foamy/slimy action going on. Thank God Monday morning came and I called my doctor's office first thing that morning. I was first told to continue to slip water and come in on Tuesday morning at 9am. I told her to let my doctor know he would be coming to meet me in the ER sometime that day. I could not take it any longer. Soon after our conversation I received a phone call stating he would meet me ASAP. I went to the center and he asked if I had eaten anything outside of his fill diet and I stated yes. He explained that could have caused my system to swell and increase more swelling to the band area. He took only 1cc out of my band and instantly I could feel my insides changing. I felt like a brand new person. Today am able to drink and eat just fine. I want good restriction, but being too tight is the worst thing in the world for any band person to experience. I still feel like I have pretty good restriction with the 3cc in my band.
  4. How are you doing?

  5. Yes, I feel a lot better. I had to go to the hospital Monday morning and have 1cc taken out. I had an over fill. Everything is back on track- thank God for that. Thanks for the picture comment. You are such a sweet and encouraging person.

  6. Diva, You are to sweet. Comments like that really push me to work harder with my band. Again, Thanks.
  7. Hellow Chriper, thanks for the friend request. I read you are scheduled for the 29th for your surgery. I pray everything goes well and your band brings you as much happiness as my band is bringing me. The road is not easy but the help is worth every single thing you will have to go through. May God bless and keep you from the being to the end.

  8. I am glad your new fill is providing you with the restriction you need to lose weight.

  9. Thanks for your comment on my blog. I do have a question for you if you don't mind me asking. What size band do you have? My band is a standard 10cc band and after my surgery I felt a little restriction. Therefore, I think a lot of differences among people vary on their band size & tolerance levels. Different things do or don't work for everyone. I do go back on 9-30-10 for my third fill. I don't know if my doctor will give me any more right now, but I do know from my over fill experience it's better for me to take it slow. My doctor want to push me to becoming tighter, but it's not a big deal for me any more. I just want to be healthy and able to function with my band. As long as the weight and inches are coming off am good.

  10. shonette

    Me 334

    You are such a pretty person and your hard work is really paying off. Great Job!
  11. shonette

    9.13.10 33 weeks post op 217#

    Honey, you look great and I know you are so proud of yourself. Things are only going to get better for you.
  12. shonette

    Too much!

    Seby- let me tell you from personal experience. You have been over filled and the only way to correct all the things you are going through is to have some taken out. I hate that I allowed myself to go through 5 days of hell for a simple fix. I was seen Monday morning by my doctor and within seconds he removed 1cc and my whole life changed back to normal. I still have pretty good restriction, but things are going down the way they should. Make sure you follow up with your doctor so some of the saline can be removed and things will go back to normal instantly. Good luck.
  13. shonette

    Banded Aug 13, 2010

    Well, I had my second fill on 9-9-10 and it was an over fill which was an experience from H---! However, 1cc was taken out and Lord knows I feel so much better. However the weight will slow down once you start to eat real food. You have to remember those first couple of weeks is not reality of what you will be eating for the rest of your life (clear liquids, popsicles, soft food, etc). That’s just to allow your insides to heal and adjust to all the new changes it has gone through, but once the real foods are introduced back into your system the body tense to hold on to it a lot more. That's why it's very important to take in your appropriate amount of protein throughout the day. I found being as active in everything I do really helps to burn calories throughout the day and take your multi-vitamins daily. The weight will come off. It will be weeks that I see no weight lost and I get on the scale and 5 pounds are gone. Learn not to measure so much according to what the scale says, but the way your clothes are fitting you. These are some things that have worked for me. Good luck.
  14. shonette

    ok nerves...2 more days....

    My prayers are with you and I am asking God to watch over you throughout your surgery. Good luck.
  15. shonette

    The Big Event..My First Fill

    I have had my second fill as of 9-9-10 which turned out to be an over fill. I had to take 1cc out this past Monday. I now feel sooooooooooo much better. How much restriction are you feeling with the 3cc you were given. I have a standard 10cc band and I have a total of 3cc in it at this time. I have pretty good restriction and it takes so much less than before to satisfy me. I pray everything goes well for you.
  16. shonette

    Banding and dating?

    If he really cares about you as a person, he will support you in this weight lost process. Therefore, you need to be honest and let him know. Like stated prior by PrairieDawn- if he isn't not supportive or understanding of you having the band get rid of him early. When people really love and care for you, they want the very best for you as well.
  17. shonette

    i have to pay 20%

    It will never hurt for you to ask to see what options you may have. Good luck.
  18. shonette

    Over fill- 5 days of hell

    I really do appreciate everyone's concern and kind words. I do thank God that 1cc made such a huge difference in the way I felt and continue to feel. I've heard so many people wanting to get really tight, but that's not a healthy place for me to be. I have my next appointment on September 30th for my third fill, but I don't think I need to consider getting any more fill at this time. My doctor did encourage me not to be fearful of another fill due to the previous experience I had in the past. I have learned not to judge my future by my past experiences.
  19. Thanks so much for your kind words. I am praying that everything works out well for you. Those chest pains are awful and somewhat scary as well. Keep me updated to the results of your chest x-rays. The main goal is weight lost but not at the expense of good health!

  20. shonette

    Over fill- 5 days of hell

    I do apologize to anyone who read my post earlier. For some reason my blog was entered in the mist of me typing. I had not had an opportunity to edit or complete the blog. Therefore, I do apologize to those who read an incomplete and unedited blog. Again thanks for reading my post.
  21. For some reason my post was entered before I was able to complete it or edit any errors. Please go back to read the corrected post. Thanks.

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